More vocal progress!!(which keeps getting more surreal)

Man I really am starting to feel the confidence connection and the growth my voice has been through it's definitely all in the singing and KTVA really is the way to go lol. Hopefully I can enroll in the course soon. Fingers crossed here's the first I sang right after I did a couple warm ups this morning.
NSN-big city dreams(cover)
NSN-big city dreams(cover)

You still have some Pitch issues, can be fixed with better support I feel you were out of breath on some parts, it felt pretty shaky on some high notes, and some chest to head transitions could be a bit smoother. You could probably modify some vowels to make it easier.
Just keep practicing and you'll be a lot better. You know what they say, You are your best critic, so take a look at what you can improve and do so, and you'll boost your voice up in no time!
All the best,
Step two, I would do what I could to get into this course. Singers do need proper training if they want to sound good, and this is the course to get that from.
I started seeing results within a few days. I was in shock, and still pinch myself sometime.
By the way, what type of guitar is that? I think that is the very first time I've seen an acoustic guitar with a maple neck.
Peace, Tony