Hey Bob. Hope All's Good your side. I've posted an Old Elvis tune here....Hope you like this one my Friend.
Talk to you after you have heard it....Till then.
Cheers Mate. Tom


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    This is your best demo ever, Tom.

    As you know, I have preached to you in the past about sliding up to notes too much. When I heard the intro of the song, I thought "uh-oh!" because I've heard many, many people butcher this song by sliding all over the place, sliding up on the beginning of every line.

    I was pleased to hear you applying just the right touch, approaching each line stylistically, and not overdoing it at all. You were right on pitch. Your vibrato, which I've preached to you about, was just right.

    I've also given you grief about making sure the first line is right, or there's no point in proceeding after that. You nailed it.

    You did a very nice job on this. You cracked in one spot. That's all. Everything else was perfect and very pleasing to listen to. You made the song yours.

    Nice job, my friend.

  • sealrosesealrose Enrolled Posts: 162
    Hey Thanks Bob....these comments mean a lot to me Mate. Yes I am Much more confidant now. I have been working a lot on support and getting in pitch and find I am having so much more control. I could go on about how much time I have put in... But I truly feel I am improving every day with every practice session now.
    I now am accepting that I can actually be a fine singer....which is a Dream..this is what Ive always wanted.
    I now feel I am entering a New phase in my Development as a Singer.
    I also want to thank you and really appreciate all you have done for me....I have always felt that you have kept believing in me...I dont know if thats the case, but I do....Thanks.
    The Demo's from now on are just going to get better and better.
    You will Hear from me again soon.
    Feeling Good Bob.
    Cheers Mate. Tom
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Yes, Tom. I have always believed that you could get to a point with your voice that would give you a lot of satisfaction. And I know you've been fighting to get there for a long time. And I haven't sugar-coated my critiques, because although I never want to tear anybody down, I don't want to say that I don't hear things that need work when I do believe they can get better.

    And I won't let up on corrections if I hear the need for them. But I love to hear progress in students when things start to click for them. For some students it takes a few years. But when they begin to arrive at that level that is so much better than when you first heard them... yes. That's when you know it was worth it, and that you were right, they really did have that potential, even way back on that first demo.

    Keep moving forward. Do songs that make you feel good. Enjoy this phase of your development.

  • KaiEllisKaiEllis Pro, 2.0 PRO Posts: 215
    @sealrose Bro this is great! Love your phrasing and charisma with the song. Your execution here sounds so assured. Even with the one crack that @highmtn mentioned, you keep on striding through the song, and that most of all - even more than your tone, your pitch, your support, all of which were awesome - was what impressed me the most.
  • sealrosesealrose Enrolled Posts: 162
    Thanks Mate.....These Comments are Fantastic....Very Encouraging.....
    Cheers Boss...!
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