Hello from Halifax Nova Scotia Canada

WarSinWarSin Member Posts: 9
Hey Everyone,

I'm Greg from the band War & Sin and I just wanted to say this forum is awesome and I am excited to learn as much as I can. I have been singing for years but Ken's techniques are amazing and will help ANYONE. Amazing stuff and I am glad to be here and anxious to learn!


  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Hello, Halifax, Greg, and the Band! Glad to hear that you are a Ken Tamplin fan. That says a lot about your taste in quality vocals!
  • Furious_PhilFurious_Phil Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,421
    Hey Greg, welcome aboard mate!
    I was born and raised in New Brunswick, and no stranger to Nova Scotia B)
    There is a ton of learning a growth to be had here... even if you're fairly slack, you'll still make gains... but for those that get the full program and really push it, the results can be pretty crazy!
  • WarSinWarSin Member Posts: 9
    Thanks Guys and I couldn't agree more!! NB hey? Nice. I have been in NS for 13 years now and I love it. The full program is the way to go. :-) Now to get the $$$
  • Furious_PhilFurious_Phil Moderator, Pro, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,421
    Yeah man, I started off with the standard volume 1-3, and before the year was out, I knew it was the real deal and ponied up the difference to get Pro level. Trust me, go straight for the gold :smiley:
    I scrimped for months to get the $$ together, and it was worth it!
  • WarSinWarSin Member Posts: 9
    That sounds like the plan. So Pro level is it?
  • TimburTimbur 2.0 PRO Posts: 52
    Although I just joined a few months ago, Pro is awesome. I have tried a few different lessons and KTVA is by far the most comprehensive vocal training around! This forum is amazing, the people and the information is tremendous. You put in the work, the results happen. It is that simple. Welcome WarSin.
  • Gaston_JaureguiGaston_Jauregui Moderator, Enrolled, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,004
    @Timbur you got that right my friend! I tried every course Seth Riggs, Brett manning, (this two where exactly the same thing just in different packaging) Robert Lunte, Mark Baxter, Roger Love Musicians institute singing books, etc and although some of those things helped, there was no comparison, KTVA is the BEST course period :)
  • WarSinWarSin Member Posts: 9
    That's awesome information guys and I believe it. Just from the videos and Ken's passion I can see it. Thanks for the feedback!
  • MikeyParentMikeyParent 2.0 PRO Posts: 42
    (waves) Another Haligonian here
  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606

    Hi Greg welcome to the course from the UK enjoy the path to great singing!!
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