Home Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy REVIEWS

Finished an epic hard rock LP thanks to Ken

Howdy everyone!
I purchased the KTVA course back in September 2015. I had only started singing "for real" starting in 2013 and was getting frustrated with my voice after going through several other courses and getting some formal singing lessons. Needless to say, I was blown away with Ken Tamplin's technique and began seeing results shortly after I completed the Volume 2 phase.

My favorites singers are M. Shadows, Axl, Bruce Dickinson, and Phil Anselmo, etc. Prior to taking the full KTVA course, I had ample amounts of trouble being on pitch, being on key, and keeping my voice healthy enough to record long sessions.

I highly recommend this course - easily the best investment I've made for singing (forget the gear, get this course!). Even though I was able to successfully record my first full-length LP (and ALSO be super proud of the end result), I still have many improvements I'd like to make to my voice and will continue trying to master the exercises in the course. Until then - I must always remember... the ping is king!

Thanks Ken!

- Rico


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