Hello from Ireland


I'm a worship leader from a church in Galway Ireland, I also like punk, hard rock and Melodic hardcore, and want to do more in those genres in my spare time.

I remember listening to Ken, on An Axe To Grind when I was younger.

I do have a friend who is a SLS vocal coach but she hasn't much experience with the rock side of vocals,  of all the courses around, Ken's really interests me, not only due to the Bel Canto approach (Myles Kennedy learnt from this) but Ken walks the walk and doesn't just talk and come up with new buzz words.

I'll be saving for the course, once I've bought my audio recording pc.


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031


    Most of us here scrimped and saved, even possibly stuck our necks out a bit in order to cross the line into Vocal Reality 101!

    Believe me, I kicked myself many times after I finally took the plunge asking myself why in the world did I wait so long?

    You won't regret your decision when you make it to begin the long journey into the rest of your singing life! 

    Looking forward to when you take that step onto your vocal rocket launch!

    Welcome, and All the Best to You!


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