Studio headphones for recording vocals

Hi All,
Based on guidance from @highmtn, I am trying to get more used to the right way of doing things... which I feel more motivated to do now since I discovered KTVA because I am finally making progress with my voice in ways that were always a mystery to me.
To that end, I just wanted to ask for advice for whether it makes sense to invest in a different/better set of studio headphones.
I have KRK Rokit 5 monitors for mixing and I have Fostex T-5 headphones which I use for studio recording.
When I bought the Fostex headphones, I did not have the Rokit monitors so I think I asked the guy at the music store what I could buy for both recording and mixing on a low budget.
I rarely used the Fostex headphones for recording because I never found them particularly comfortable and I have never been good at monitoring myself with the headphones. Even so, over the years, the plastic coating on the foam pads has worn off on them, has the felt covers over the speakers.
I don't mind making an investment in a good set of studio headphones if it will really make a difference. Yesterday doing my Vol 1 lessons I just sang along with the speaker on my phone, and it felt much more natural than the past few days using the Fostex headhpones...
Thanks for the help.
You can watch Ken's series on How to Record Vocals. Here is a link to part 1. He goes over a few headphone models in Part 3, but I thought I would give you the link to Part 1 so you could watch the whole series if you like.
I use the Sony MDR 7506 phones. You can get them for about $100... I would like to have better phones, but they do a pretty good job, for the money. They're relatively comfortable. I wear them a lot, and use them to listen to student demos.