My entry for Sing it to Win it.

bandband Pro Posts: 61
I entered my video for the competition. Please give me a thumbs up on Youtube.

Anyone have opinions on some of the other entrants? I saw one video was uploaded
in 2011 already so it already has 100's of likes while some are studio recordings with photos.
There was one guy who blew me away who's video was new and amazing.


  • ragnarragnar Pro Posts: 410
    Seems wildly unfair that they've accepted older entries with likes before entering, have you tried bringing it to their attention?

    What's the name of the guy who blew you away?
  • bandband Pro Posts: 61
    The video with the split screen guitar and vocal was pretty good. But there were a whole bunch that were good.

  • KokonuhtKokonuht Member, Enrolled Posts: 658
    I have contacted them about older entries. They said that they have like marked how many likes there were before entering them into the contest. Then they'll deduct it later. 

    However, I still find it unfair as the older entries with a whole lot of views tend to appear on youtube's search box more easily (higher in the search list). 

    Also band, I love your entry. Especially the starting part with the harmonies and stuff. Though since now you've recorded your face, you can also see how the back of your tongue raises on certain vowels, Eg: AA vowel (like Name)
  • bandband Pro Posts: 61
    Yeah, I am honestly out of practice for sure. I noticed after singing for an hour during recording 2 songs. :-) Well, the whole youtube concept for the competition is tricky since some entrants have a huge youtube following and got 200 likes within a week. But such is life. :-)
  • Ken TamplinKen Tamplin Administrator, Moderator Posts: 446
    Hi Guys, just so you know, I am aware that people submitted videos that already had likes and this will be taken into consideration. It wouldn't be fair for someone to have a seasoned video and just submit it. Try your best. It was also for thos reason I will have "my own picks" that will not be based on likes as well.

  • bandband Pro Posts: 61
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited May 2013

    You know, Phil,

    Regardless of the outcome of the contest, this was an opportunity for you (and others) to get yourself out there and sing in front of the whole world!

    I have to tell you that I liked your performance and your video, and I didn't realize it was you (band).

    I'm sure a lot of folks were impressed by your video.  And that is true of many of the entrants, as well. 

    All I'm saying is The Cup is more than Half FULL.

    I'm excited that so many people responded and had the guts to put their performance on the line and let themselves be judged by the world. 

    The "votes" will come out however they will, but nothing takes away from the many outstanding performances up for the contest and all the heart and soul being expressed. 

    By the way, you've improved a lot since the last time I heard you.


  • bandband Pro Posts: 61
    Thank you Bob. Very nice message. 
    Actually I need to practice. In many respect I am better and in many I am worse... but that's real life for you.
    I am currently focused on many other things. I play musical chairs with priorities.
  • KokonuhtKokonuht Member, Enrolled Posts: 658
    I didn't realize it was band as well HAHA! I guess we're not really used to seeing each other's real pictures. Since the profile pictures are just so small!
  • bandband Pro Posts: 61
    You did comment on the video Kokonuht. :-) Thank you.
  • bandband Pro Posts: 61
    I have a better video where I'm singing a Pink Floyd song. Will post as soon as I re-edit the visuals... Don't want any more of my clones to be translucent like on this video. It's very difficult to preview and edit these since with so many layers the computer freezes up to render every frame.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Nice editing skills!
  • bandband Pro Posts: 61
    thank you highmtn. I have some moee and better videos coming.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited May 2013

    Well, The results are in!!!

    Congratulations to ALL who submitted.

    Looks like EVERYONE who took part turned out to be a KTVA WINNER!!!

    It's not always how much applause you get, how much you get paid, or how many votes you get. 

    It's how much of your HEART you put into it!!!  We're ALL winners at KTVA!!



  • bandband Pro Posts: 61
    So I just got a copyright infringement notice from youtube despite my video not being monetized...
    I dont want a copyright strike on my account...
    Does the Ken Tamplin youtube account get similar issues?
    How do you guys cope with copyright song infringement for cover songs?
  • Ken TamplinKen Tamplin Administrator, Moderator Posts: 446
    I only use songs that the label has put out "official videos" . Did the song you use have an "official video"? And if you don't put "I have no copyright ownership to this material" and do not monetize the song. I have had one strike a while back for Give A Little Bit when I sang my acoustic version of that songs (which is REALLY silly if you ask me).

    What was the song you received the notice for?

    Also, just because you receive a notice, it does not mean you will get a strike especially when they see you are not monetizing (selling) the product.
  • bandband Pro Posts: 61
    I literally got a strike for you give love a bad name by bon jovi as submitted to the sing it to win it comp. it seems the process is automated since their computer picked up the similar audio. in other words it thinks I am using the original song. but covers are also copyright infringement and selecting "I am not monetizing" results in a message stating that its still an infringement despite that. I have to select accept or dispute.
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