
Hi my names David, originally I grew up as a classical violinist. I put it down for a few years and other than some short vocal lessons I have not been trained in voice. The vocal lessons I took were for pitch and ear training. I just woke up yesterday and decided I would like to sing and bought the program. 


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,384

    Awesome, David!!!!

    What a GREAT REASON to start your journey to learning how to sing better than anyone else!!

    You're among friends here.  All of us decided at one point that we weren't going to wait one day longer to start improving our vocal capabilities.  Many of us came from very humble beginnings.  This is THE way to go!!



  • TrineTrine Enrolled Posts: 269

    Welcome, David!

    I like the way you just woke up and decided to start. Great, you will not regret it!


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