Next time you're feeling "too old" to sing or perform - read this.

Hey guys,
I have this discussion with Ken on a semi regular basis, how age relates to the ability to perform. Well, even though I can't sing my way out of a paper bag (I'm just the web guy and administrator) I have been in the music business as a photographer for a long time and one of my favorite bands is Motorhead.
Before you laugh, I want you to check out their tour schedule and remember that lead vocalist and bassist Lemmy is 66 years old and tours around the world continually and records a new album every two years. Also remember that his style of "singing" is extremely stressful.
Just remember, you are never too old - check out tour schedule, current and past: Motorhead Tour Schedule
I hope you get a chuckle and some motivation from this 

So, Nigel, was one of those full-body Motorhead Tattoos you?
However, I may never get to be the "rock star." I have responsibilities and can't just live on the road like the 20-somethings that are starting bands, as they have always done.
And my voice doesn't fit anyone's "sound." I sing just fine in public and have done so many times and recieved applause. And no one is looking for me. And this is not self-pity. If anything, I can get away with being stubborn (family trait. We could teach mules how to be "stubborn.") I just keep doing what I am doing for my own enjoyment, which is how I think it ought to be, whether one is famous or not.
And my aim is to keep my voice sounding just as young for the next 30 years or so.
Lemmy - a force of nature. He never tries to put on an effect. He is what he is. And breaks the "rules." Smokes, drinks Black Jack and Coca-Cola. He let his voice be his guide and that's another valuable lesson, I think. Lemmy's not too old to sing. And neither am I.
Not bad
Another great guy:
Tom Jones: 'Burning Hell' Live Session
P.S. How you are doing the youtube videos built in the page?
Theres,s hope for me yet!! I,m 69 in 3 weeks. Rock on. I say
I'am 54 and when I sing I still catch some admiring looks coming from younger singers.... I'am so proud of myself ....and it seems that the more I work my voice with KTVA, the more it sounds great..
There is definitely hope for you. Keep on Rockin'!
I don't think it has only to do with aging.
That guy from lover boy,Michael jackson and Anthony green always sounded the same.
It will be interesting to do them (or something similar come the end of March
I am looking for female older singers who still sing and peform in front of an audience. Except Aretha Franklin, who else do you know? I need models, I have the intention to perform when I retire, I have a dream...
How about Bonnie Raitt, Barbra Streisand, Dionne Warwick...
There are other mature women who are also students that sing and perform.
As far as successful female artists go..............
Pat Benetar - Tina Turner - Celine Dion - Stevie Nicks - Reba McCintyre - Dolly Parton - Natalie Cole - Ann Wilson
Thanks a lot @Furious_Phil and @videoace , yes I like Pat Benatar, she still rocks!!
The longer you stick with it, the more your voice will continue to strengthen and grow.
But then I realize that if I didn't have the ability to make music, I wouldn't be living the life I want to live. I'd be miserable. So whether or not there's any measurable standard of success I can achieve, I take solace in the fact that no matter what, I'll be making music anyway. It's unavoidable and it's the root goal in itself. If I won the lottery I'd go out the next day and buy more gear.
When you take the element of choice out of it and just realize that no matter what, your passion will make itself a part of your life, the stress of being too old for anything goes away.
I turned the big 4-0 ... I think ... let's guess ... uoh ... (please don't tell anyone) 8 years ago. Thanks god I started singing several months ago. This will take me alive.
Greetings from Germany,
I'm 54, and there are people in their 60s, and maybe 70s here so it's never too late.
Making it, and success. What exactly does it mean for each individual?
For me, being able to complete a really good song is success. If I can get people to listen to it without using a firearm, even better! ha ha.
I'm not really sure if I equate getting rich, and famous as "making it". Becoming "rich, and famous" has ruined a lot of peoples lives for one reason or another.
Peace, Tony
I think if you make the right choices in health and fitness. Can help maintain and grow the voice better when you get older. I know a singer who is 70 and has good tone and can reach the high notes as well. I think he would benefit from this course and have mentioned to him.
This course gave me hope because though it was too late for me to become a singer and now here really enjoying the journey.
it is great to meet you here and there (Youtube Live Streams). It is so good to see that you are willing to help other singers. Please stay with it. I have noticed that I am the one who benefits the most from answering questions from other colleagues. You will benefit, too. It is very cool to see how colleagues like @Michael4000 or @Dynaton progress through perfect practice - as Ken calls it.
And I can read in and between the lines you write that you are already progressing. Just stay with us. You will progress.
Greetings from Germany to our scottish friends,
Great to hear from you again really amazed at the progress so far gonna up load another lah triad towards end of this week for a progress indicator. Sorted out the lip burble opening the chest 1/2 to 3/4 full, diaphram and breath made all the difference.
Still to be mindful of the check list.
KTVA Forums are really helpful especially when starting out, I don't want to take a wrong turn and keep going. Some of those demo videos more advanced students post can answer alot of questions and act as a good guide.
Kind Regards
so good to hear from you. Yes, I was amazed myself how much progress I made within the first weeks ... and then ... oh, while getting better ... I figured out so many things that I could be able to do much better. And, guess what, I got better! :-)
And you will be too.
PS.: Looking forward to your next upload.
This course tought me your never too late and if you apply yourself with regular audio workouts and work at all the things in the tutorial videos, along with using the forum as support.
When you see the improvements in the coming weeks it's rewarding and makes you want improve even further.
Thanks again so much. Hopefully my low self confidence tank will fill up even if it's one gallon lol
Just be patient it won't happen overnight, gradual improvements and try to concentrate on doing the scales, support and lah ah vowel and getting them correct first thats where the biggest improvements will be gained.
Thanks again!
Won't go into things too much on that song, some other guys like @highmtn, @HuduVudu, @videoace, @doc_ramadani, @Michael4000 more experienced will guide you better.
Keep going you will improve in time.
I'm an open book so any advice you wanna put in it please feel free to do so! Again it's hard when a lady like me sings a man's song and you want it to sound just right but you know it won't be exactly the same but I don't know many rock songs by women that I like to sing. I wish I could afford the package where I can have a Skype session with Ken but funds are tight with this.
So keep doing the same or focus more on breath or diaphragmatic support?
Thanks again!
Also there's a document maps the coursework Volume 1 Manual read through it's a good guide.
It's alot to take in initially once you get established with the audio workouts scales, well on the way to improvements Try to leave the singing songs to a little later.
Very nice that you help our new member Rogue { @LoneWolfRogue ).
PS.: Sorry, that I am a little bit short in time.
It's in my nature to help others, after all I was helped alot here myself and nice to give a little guidance to new starts.
I just joined KTVA and I am excited about the potential that I see in this community for me to grow my voice.
I’m 64 and I’ve been playing guitar most of my life. I’ve played in bands but was never willing to sing in public. A few years back friend of mine, an actual professional musician, got me and some of our other musical friends together for some jamming. We formed a band and started doing open mics and even got a few unpaid gigs with me doing most of the singing. I recently took a jazz singing workshop class and have been getting into the jazz singing. Singing on stage with professional accompaniment and no guitar to hide behind has really shown a spot light on my weaknesses.
So far for singing as with the guitar I have found that if I'm willing to put in the time and practice the right way I should be able to continue to grow well into my later years. Two of my band mates are 70 and one of them just started playing the guitar when he was 66.
I'm 67,play 2 -4 times a month,usually 4set shows,it keeps you young.
But that said at 37 i got back into singing a couple years ago after not singing for like 15 years , due to having perfomance anxiety. I was worried at 34/35 i was TOO old to even sing anymore due to societal pressures and media. But now i think that is just silly..
when i was studying voice seriously in my teens and 20s it was like, your not good enough .. so uh i just quit,i threw away like 10 years of singing practice lessons etc. because i was being stupid and immature. I didn't have any support or guidance, or a forum like this to inspire me. But now i look back and it is just stupid years, wasted. I was DUMB and it took some major life events to make me realize this. I feel like as i approach 40 I have wasted to much time worrying about stupid crap... so , i gotta make the most of everything and do what i LOVE to do. So that is exactly what I am gonna do! LOL
All you older singers & musicians inspire me so much
Ken's methods really do work. Age is not an issue if you take care of your voice and follow Ken's instructions fully. Your voice will just keep getting better and better. And your pants will thank you.
This program is tremendous and I can't wait to practice each and every day.
My age.
With out a Doubt my favorite singer
Started her band in her teens, in 1967
Her first album over 50 years ago
Jinx Dawson is over 70 and is still touring
With her band Coven and I am planning to see her live again After covid.
Just check out how powerful she is still. M
Jinx live 2018 🤘🖤
I discussed it in this thread for those wanting to know more:
I have an elephant's memory and I need that for my work. But I was never good at remembering lyrics at any age. That was partly because I never thought I could sing.
I learned close to ten songs pretty quickly (recently). It is too early for me to sing so I am not pushing forward but it ain't no different than anything else: it seems very hard but as you keep banging on the wall, it begins to collapse
As for more advanced age, sure, it will be harder to start but exercising the brain in a variety of ways is extremely important. The people I know who fared really well into their 80s were/are all people who kept their brains challenged (and away from TV!).
She was also a vocal instructor for 40 years, NATS, taught at university, etc.
But she and so many other vocal instructors could not teach me how to move smoothly
through the passaggios. Very long story short--thank you so much Ken Tamplin