Cheers from Barcelona

CochonCochon 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 1
Hey all, I'm Doruk from Turkey though I am located in Barcelona now. So I'm an architect and have zero to minimal musical background. Honestly, the comments on my singing in karaokes have been something like 'maybe you shouldn't sing', 'choose a song that you CAN sing'... Anyways, I do love singing and decided to give it a shot. I have started the course together with learning electro guitar 4 days ago and I am really hyped about it. I can't wait to post some LAH's to get your opinions:)
Anyways, any suggestion is welcomed for someone who has no idea what he is doing so that I don't go in the wrong direction.


  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hello @Cochon,

    a warm Welcome from a mate from Germany. Nice to have you here. You can't imagine how often I heard comments like that in my past. The most hurting was the comment of a bass player in a band I FOUNDED: "Never stop writing songs but please STOP trying to sing them." :joy:

    You are among friends,
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    hi Doruk, great decision, you will love the course!

    since this is the public part of the forum, we are not allowed to dicuss course details here, so if you have any specific questions, best to start a new thread in a non-public place. A general tip: make sure to watch the videos often, and use the forum as much as you can, it really takes the course to a new level!

    best wishes, Klaus
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Greetings, Doruk!

    My suggestion is start practicing the workouts and make them part of your daily routine! Keep it up and your voice will begin to grow and improve!

    Follow Ken's instructions!

  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Hi mate, I also came from a very minimal musical background. I played trumpet for a year when I was 12 and guitar when I was 16 and had only tried to sing about 6 months before getting the course. It's such a great investment!
  • ManelJManelJ 2.0 PRO Posts: 3
    Hey Doruk!

    I am just 20km from you (I live in a city very close to Barcelona). Let's meet sometime!!

  • Chris82Chris82 2.0 PRO Posts: 594
    Welcome to the forums @Cochon ! Don't worry too much about other people's comments on your singing. Maybe it's true that you can't sing well now but singing is not a talent people are born with, it's a skill people have to practice and work towards over a long period of time. If you stay committed and persistent in your practice your voice will grow and those negative comments will start turning into positive comments!
  • DiegoDiego Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 1,157
    @Cochon Welcome!
    Hey man, you have to understand that every singer goes through that point where people are very critical and say you can't sing and blah blah blah. But it's up to you to prove them wrong. Anybody can sing, it's just a matter of time and dedication.
    Glad to have you here.
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