VULTURES - (Original song) (UPDATED)

RLVRLV Member Posts: 170
This is a new song I produced I think I'm getting better at the production side of things, but I put some pretty aggressive vocals on this and by the end of recording my voice was a little weak, though I didn't lose my voice or anything it was back to feeling normal in an hr or two, but I was wondering if anyone had any tips (besides what Ken has already taught me) about singing aggressively and screaming.




  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    edited May 2021
    hi, sounds good, did you use an amp plugin for the guitar? and if so, which one? re. the singing, you are straining a bit i think. i don't know what Ken has taught you already, but support and not straining are things that for most of us, need continuous attention and practice. the distortion here is not especially heavy i find, but still, distortion is only taught in vol 3 of the course because it needs so much preparation in order to be safe. so keep that in mind. i know it is hard, a lot of people want to sing distorted, but the choice is to be patient and work up to it, or risk damaging your voice in the long run. not to panic you, but make sure to learn about support and breath control, and PRACTICE it. it is also very important to practice with a clean voice
  • DogMeatDogMeat 2.0 PRO Posts: 437
    edited May 2021
    Nice track. On the production side i think it's missing some low-mids, presence and brilliance. I think you need to control your vocals more with a compressor since they are bleeding when you raise your voice. Can't let them jump from the mix or you won't get the loudness this kind of track requires. Download yourself a decent spectrum analyzer like the free SPAN (https://www.voxengo.com/product/span/), and compare a similar reference track to your own. That's a great way to teach your ears what to actually look for. Anyway i liked the song :)
  • RLVRLV Member Posts: 170
    edited May 2021
    Thanks for taking the time to listen man. I was straining bit you are right, I had been singing all day I guess I should have came back to it the next day or something, I don't know if that would have helped though. Support breath control are a challenging aspect to me especially when playing guitar and singing at the same time. Sometimes my "distortion" is easier than others, but on this track I was more "yell singing" I guess. Sort of a Auidoslave inspired track, so I guess whatever you wanna call it that Chris Cornell did lol. But that is a high bar to reach in my eyes and I believe I am no where near there. Thanks for the tips I will definitely focus on those! And yes, I use TH-U most of the time when recording.
  • RLVRLV Member Posts: 170
    Thanks a lot man for the feedback. You're right, ya know I worked on 'mastering' the track for a few hrs and just said 'ehhh good enough' but hearing your feedback and then listening to the mix again, it's like wow, you're right and it seems so obvious to me now about the EQ and the vocals bleeding on the chorus. I actually have SPAN but have never really used it lol, guess it's time I start. Thanks a lot man!
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    cool man thanks, just downloading the demo, looks interesting and i had not heard of it before!
  • RLVRLV Member Posts: 170

    Any time my friend. Hope you enjoy it, I sure do!
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    yeah man i do. thanks for the tip!
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