Have been trying to improve for a long time - many vocal programs have failed me.

Hi there guys. Just bought the pro packs - it was quite a big leap of faith and i hope it takes me where i want to be. I've already seen improvements but i have some questions that i haven't been able to ask because i haven't received my pro forum access. In the email i got a reply that i would receive the access in approximately 48hours - 3days have passed and nothing yet so.

I in large part bought the pro version for the forum access. So i was especially eager to get it - as i think it's the most valuable thing in the pack - nothing beats reliant feedback to questions etc.

Was hoping i would get it ASAP - but i guess there's probably a protocol to it. Which kind of sucks since i want to clarify my doubts as soon as i can. Misinterpretation is the deadliest mistake when learning. Having bad experiences with that with other programs i decided to try and get the pro version to avoid such.

So Hope i get it soon... (an explanation as to why i have to wait for something i paid a lot for would be nice though) (just saying).

My experiences with other programs have been inconsistent in terms of progress - but if anything i have learned what's legit and what isn't. As well as everyones perspective and who's seems more effective to me.

Without a doubt - KTVA has always seemed the most credible to me - but ofc - it's quite the big leap of faith. Especially considering all the other programs i have experienced that haven't been worth it. It makes one wary and easily skeptical.

So i hope it delivers on the promises - it already seems like it will. I will no doubt work hard for it as i always have, all that's left is for a method to finally work according to what's advertised.

My journey with singing has been quite the roller-coaster full of false hope, frustration - and heartbreak.

I started singing at about 15 and i SUCKED bad. I only was doing it for fun for about 2years. And as a result i had little progress.

Life being hard for me in terms of finding out what i wanted to do with my life - lead me to the decision that i atleast want to be talented at something. It would make me happy, joyful, proud, and would just give me a lot of hope and a feeling like i have something to look forward to.

Before finding singing i was pretty empty, i never listened to music. I just played video games and did schoolwork. Was always pretty bad socially so life was pretty empty on that side of things. Just made it worse.

Singing through the form of online karaoke brought me a lot of enjoyment that i haven't quite felt before. As well as my best friends i found through it - that are still with me today.

I owe music / karaoke a lot. It's quite a gift.

I am very glad i eventually started taking it seriously. At around 17 i tried to start improving with youtube stuff. It took me through A LOT of confusing mumbo jumbo. One teacher would say this, the other would say another. And the story continues.

I eventually decided to invest in information... and what i found funny and just sad, is that even the paywalls ... HAVE PAYWALLS!. If that makes sense.

Even when you bought their program, there would be bad explanation and you would be left with doubts. Eliminating the point of the program which is supposed to clarify your doubts and teach you how to fix them.

Where does the paywall come in? - it felt like they did this on purpose, to get you to pay them to clarify your doubts.

From a business perspective it makes sense. I get it, teachers need to make money.

But i rather they do it in the format of Ken, he makes you pay a pretty good amount. But in return you get much more.

These guys put the price of their course lower and it feels they don't give you enough. Hence forcing you to ask questions through the method of lessons. Which in turn ends up costing you more.

Anyways enough of that. I've struggled a lot trying to understand it all. And i've had several instances where i'm like "this is finally gonna be it" (according to their advertising) but it never really is. Perhaps it helps you a good bit - but no where near what it promises.

In my 19th year i had a big vocal problem that lasted for almost a year - as a result of overpracticing and singing - a programs exercises - and acid reflux.

One exercise from a program i found that whenever i did it - it would almost ALWAYS make me hoarse or worse. I found this out through trial and error - it was too much of coincidence that whenever i did it - it happened.

The big vocal problem i had actually left me without a voice, both speaking and singing wise - for almost a year. And when i recovered i had to regain my voice as if i had never sang before in my life. It was quite a frustrating experience that left me kind of hopeless.

Thankfully during that whole year i studied a lot on voice so i discovered a lot of helpful stuff that i still use to this day. And when i got my voice back it was easier to recover because of it. It was still challenging though.

So it's been quite the crazy journey for me. I'm hoping KTVA can accelerate and SOLIDIFY my progress.

One of the things that has sucked is that - the "seeking answers" phase can be long for many of us - and it can be quite time consuming and draining.

I am really hoping with KTVA now, that the answers are here for me and i can just sit back and work hard. Instead of constantly asking myself if "this is all there is" because my progress is not as fast as i hope.

It would bring me a lot of peace. As well as give me more free time which i need, since most of it has been spent on seeking answers and trying to improve.

Here's to hoping that KTVA is the answer to my prayers!. (I don't actually pray but you get the point, it's a saying).

I'll likely update as i see results. Wish me luck.


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    Hi, I think you will be happy with this program as long as you do what Ken says on the videos, do the warm ups, and take the advice of the moderators. Im only two weeks in and im already singing songs I never Imagined to sing. Hitting high notes that freak me out sometimes because I cant believe I hit them.
    Leave all that other stuff you learned behind, and Im sure youll progress in this course.
    If I can learn to sing, anybody should be able to.
  • JadenKarrJadenKarr Pro Posts: 72
    edited July 2017
    videoace said:

    Hi, I think you will be happy with this program as long as you do what Ken says on the videos, do the warm ups, and take the advice of the moderators. Im only two weeks in and im already singing songs I never Imagined to sing. Hitting high notes that freak me out sometimes because I cant believe I hit them.
    Leave all that other stuff you learned behind, and Im sure youll progress in this course.
    If I can learn to sing, anybody should be able to.

    Thanks for the reply ! i appreciate you letting me know how it's going for you. I'm actually already seeing progress for sure - and i AM mixing some stuff i've learned but i've noticed some things don't clash at all. It just feels even more effective when i do some of them together. So that's awesome.

    It's only a matter of time i can picture it - time is always needed.

    I do still have some questions though that i want to ask for perspective - waiting for the pro forum membership blah! haha. Wish i could have gotten it as soon as i bought it.

    Do you have any demos? would be awesome to hear your progress.

    Fortunately i feel i knew enough before KTVA and had improved to a point to where i atleast sound decent/good most of the time - but my goal is WAY more than that. And that's what other programs promise but haven't given. But i have improved though atleast.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    I have all the confidence in the world with this program, and the benefits (forum advisors), but you have to understand my situation. Ive never sang other than the shower or lightly in the car. Im older than most here probably (I said most. I know there are other old geezers out there ha ha) and Im truly blown away by what I can do in a short time, but Im also dedicating about 6 hours a day to it (I do the program twice, and then try singing songs my band will be doing) so Im really pushing.

    I started recording myself everyday in the first week, and now i will post weekly recordings to track my progress. You can follow here if you like, and anybody else for that matter.


  • JadenKarrJadenKarr Pro Posts: 72
    edited July 2017
    O i understand! all progress depends on circumstances really - it's the same with me and my rollercoaster ride with singing.

    The better your foundation to start with - the faster it'll happen. There are a tons of factors that go into improvement. I've learned that through my journey with various programs.

    I also practice for a pretty long time the same as you. But in terms of that - it's crazy how practice hardly matters unless you have the right method and know what your doing.

    For singing - sadly the answers are not easily available like with learning guitar / piano etc. The info is largely hidden behind paywalls and is not so much an objective topic as it is subjective. Since many singers learn in different ways etc.

    So one could practice for a long time but hardly improve without the right answers. It kind of sucks.

    Especially since many take advantage of that fact - and overhype their simple mainstream "methods" essentially scamming people. (SSM *cough* ).


    Awesome that you shared your progress! i'll be doing that eventually. I do have a timeline of recordings luckily.

    Considering as you said you don't sing a lot aka don't take it seriously (i've been there before).

    Your foundation seems pretty solid to start with! - you don't seem to have any major pitch issues and such. And your tone is listenable. Which is huge since the biggest problem one could have IMO is tone issues.

    One could get by with A LOT of weaknesses as long as one has a good listeneable tone. But sadly it can vary a lot - and foundation wise it mostly comes down to genetics or how much you've used your voice for singing in life etc. Some people are lucky as heck with a great foundation.

    But yea your tone especially in some lower tones has this "bassy" type presence at times that sounds quite cool - and as the recordings go on i definitely notice your voice became freer and your tone became clearer.

    How's your singing live so far?. I ask since sometimes one doesn't sound nearly as well in person as one does when adding some reverb and EQ etc.

    And when one improves just a bit is crazy how much it can affect the "studio" sound quality in terms of sounding better when adding those things.

    Also i'm curious - how's your stamina / fatigue tolerance?.

    You said you do 6+hours aka a lot - so i'm curious if you've had any issues so far with inconsistency. In other words losing your voice quality all of a sudden. Which is usually due to fatigue.

    But yea you sound good! i can already hear you'll sound great. Even in those starting recs i can hear glimpses of something great. How some phrases sound etc. Awesome stuff man. Also the pitch in some of them seems really good too - has that "pitch perfect" type feel.

    What are the artists of those songs btw? - never heard of any lol. I'm young so. I especially liked the learn one.

    Anyways thanks for sharing man!. I have searched the forums before for before and afters and i've liked what i've seen for the most part. It's always awesome too see more.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    I appreciate you listening. I had to change the names of the songs due to copywrite, etc.. the actual songs are,
    Day 2 peaceful = Peaceful Easy Feeling by the Eagles
    Day 3 Magic Blue eyes = Magic power by Triumph, and Behind Blue Eyes by the who
    Day 4 Mona = Mona lisas and mad hatters by elton john
    Day 4 Learn = Learning to fall by chickenfoot
    Day 4 Drink = Drink a beer by luke bryan (voice fatigued)

    On day 4 I had a bout of fatigue, but its all good and clear again now. I was singing too loud. I havent built up the strength for it yet
  • JadenKarrJadenKarr Pro Posts: 72
    videoace said:

    I appreciate you listening. I had to change the names of the songs due to copywrite, etc.. the actual songs are,
    Day 2 peaceful = Peaceful Easy Feeling by the Eagles
    Day 3 Magic Blue eyes = Magic power by Triumph, and Behind Blue Eyes by the who
    Day 4 Mona = Mona lisas and mad hatters by elton john
    Day 4 Learn = Learning to fall by chickenfoot
    Day 4 Drink = Drink a beer by luke bryan (voice fatigued)

    On day 4 I had a bout of fatigue, but its all good and clear again now. I was singing too loud. I havent built up the strength for it yet

    Awesome - makes sense that you got fatigued especially if you sang a long time loudly. Did it recover quickly?.
  • karinekarine Enrolled, 2.0 PRO Posts: 38

    Welcome here, i am new too !!
    I just can help you about your pro access forum !!
    You need to send email there :
    Asking for upgrade access forum with a copy of buying proof.
    (Hope you understand what i mean, i am french and my english is a bit crazy )
  • JadenKarrJadenKarr Pro Posts: 72
    karine said:


    Welcome here, i am new too !!

    I just can help you about your pro access forum !!

    You need to send email there :


    Asking for upgrade access forum with a copy of buying proof.

    (Hope you understand what i mean, i am french and my english is a bit crazy )

    Hi there!.

    Thanks for the heads up! - when i got the email from them with the course - they told me i would receive an invitation in about 48hours. Well 3days passed and i didn't get anything - i emailed back just incase they had a lot of traffic and it was hard to remember.

    So i'm trying to be patient but i really am eager to get pro access! - so i might send another one through there.

    So thanks for trying to help :smile: and your english is great!. Hopefully i get it soon but if i don't i'll try again.
  • karinekarine Enrolled, 2.0 PRO Posts: 38
    I purchased the Classic course, not the pro, so maybe it was faster for me.
    I am sure you will have all you need soon.
    You will meet Bob soon, he answers every question you could have. So helpful !!
    I think i ve read every part of this forum and get a lot of tips !
    Have fun with the course !
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited July 2017
    Hi, Jaden.
    Please follow the instructions you will find on this link. http://forum.kentamplinvocalacademy.com/discussion/6859/how-to-get-access-to-student-areas-of-the-forums#latest

    If you can get that required info to the address on the message, your upgrade can be expedited.

    Ken is in a travel status right now, so you probably got your download links quickly, but the forums upgrades may be probably behind. The alternate method of contacting ktvaforums@gmail.com with a copy of your receipt is an alternate method that can get you in more quickly in such cases.

    Sorry for any delays you might have experienced. I can see that you're ready to go!

    Welcome to the KTVA Forums!

  • JadenKarrJadenKarr Pro Posts: 72
    karine said:

    I purchased the Classic course, not the pro, so maybe it was faster for me.

    I am sure you will have all you need soon.

    You will meet Bob soon, he answers every question you could have. So helpful !!

    I think i ve read every part of this forum and get a lot of tips !

    Have fun with the course !

    Thanks for the kind replies!
  • JadenKarrJadenKarr Pro Posts: 72
    highmtn said:

    Hi, Jaden.
    Please follow the instructions you will find on this link. http://forum.kentamplinvocalacademy.com/discussion/6859/how-to-get-access-to-student-areas-of-the-forums#latest

    If you can get that required info to the address on the message, your upgrade can be expedited.

    Ken is in a travel status right now, so you probably got your download links quickly, but the forums upgrades may be probably behind. The alternate method of contacting ktvaforums@gmail.com with a copy of your receipt is an alternate method that can get you in more quickly in such cases.

    Sorry for any delays you might have experienced. I can see that you're ready to go!

    Welcome to the KTVA Forums!


    I for sure am!! haha - i want to make an update thread eventually too.

    I will for sure do this then - i'm too impatient!! i need it! lol.

    Even though today was arguably my best vocal day EVER - felt REALLY good.

    So i'm already benefitting from the program - just really want to dig in ASAP.

    Bob btw - is there anyway of messaging you directly?. Although i guess i'll just make a thread later with my questions so everyone can potentially benefit if they have the same doubts.

    Thanks for the info.
  • JadenKarrJadenKarr Pro Posts: 72
    edited July 2017
    Just incase anyone's wondering - i did what bob told me and i got the upgrade in a few minutes!.

    So if anyone ever has problems with such - hit bob up! he's the man of the hour!.

    The KTVA knight in shining armor! (too cheesy? k i'm done).

    Thanks bob for the quick solution to my "end of the world" dilemma. Much appreciated.

    (See the pro thing beside my username? ... yea that's right .. on some high status - if you don't have pro access .. be jealous!) (jk) (love you)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,103
    It took a few days of light singing through the warm ups only. Now Im back to doing the warm ups, and singing songs afterwards with no issues, and actually sounding better. Lesson learned. Dont over sing.
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