Drummer question
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How do you tune your drums?
For example: I tune my bass drum (kick) to an E, my snare to an A, high tom to a D, low tom to an E, floor tom to an A. Anybody else do this? or do you just tune them until you like to way it sounds? I'm Just curious how others do things.
I like to have my drums in tune with the bass is why I tune mine this way. I like the way the deep sounds thump against each other.
Looking forward to some of the answers.
Peace, Tony
For example: I tune my bass drum (kick) to an E, my snare to an A, high tom to a D, low tom to an E, floor tom to an A. Anybody else do this? or do you just tune them until you like to way it sounds? I'm Just curious how others do things.
I like to have my drums in tune with the bass is why I tune mine this way. I like the way the deep sounds thump against each other.
Looking forward to some of the answers.
Peace, Tony
Smallest tom tuned like a timbale, then a C, an A, an E, and either a low A or a G.
Lots of songs have lots of C's or G's in them, and of course Rock songs often ride on an A or E. The C and G tend to go together.
I do like to just tune until I get the best sound, but often I play with a 3-piece band, and riding a tom on an E or A can help to allow the guitarist to lay off the chords while he solos.
I ask because I was in a studio once, and the guy wanted me to re-do my whole tuning because of a hum we later discovered was from a floor tom, and we ended up just putting a piece of tape on it.
I play mostly classic rock, and the majority of songs are in the key of E, and A.
I noticed the difference right away. The way the sound of the drums were thumping with the bass was incredibly cleaner, and tighter.
Yes you do have to keep checking the tuning, but it's like that with my other instruments too so it's not much of a bother.
Peace, Tony
To me, tuning drums isnt like tuning a stringed instrument because there are no hard and fast conventions like concert pitch to contend with. In my opinion, tuning to a definite pitch isnt worth the energy because it would create absolute chaos with any song that is not harmonically cohesive. If the bassist is peddling in A and your kick is tuned to a defined pitch of B flat or C, chances are it's gonna create some sort of psycho-acoustic cacophony. What if the piece modulates? Do you need a second kick tuned to resonate sympathetically with that section of the tune?
Admittedly, I have never bothered to go all-in on the defined pitch thing so my perspective is anecdotal. Not criticizing anyone else; there's room for everyone to find and express their own signature sound, I just think it is a rabbit hole that isnt worth falling down because it's not as interesting to me as how people interpret a piece of music from a rhythmic standpoint.
In summary, disregard all the above, and tune however you like, as long as you put as much energy into what youre playing. : )
We're talking tympani, here. But I often use toms in the same context. Lots of Rock songs are in A or E and you can really get some awesome sound when the toms are droning along in E and then change to A with the guitars. That said, it's not for everybody.
Atonal drums are tuned, too. Just to more random thumps and booms.