I've always been too scared to sing

All of my relatively short life I've listened to music and found myself drifting off into a dream about having the courage to sing myself, but I've never actually tried. I've admired from afar the balls of karaoke singers in bars, but of course I never dared to dream of taking the mic myself.
Recently my girlfriend has taken to sending me shy clips of herself singing popular songs on a karaoke app. Without telling anyone I downloaded this app myself for a little nosey. I tentatively eked out songs like "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt, you know, ones that didn't really require me to sing out loud, if you catch my drift. I was starting to feel a little good about myself but when it came to songs I like that required me to really sing out loud I just couldn't do it and it made me sad. I can't even raise my voice to get someone's attention without my throat hurting.
I gave it one last try with a song my pious girl introduced to me. I don't know if you know it, it's called "Better Than I" and it's played in some Disney movie about a biblical character called Joseph. The first verse is soft and I got through it then the app indicated that the next line would be high and I thought, "Here we go again..." but somehow I was able to hit it and hold it! My voice had finally broken through - I couldn't believe it even as it was happening! I had FINALLY discovered the joy of singing and I'm not ashamed to admit that I got a bit emotional. I sung the song again and again that day until my throat hurt. I was SO excited to share it with my girlfriend and of course only her. Naturally she said all the right things and made me feel great.
I listened to my singing back and...well, it sounded like a pile of crap. It didn't matter because the spark had been ignited and I went looking for how I can sing that song better. I found my way to Ken's YouTube channel and after consuming a few videos I recognised several mistakes he spoke about in my own singing.
So, here I am throwing my lot in with Ken and all the singers on this forum, and I can't wait to see where it takes me.
Recently my girlfriend has taken to sending me shy clips of herself singing popular songs on a karaoke app. Without telling anyone I downloaded this app myself for a little nosey. I tentatively eked out songs like "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt, you know, ones that didn't really require me to sing out loud, if you catch my drift. I was starting to feel a little good about myself but when it came to songs I like that required me to really sing out loud I just couldn't do it and it made me sad. I can't even raise my voice to get someone's attention without my throat hurting.
I gave it one last try with a song my pious girl introduced to me. I don't know if you know it, it's called "Better Than I" and it's played in some Disney movie about a biblical character called Joseph. The first verse is soft and I got through it then the app indicated that the next line would be high and I thought, "Here we go again..." but somehow I was able to hit it and hold it! My voice had finally broken through - I couldn't believe it even as it was happening! I had FINALLY discovered the joy of singing and I'm not ashamed to admit that I got a bit emotional. I sung the song again and again that day until my throat hurt. I was SO excited to share it with my girlfriend and of course only her. Naturally she said all the right things and made me feel great.
I listened to my singing back and...well, it sounded like a pile of crap. It didn't matter because the spark had been ignited and I went looking for how I can sing that song better. I found my way to Ken's YouTube channel and after consuming a few videos I recognised several mistakes he spoke about in my own singing.
So, here I am throwing my lot in with Ken and all the singers on this forum, and I can't wait to see where it takes me.
You were obviously brave enough to get the course, and now that you have it, put those fears to rest. Seriously, put it away. Fear will only hold you back. Sing out loud whether it's good or bad because in all honesty, if you keep doing this course consistently as recommended? You're going to be a singing machine!
You have a great recipe for success. The course, the forum, the Moderators and all of the students backing you up in case you run into trouble. (over 14,000 students) So it's all good my friend.
Just take your time, and don't rush through any of it.
Peace, Tony
Thanks so much for your encouragement. I really appreciate it.
I've been reading loads of posts on here already - they're so inspiring!
Looking forward to this journey and sharing my struggles and victories here.
You will begin to notice improvements, over time.