Some Live footage of me and my band. Would love to know what you think

louisjameslouisjames Enrolled Posts: 125
helooo! its been a while since i came on here, me and my band Dirty Thrills have been very busy. Just thought id share this compilation video from a gig we played december 2016 Supporting the legendary Scorpions! first F5 is a little ropey but there are a few big notes in there. let us know what you think ! Would love your opinion too Ken


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Nice work, @louisjames

    Long time no see. You're sounding good there, bro! Nice A5!

  • louisjameslouisjames Enrolled Posts: 125
    good to be back! Thanks its stll a work it progress! still get some tension at times which drives me mad!
  • KaiEllisKaiEllis Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 215
    Bro that was excellent on every level. I'm gonna peruse all your posts, but just thought I'd ask directly - what was your development like as a singer? What was your journey like to get this good? Because dude. Your voice AND touring with the Scorpions!!! Unbelievable.
  • jamespleasestopjamespleasestop Member, STREAMING PRO Posts: 29
    Dude it must be amazing performing for crowds like that. Loved it. \m/ \m/
  • louisjameslouisjames Enrolled Posts: 125
    Kai, Thank You Very much! sorry for the late reply, ive not been on here for a while due to extensive touring! The journey is different for everyone man, I guess the best advice is to not do what i do so often and get frustrated with yourelf, I still to this day beat myself up and i confess I dont practice nearly as much as I should, But I have found thebest things for me were, putting the sound in my mask on the high notes, cutting backthe air volume as much as able ( which i still struggle with at times) I use alot of vocal slides and cries to access certain notes as well. Hope this helps a little, the main thing is carry on and be patient. Oh and GIG! its the best workout.

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