God Is a Woman
Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,157
@highmtn @videoace @Furious_Phil @bentk @HuduVudu @Gaston_Jauregui
Did some modern stuff.
Tell me what you think. Threw some whistle notes in there. I think those are whistle notes. If not please correct me lol.
From 0-:35 your voice sounds a little chesty, is it possible for you to mix more head to soften the sound? Not too soft you are very close but just a touch.
@2:22 If that's you, you almost have it. Work it until feels natural. I can't even believe that you could hit those notes.
Your very low parts are are bit too chesty once again try to soften them up just a touch.
Overall that was awesome. I only wish I could sing like you
You can hit notes, and sing in pitch. I think you should work on tone.
By that I mean working on different tones such as a warm rich tone, a bright sparkling tone, etc.....
Also work on different types of vibrato, and tremolo
Vibrato being the oscillation of pitch, and Tremolo being the oscillation of volume.
(Whoever came up with the term tremolo bar for a guitar got it wrong lol. It's actually a vibrato bar just to clear up any confusion)
Peace, Tony
Thanks for the feedback!
Yes, I'll do it softer. I only did so I could showcase a more rich full deep sound I haven't really shown lol.
Yes that's me doing the high notes. It's a little trick up my sleeve lol. I like practicing particularly high notes lol.
I need to work on the runs though. I don't do many riffs and runs.
And just keep on practicing. I still have lots to go lol!
I want to see you post some stuff.
Yes! Thanks for the feedback as always sir.
Could you give me an example of those tones?
Also, I love experimenting with vibrato it's like so fun to modify it.
NEO: Why do my eyes hurt? MORPHEUS: You've never used them.
But you can go anywhere with textures. From Barry White to Rik Emmit from Triumph.
Gritty sounding textures like Steve Marriot , Bob Seger. Throaty stuff like Bon Scott. Just playing with different textures of tone.