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What does everyone think of my cover?


  • Derrick SchneiderDerrick Schneider Member Posts: 71
    Need some Criticism! :)
  • RosesRoses Member Posts: 1
    Hello, you have very good voice, but why you need some Criticism? Maibe because you self would like to sing this on other way?
    Okay, i will sugest you, sing the song a few times before recording little more fast with much temperament and than make pause 10 minutes and record a song. You will see how you sound than and maibe you will not more need Criticism. Roses :)
  • ragnarragnar Pro Posts: 410
    Excellent cover, you won't get any criticism from here. It the description says you are doing the "Pain of Salvation version". You should check out Jeff Buckley's version, if you don't know it already.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Nice job. You have a good voice, it's just undisciplined.  A good vocal study will help you to get your vocal potential harnessed.  Nice passion.



  • Derrick SchneiderDerrick Schneider Member Posts: 71
    Thanks Bob!  And yes  I know what you mean. I went back and started volume 1 again cause I was away for a while this summer. I felt like I needed to start over and relearn Ken's Technique. I have a lot of Issues with constriction. And can't really do the Law exercise in chest voice without strain. So Is it Alright If I first  build the passagio from chest to head and gradually add in the weight as it gets easier?
  • Derrick SchneiderDerrick Schneider Member Posts: 71
    highmtn said:

    Nice job. You have a good voice, it's just undisciplined.  A good vocal study will help you to get your vocal potential harnessed.  Nice passion.



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    You asked this same question in another thread, and the answer there and here is Yes to restarting your KTVA studies.  You will learn things that you flew past the first time around.  And yes, to relearning your connection at the passagio.  You are having some slips with unintentional vocal breaks that you should work through now, rather than later.  You can also work at stretching your chest, but don't skip smoothing your passagio.

    Good singing to you!


  • Derrick SchneiderDerrick Schneider Member Posts: 71
    edited October 2013
    Thanks Bob! You are really helpful on this forum! :D
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