Vocal Demo

Hi Bob. Firstly, Merry Christmas and Hope Youre New Year Has Gone Well So Far My Friend.
I have posted a New Demo here. Lots has happened since We last spoke...Dont want to say Too much here
until You have heard this....Tell me what You Think.
Cheers Mate Tom


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Happy Holidays to you, Tom! I like the happy sound of this one. It sounds like you are enjoying yourself, and that makes it more enjoyable to the listener.

    My main critique on this one is that I would like for you to sustain those chopped notes on the ends of phrases. This is probably your best so far of keeping nice open throat contiguous phrases sustained... until you reach the ends of the phrases where you kind of abruptly chop the last note in many places. I would hold those out a little more and taper the ends some, rather than stop so suddenly.

    Very nice characterization, nice tone, nice confidence. Pleasing to hear.

    Good job!

  • sealrosesealrose Enrolled Posts: 162
    Cheers Bob...OK I had another go at this...
    Thanks again Bob. Tom

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Better... but there are still some there.
  • sealrosesealrose Enrolled Posts: 162
    Hi Bob. Ok I now know what you are talking about here. Over the years I had some really bad habits and this is one of them (chopped notes) As you know I am not finishing my phrases correctly. I have know idea, but yes going back on my recent recordings I can see (hear) what you are talking about. I am quite literally not saying or projecting the actual words correctly. For example if I am singing ME I tend to go Mi..and thats it....not Meeee if you know what I mean.Im not as good as you in explaining this...and this also goes for everything actually...But I know you know what I mean. So this entire week thats all I have been practising....even when I talk...Im even starting to talk better now...haha
    So I have reposted another 'Raindrops' tune as well as a new tune (which I did a few years ago...poorly) 'Ferry across the mersey'
    Me personally, I can hear the difference.....Although not completely out of the woods yet....more practice need but I feel Im on the right track now.
    What you think?
    Cheers Bob and stay safe my friend. Tom

  • sealrosesealrose Enrolled Posts: 162
    Oh and one more thing.....The sound on 'Soundcloud' just seems somewhat 'hotter' than my original mix through my DAW and my sound system...This is a minor issue, but just need to tell you about that....Cheers. Tom
  • You're sounding better every time I listen to your demos.
    When I first clicked on "Ferry Across the Mersey" the first thing that hit my mind was that you could probably do some Frankie Valley, and the Four Seasons really well.
    The song that comes into mind is "My Eyes Adored You".

    When I upload songs to certain sites some of them compress the audio automatically which makes it sound different, or distorted.

    Anyway, good job on both tunes.

    Peace, Tony
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Steadily improving, Tom. You sound much better when you sustain those notes a little more. Also, when you do less vibrato wiggle and instead sustain a smooth, steady note with a slower, gentler light vibrato it sounds more "pro". The tone of your voice is what has improved the most. A nice, bright, high edge to it. Keep working on stringing the phrases into long, legato, contiguous phrases, where the sound almost never has stops in it. Like a string of pearls. That's what open throat singing is like. You keep the sound flowing with as few stops as you can get by with. Every time you stop the sound, you have to open the throat back up again. It's easier on the voice to just keep the flow going as much as practicable.
  • sealrosesealrose Enrolled Posts: 162
    Hey thanks Tony....And its really funny you mentioned doing a Frankie Valli Tune. Im actually Doing 'Cant Take My Eyes Off Of You' at the Moment. Will Post it For Sure.
    Cheers Mate.
  • sealrosesealrose Enrolled Posts: 162
    Yes thats exactly it...the sound sounds More Compressed from the original mix on Sound Cloud.
  • sealrosesealrose Enrolled Posts: 162
    Hey Bob Thanks Mate.....'A String Of Pearls' hey.....Im going to remember that!......Cheers.
    I have done another demo. Im going to open up another 'discussion' page....This one is getting a bit Cluttered. See you there....
    Cheers Bob.
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