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Noise Canceling Headphpones to use for monitoring myself when singing and rehearsing? (ear issue)

sebastiancelesnersebastiancelesner Pro Posts: 92
Hello, dear people at KTVA,

A couple of weeeks ago I was diagnosed a minor ear injury. I am hypersensitive to noises. I can listen better than anyone but my studies show I have to wear ear proteccion to avoid start losing hearing. My ear is in good health, generally speaking. I have a minor injury.

I' ve been a hard rock singer for over 20 years and only now I'm discovering my full potencial with Ken's course but now I can't be exposed to high level noises; which means I need huge ear protection (35 db) to sing live. This poses a problem, as you can imagine.

I've been inquiring to find a solution to this but the options are huge and there are too many technical details I don't know about. I was wondering if you could recommend me trade mark and model of good over ear, Noise Canceling Headphpones to use for monitoring myself when singing and rehearsing or any other option that you think is better. I was told pro singers use in-ear cancelling but these are way too expensive for me. I've seen them online for over $2000!

Thanks a million!!



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Wow! That's really something that will need some specialized advice. I'm not using in-ear monitoring, so I don't have any first-hand knowledge. I have heard that just having a good set of in-ears that seals around the device, can drop the volume of on-stage noise, but I have no idea by how many dB. Then you have to be sure that the volume you set the in-ears to reproduce is below the threshold of what your doctors say you can safely tolerate.

  • NeilSNeilS Pro Posts: 9
    I have the Shure 215
  • sebastiancelesnersebastiancelesner Pro Posts: 92
    edited December 2016
    Hi, Neil the sound quality good, very good? I was thinking of buying that one or Sennheiser.
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