Home SHOW TIME - Band Rehearsals and Performance Day!!!

First Livegig after joining KTVA

Hello Friends,

it has been very long for me since I was standing on stage last time. In the past I was just a guitar player but we decided in my new band that we need additional vocals to spice everything up. So we trained a lot in the last half year and finally managed to really get deep into the groove together. After struggling a few month without a plan how to sing, I joined KTVA 3 month ago and I feel more confident than ever regarding vocals.

Tomorrow is our first gig. It is also my first gig as a second vocalist. My main job is still playing guitar and my wife is doing most of the stuff but I also have a lot to sing in our new set. I will do mostly second voice and main vocals on some parts. I did some backing vocals some years ago but never felt safe. I am really looking forward to the gig because we will rock the hell out on stage :smile:

@highmtn , @HuduVudu , @doc_ramadani , @ndangphuoc : thank you for your support on my journey to get to a point where I am looking forward to singing on stage. never thought this is possible


  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    @Maximus3000 , cool, have fun! almost same story for me, only my show is a week later :) what style are you playing?
  • Maximus3000Maximus3000 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 82
    @Klaus_T : Awesome! Wish you all the best next week! What style are you playing?

    most of our set are coversongs right now. I would say Rock and Funkrock. A lot of stuff from Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, some old rock classics, some funk classics. A few own songs are also already on board. I hope that we get some good video material out of the gig tomorrow. I will post it here if we have something.

  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    sounds good, yeah definitely post the recording! I will try the same. we play a mix of ska and punk, with a cajon instead of the drums. quite a forgiving style for mistakes and off-key singing :) we play roughly 60% covers.

    all the best for the show!!!
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi Markus, @Maximus3000

    oh cool, I am super excited and can't wait to see your video. Good luck, mate. Or maybe I should check in to support you with some crazy dance moves. :D

  • ndangphuocndangphuoc 2.0 PRO Posts: 117
    Man! What a live! I wish I could live with music like that :)

    I’m looking forward to seeing you at the front line singer, bro!
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
  • Maximus3000Maximus3000 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 82
    Sorry for the late feedback but we were working on the videos.

    the gig was great! we played in front of about 250 people and it was soooo much fun 🙂

    we did a multitrack recording of all the instruments, mixed it afterwards rough and combined it with some videos we took...

    here are some takes where you see me singing. some german stuff is also included. my focus in this band is still playing guitar. you are the first who see this!

    feedback appreciated!





    you crazy dance moves would have been great on stage!
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi Markus, @Maximus3000

    WOOOOOOW, your band sounds really good. Very tight, amazing timing. It really bangs and pushes. The presence of all of you four is very good. Each one has its own personality and is part of "the band". Very convincing. And you did a very good rough mix of the recordings. I am sure that it was a lot of work.

    Your vocals sounded great and fit very well to the lead vocals of your wife. I was surprised how solid you were on the melodies. Maybe I should ask you now for autograph. Maybe in one year it will be worth a lot.

    Great job, Markus. Greetings to the other sidesleepers.

  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    @Maximus3000 , cool, sounds good! thanks for sharing!!!
  • Maximus3000Maximus3000 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 82
    edited February 2019
    @doc_ramadani , @Klaus_T

    I am honored by your feedback! Great to hear that you like it. I am glad that you mentioned our timing :smile: this was one of our main focus points in the last 6 months. We only play with metronome. That said that everyone has in most of the songs a clicktrack on the inEars. So each of us feels immediately when we are drifting apart. It is really hard work to get this done as a band but it is definately worth the effort. At our first tries we always had to quit the clicktrack after a few beats because we completely lost it. This improves the microtiming as a band a LOT. Training with metronome improves the general groove as a band and also helped us to learn things like being able to play a little bit "laid back" or "ahead" of the beat. I just can recommend this all of you to try!

    It might not be as much work to mix it as you think. Just a little bit EQ and compression here and there. But nothing fancy. No reverb FX or anything. I worked about 2 hours for 30 minutes finished rendered audio material so it was not that much work.
    most of the work was done before the recording / gig. We spent a lot of time in finding our "tone". Choosing the right guitar / amp comibination and dialing in a good tone that fits perfectly in the mix is soooo important. When you clear up the sound as a band before the gig, it makes everything very easy for the sound engineer in a live situation and for the mixing afterwards. Another benefit is that you will always hear your vocals in the monitoring clearly when the mix is cleaned up. I have read somewhere a good article where the conclusion was: spend 80% of your recording time to dial in good tones and make the instruments sound great on its own, then spend 20% of the time for mixing. Dont try to fix problems in the mixing process. Just adjust the volume and clear some minor EQ/dynamic problems

    But more important than all of this: we had awesome fun during the last 6 month in practicing and at the live gig!

    @Klaus_T : when is your gig? Can you also post some material after the gig? I am also curious
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    @Maximus3000 , very good to practice with a click, I wanted to do this with the band too, but somehow I forgot about it, there were just so many other things we worked on. now that I read/hear this, I wish I hadn't. well, there is always a next time. thanks for the reminder!

    the gig will be on Saturday. to be honest, I can't wait for it now, I booked it 6 months ago as a test to see if we can make this a regular thing, I am planning to book more shows as soon as this one worked out. the last days seem to drag out like crazy now...

    Ideally, we will have video and audio recordings, and I will make sure you get to see/hear it.

    great to hear you had fun, after all, this is the point
  • simi4212simi4212 2.0 PRO Posts: 17
    @doc_ramadani , @highmtn , @omkarpancham , @Elicap
    I performed live with the band this past weekend. I hardly had any practice with the band but since I was also playing guitar they said they would follow me. Unfortunately the video or audio quality isn't all that great because it was taken from an iPhone but you can hear me clearly.


  • simi4212simi4212 2.0 PRO Posts: 17
    Can you provide some feedback so I can improve for next time?
  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi Simran, @simi4212

    that was very beautiful. Don't worry about the video.

    You have a nice tone to your voice and very good musical feeling, to my ear. I like how you picked up the feeling of the song.

    If you would ask me what you should be working on it would tell you to work on your support. There is some shakiness (wobble) in your voice on longer notes. This might be the excitement of the moment but to my experience it is often the lack of support that causes this wobble/shaking. Really press down on your diaphragm.

    My 2 cents,
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    You have a really nice clear voice, honestly I think practicing and applying the course is all I can offer, you have solid foundations. Maybe you can post some scales in the student area sometime?
  • simi4212simi4212 2.0 PRO Posts: 17
    @doc_ramadani ,

    Thank you so much for your feedback. You are right I do need to work on my support. On some notes I was doing a vibrato but you are right it tends to shake sometimes on longer notes.

    Thank you again !


  • simi4212simi4212 2.0 PRO Posts: 17

    Thank you for taking the time to listen to me. I haven't used the course that much so far because I got it not too long ago but I am planning to use it exclusively from now on to improve.

    Thank you so much !

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