She's Gone Steelheart.

Hey guys, first time posting a vocal cover online, excited to see what you think!!


  • shadishaarshadishaar Member, Enrolled Posts: 7
    Ps: distorting on purpose after practicing a clean sound for a while, i like it this way more.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    You may like the distortion, but it hurts my cords to hear it. It doesn't sound very healthy for your voice. Good job on the pitch and range, though. Hearing that kind of distortion makes me keep clearing my throat.
  • shadishaarshadishaar Member, Enrolled Posts: 7
    Idk about it being unhealthy, usually i warm up with the audio workouts, then start off with easy songs and work my way into harder ones, after that i add distortion if i think the song needs it. I practicr almost daily and sessions can be anywhere between 3 and 8 hours and i dont feel tired or sore afterwards. Next day i warm up with clean tone and repeat. I learnt everything i do from this course. 100% best investment of my life.

    I can see why you are concerned though, my voice sounds very harsh and rugged in this clip but i can assure you im not feeling any pain at all. Next time ill do a a song with a clean tone if you would like.
  • shadishaarshadishaar Member, Enrolled Posts: 7
    Id like to know if what im soing is bad for long term because if it is ill just stick to clean tone instead. Dont really want to lose my voice.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    That was my point, whether you are going to damage your voice over the long term. Just because it doesn't hurt now doesn't mean it's safe. I hear lots of voice demonstrations and I know the sound a a smooth distortion vs one that sounds a lot more harsh. I do distortion myself and like to do so. But like I said, I felt myself wanting to clear my throat as I listened. I don't get that feeling when listening to safer distortion sounds. I just don't want you to overdo something because you like it.

    By the way, if you have the program, you should upgrade your forums membership. You presently don't have access to any of the student areas. You're missing out.

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  • shadishaarshadishaar Member, Enrolled Posts: 7
    Thanks for all the feedback i really appreciate having an expert give advice. Heres another example of me singing with distortion, i followed the steps in the dvd and got up to this level slowly so maybe this is just how i sound? Or maybe im doing it wrong and should go back to step 1. What do you think? Also ty for the upgrade link. Sorry for taking so much of your time.

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    I'd like to hear you do the same tunes in a clean voice to be sure you are able to hit the notes clean. It's easy to get addicted to singing all of your high notes in a rough voice like that. You can lose your ability to sing clean if you aren't properly cleaning up your voice afterwards.
  • shadishaarshadishaar Member, Enrolled Posts: 7

    I finished my daily workout and recorded the same tunes in a clean voice. What do you think? Thank you for all the input by the way, I really appreciate it.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    These sound much more healthy, and also reveal more attention that you need to pay to the higher notes. In these clean versions, there are some flat spots and others that just need more support. The distortion can kind of conceal those things when you rely on distorting instead of getting the note executed cleanly. You're doing very well, but as I said, need to get the support worked out for mostly the higher notes. You're using a bit of a husky sound in your voice, too, that will have to be shed when you go up high, so it's usually better to tend towards a brighter sound rather than one with additional girth. It helps with pitch, resonance, and to be able to go up top without having to keep switching the tone.

    Nice work.
  • shadishaarshadishaar Member, Enrolled Posts: 7
    edited December 2017
    Thank you, i will work on the support and tone, and only add in distortion when im ready to.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
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