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Singing Like Speaking

Hi, guys! I want to ask you about an issue of singing like speaking. No, I didn't studied SLS program, but I have issue, is when I sing, it sound like speaking. Well...people, who don't sing themselves, don't notice this, but I asked some people that can actually sing, and they all said to me the same thing "you talking, not singing". And I wonder what can I do to fix that problem. Is it a vowel modification that needed (even on the low and middle register?), or it's a lack of freedom in the throat?

P.S: I watched recently out of curiosity a video on SLS technique, and they say the same thing: "Singing - is a melodic speaking." Jeez, I hate that thing! :D I'm like "don't even bring that up! I know what's up with this thing, thanks to Ken!" :D Well, it's funny, because I don't even need to study this "technique", here I am, already mastered it! :D


  • WhitesnakeWhitesnake Member Posts: 131
    edited September 2018
    @HuduVudu Thank you! I've seen that video! And I actually tried very hard to keep my throat open to the vowels and tried to sing a song with the vowels only. The problem is, that I can't apply open sound on vowels on the real song. Those consonants continue to get in my way. For example, I can sing the same song that Ken sung in this video with the vowels only, but when I try to bring consonants, my opennes of the sound dissapears.

    P.S: well, I didn't correctly said it. Not openness of the sound disappears, but vowels just doesn't sound the same as it did without consonants.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    edited September 2018
    can you post a video of you singing?

    Peace, Tony
  • HuduVuduHuduVudu 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,818
    I can't either :tongue:

    There is a lot of road between starting out and that point. It is not something that you can just jump into. You first need to get open throat down and not just intellectually down, you need to understand it kinesthetically. You should understand it so well that you can do it without thinking. Then this kind of thing is possible and will make sense to you.
  • WhitesnakeWhitesnake Member Posts: 131
    @videoace I can, but not now. Where I live already 11:35 pm, so I can't really sing, but I can post it tomorrow.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    edited September 2018
    It helps if people can see or hear what you are talking about. There could be many reasons.

    Peace. Tony
  • WhitesnakeWhitesnake Member Posts: 131
    @HuduVudu thank you for response! Yes, it's kind of frustrating way, especially when you just get started and find out that you need to do this, and that, and all of this things...and what get this even more frustrating, is when you finally get something right, and you like "yeah, I finally get it!", and then you find out, that there even MORE things that you need to work on! :) It just never ends! But nobody said it's gonna be easy, right? :)
  • WhitesnakeWhitesnake Member Posts: 131
    @videoace yeah, I understand it. I think it's just very common problem. Like if I've been studied SLS for many years and after that I decided to learn Open Throat Technique, where would I start? Well...logically, from something that distinguishes SLS and Open Throat Technique. And that is actually an open throat. "AH!", "It's a LAW! AH!". So I think I need to master an openness of my throat. So I think practice a song with vowels only is the best way to do it. And I need to do it over and over again before I actually get it, right? I actually just answered on my own question, lol.

    Anyway, tomorrow I will post my try to sing the song that Ken did in his video, with open vowels only, and then I'll try to sing it with the consonants.
  • HuduVuduHuduVudu 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,818
    @Whitesnake yuuuuup it's like that, and I definitely understand what you are saying. Truth is though if it wasn't challenging then why bother :tongue:

    Just also want to say, that it is better to practice with scales than with songs. Scales remove a lot of options and allow you to focus on the thing you are trying to learn. This might help.

    Good luck, and keep at it. :)
  • WhitesnakeWhitesnake Member Posts: 131
    edited September 2018
    @HuduVudu Yeah!! I even got this video in my favorites in order to have an easier access to it, and not spending time on finding it every day. And I actually practice with this video every day! Today was no exception, and I can tell, that my most difficult vowel is "OO". It's like...man, I recently find out how to use my diaphragm to relax my chest, neck and throat, and how to use it to create a powerful sound. But you know what? In case of "OO" vowel it just don't work when I got to my bridge section. For example, if I take D4, I can sing it freely on "AH", "AA", "OH", and even on "EE". But when I sing "OO" on this, it always creates a tension in the throat. I just hate this vowel :D
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