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Voice messages

Can i post somehow voice message like on messenger or how can i post video from my phone gallery?


  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @Ilija,

    I am not sure but I guess that there is an app from soundcloud.com (iPhone + Android). You are allowed to upload up to 3 hours of audio content for free. And you can post the link to the audio upload here very easy.

    Hope that helps.

  • Elijah9Elijah9 2.0 PRO Posts: 75
    I just tried ... if you wanna upload you must to do it with the desktop browser...Until i buy a new PC...
    I wanted to upload me doing scales...i know it is complicated to just say what is the problem without hearing them...But nothing special when i ascend up the scale it sound i'm straining like a have mass and the sound is to big and it's where the first vowel modification is happening around F4 from A to "AO" wider A like "Love" and i don't know how can i work my way in and thin it out...
    So if somebody can help me blindly like this...Thank him so much 😀
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    edited February 2019
    Hi @Ilija,

    okay, from your answer I can guess you are male and a baritone. It would be very normal to have to use a vowel modification to be able to sing higher. Here at KTVA we would say you should go "aw" like "loft "to get rid of the sound pressure. Ken has a very cool video (PLATINUM INFORMATION) on vowel modifications. It was a livestream he produced. I really would recommend this to you:


    Hope that helps.


    PS.: But don't forget that some things take time when learning Singing. Give your voice the time to grow. A video I very often recommend is this - because it is very effective:

  • Elijah9Elijah9 2.0 PRO Posts: 75
    Thanks man but i was Ilija from the vocal range part of the comunication A1-F5
    Primi passagio:Eb4-F4
    Secundo passagio:B4-C5
    You said me i'm a high tenor...If you believe me every day before i start to sing i watch this 2 videos and couple more especialy this "Daily vocal exercises" .
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @Ilija,

    sorry, you are right. Sometimes I struggle with the nomenclature of the ranges because I am german. We have a different nomenclature here in Germany. In Germany we would call a C5 a c'''. Sometimes it is not so easy to translate this into the angloamerican nomenclature. Please forgive me. So, yes, you would still be judged a high tenor.

    But you have to help me with your question. What are you actually asking for?

  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    @Ilija , maybe this would be helpful (I don't have a smartphone, so I can't try it myself, but I just looked up this method, hope it works for you):


    it won't support video though. I'd say uploading to Youtube should work from a smartphone?

    judging blindly is a bit tricky so hopefully you can post something.

    best, Klaus
  • Elijah9Elijah9 2.0 PRO Posts: 75
    No problem Doc...thank you so much for help...i will tell you in details...
    I'm exercising with low larynx and when i ascend the scale i dont know how to make the sound thinner and it sound to big and massive so i get stuck on one note...I watched Ken's live stream on vowel modification couple times and i still don't know how to apply them so i can ascend without straining...I can't apply even the first one from A to AO like "loft" and the others i don't even want to start 😀... I also tried to bring the sound in to the mask but still it sound's the same...
    Should i go into the normal larynx position onto the first vowel modification?
    I didn't got the feeling for the low larynx yet?

    Thanks man...I will try and if i succed you will see the video and the problem i have ...

    Ilija 😀
  • Elijah9Elijah9 2.0 PRO Posts: 75
    Listen to scales.mp3 by Ilija Đorđević #np on #SoundCloud

    I think i made it
    Solution was finding the version from 2015...
    This is the problem i was talking about that vowel switch from A to "loft" ...like i can not go higher than F#4 and i'm high tenor???

  • DiegoDiego Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,157
    You're going off pitch. Try to do it next to Ken next time and record yourself along with him so it's easier to evaluate. So from what I can hear your changing the vowel sound way too much. You're doing too much OH. Try to keep the LAH brightness. Whe. You go more of a '' loft'' sound try to modify it in a way to where the change is not radical but more subtle. And that' s about what I can say in the non student area.
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