Home Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy REVIEWS

After 3 years with KTVA I feel Im a fairly capable and versatile singer. Good enough for YT covers?

WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
*There is a second mix a bit further in the discussion which is probably the better one*

Heres my biggest singing project to date, Ive been learning the piano as well so this is my first full production recording instruments and vocals. The piano is one take, I recorded the vocals as 6 full takes and chopped it up. It would have been nice to get it in one but I didn't have the time to keep doing it and I wanted to get this out before going back to work.

After 3 years of KTVA and no prior singing experience I think that it has given me all the tools I need to take my voice to where I want. Im able to use quite a few different parts of my voice to sing things from ballads to grunge and a bit of metal with distortion all without ever losing my voice or destroying it. Ive stuck to volume 3 over the last couple of years and haven't spent much time with volume 4 or any of 5. I haven't got the time commitment for them at the moment but hopefully this will show you that you can still achieve good results by concentrating on the basics with an hour a day of practice 5 days a week.

Im open to all critiques and advice about the vocal, the instruments, the mix and the video.

Id like to tag a bunch of people that I have interacted with through my singing journey.

@highmtn @Elara @Klaus_T @bentk @sjonrokz4u @Vocality @Rick_amateur @DannyOc3an @Jwal @HumanRobot @Corcpete



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    Very nice, Chris.
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    hey Chris, very impressive! also nice to hear you getting better on the piano. the only thing i notice is that maybe the piano is a little bit too loud in places. it is definitely good enough to post on YT. is it going to be viral? let's see ;)
  • RandyBRandyB 2.0 PRO Posts: 450
    Chris, you’re sounding good on all fronts. @Klaus_T is right, though. Vocals are being overpowered by the piano. Still, it’s worth posting on YouTube. Keep at it!
  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    Great job! Time sure flies since it feels like we were still on our first year not so long ago! Not much to criticize as you made such huge strides. Keep up the great work! As for cover, it's definitely ready to be posted and shared with others! :)
  • DannyOc3anDannyOc3an 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 668
    edited November 2021
    KTVA proves to be an impressive course, if and only if people stick to it with discipline, daily practice and patience. You are prove of it, as you say you've been doing this for 3 years and now you're beginning to see the results of your dedication. This is the only way for people like us who were never singers and were born "without it". The voice really grows and can be modeled with the right information for everybody, contrary to the common belief. Sadly, misinformation about singing is still a big thing these days, fortunately we have a tool that really unlocks the true secrets about it; we couldn't have asked for better advice than what is found in this course.

    I'm very happy for you Chris, keep working out, go as far as you can, there will still be plateaus and moments you may want to leave it there or feel satisfied, but I encourage you to just keep coming back to the routines, the volumes, and take it further and further. This is just the beginning, if this is you after 3 years, imagine how it will be in 4, 5, 10 years! A lifetime of info is already there at our fingertips. Pursuit excellence, it's only a matter of dedication in this point. There's no limit to how good you could become at this. Nice job with sticking around all this time and excellent results so far!! Enjoy your new powers B) and keep on rockin it!
  • AsterAster Member Posts: 8
    Nice cover, dude!
    My suggestion is balance out the piano and be a bit careful with the low-mid frequencies as those are the ones that give a mix that "muddy sound", it's a very expressive song and you did a great job of singing it with emotion, just don't let the piano cover it up. Don't want your vocal sounding like it's struggling to cut through.

    Other than that, I'd love to hear a bit more artistic reverb on the vocal. Since you did such a good job performing the tune, don't be afraid to give it a bit more space!

    You're really solid on the piano. I think you are only a step away from playing a lot of very interesting patterns on the piano, since your left/right hand co-ordination is getting better.

    Love the cover, keep rockin' it!

    - Aster
  • Mike86Mike86 Member Posts: 104
    This was great across the board. You should definitely post on YouTube. The recording sounded solid. I agree the piano was slightly loud in the mix at times. I thought the vocals were great. Thanks for sharing that.
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    @highmtn @Klaus_T @RandyB @Rick_amateur @Aster @DannyOc3an @Mike86

    Thanks for all the feedback, I wondered about the piano being muddy and I've cut more of 400/500 but kept the low end and it's sounds a bit clearer. I've also doubled up the main vocals, edited some better takes for a few parts and added more space to them panned left and right, kinda like what Ken says in some of his isolated vocal tutorials. I'll repost it sometime here before putting it public on YouTube.

    Thankyou all 🤘🏼🎤
  • maximgottmermaximgottmer 2.0 PRO Posts: 313
    Hi Chris, good work man, nice video and good to see you playing al the instruments! Greetings Maxim
  • LindseyBeanLindseyBean 2.0 PRO Posts: 161
    We must have started KTVA around the same time! I'm 3 years in it in a couple weeks.
    Sounds really good! Good equipment too. Sounds really clean and professional. Your soft tonality comes out really nice. Your high notes are beautiful.
    Great work!
    P.S. your dog is very cute
  • Michael4000Michael4000 STREAMING PRO Posts: 1,028
    Awesome!!! I'm blown away by your progress. You used to be a poor singer and this is VERY good. Piano was great. I disagree with others who said the piano is too loud. I think the mix is fine. Your expression and emotion was perfect. DEFINITELY YouTube worthy.
  • Michael4000Michael4000 STREAMING PRO Posts: 1,028
    I just listened again it’s really awesome. I have one small critique. The first time you say the word angel at the very beginning of the song, you pronounce it weird. Like "an-JUL" This is the only Time you pronounce the word this way in the song. It sounds fine all the other times you say it. I think it sounds better when pronounced like "an-jel" (like hair gel)

    @doc_ramadani what do you think
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    edited November 2021


    @Klaus_T @RandyB @Rick_amateur @Aster @DannyOc3an @Mike86 @maximgottmer @LindseyBean @Michael4000

    Incase you feel like listening to the different mix, in this one I put more space in the vocals and tried to get a bit more balance between the vocals and the piano. Maxim, Lindsey and Michael, its great to still see you all around, thanks for the comments, I think I might have changed out the first "Angel" but Ive now spent so long on this project everything is a bit jumbled in my head. Ill probably leave this one as the one I put public.

    And how could I forget @doc_ramadani ? Hope you are still doing well mate :smile:

  • HumanRobotHumanRobot Member Posts: 251
    Wigs said:

    *There is a second mix a bit further in the discussion which is probably the better one*

    Heres my biggest singing project to date, Ive been learning the piano as well so this is my first full production recording instruments and vocals. The piano is one take, I recorded the vocals as 6 full takes and chopped it up. It would have been nice to get it in one but I didn't have the time to keep doing it and I wanted to get this out before going back to work.

    After 3 years of KTVA and no prior singing experience I think that it has given me all the tools I need to take my voice to where I want. Im able to use quite a few different parts of my voice to sing things from ballads to grunge and a bit of metal with distortion all without ever losing my voice or destroying it. Ive stuck to volume 3 over the last couple of years and haven't spent much time with volume 4 or any of 5. I haven't got the time commitment for them at the moment but hopefully this will show you that you can still achieve good results by concentrating on the basics with an hour a day of practice 5 days a week.

    Im open to all critiques and advice about the vocal, the instruments, the mix and the video.

    Id like to tag a bunch of people that I have interacted with through my singing journey.

    @highmtn @Elara @Klaus_T @bentk @sjonrokz4u @Vocality @Rick_amateur @DannyOc3an @Jwal @HumanRobot @Corcpete



    I've just taken a listen to you and I loved it xxx

    Well done it's not an easy song to sing and hold it together becuse of the lyrics these can move you to tears
    but you did a great job and loved the piano and guitar . Great job xxx

    Human Robot
  • AsterAster Member Posts: 8
    The corrected mix is a lot better, and if the choice was down to me, I'd definitely choose that version for youtube.

    Of course, as always, there is room for improvement, but this is a really solid start.
    If you are still feeling creative with this project, I'd recommend adding a bit of strings in the chorus or some places that need accenting, but just a little, no overdoing it.

    All in all, great job Wigs, let us know when it's up on youtube!

    - Aster

  • martin_jmartin_j 2.0 PRO Posts: 28
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    @HumanRobot @Aster @highmtn @martin_j

    Thanks again for the feedback. I'll be switching it to public now. After showing a bunch of my friends they too have seen a big step forward in my abilities. I'm under no illusion of where I'm at, and I still don't think I could turn a chair on the voice. Maybe if I can do this in one take close to perfection, but I reckon I'm still a year or 2 away from that.

    However, with this course, all the past and present moderators, and all the students (especially those that have been involved in our past assignments) has given me a level of confidence I never imagined. Bob you have been a guiding light for me and I am very happy that I can help out others and still call upon yours and the other moderators, students and members expertise as needed.

    For anyone else that might come across this, I feel I started out as the average person would. Pitch was just ok and no clue about singing technique. I probably put in just above the very minimum effort and time that Ken recommends of an HR a day 5-6 days a week with a few nights of karaoke or singing in the car. This was still quality time and concentration, but by life style and choice this was all I was willing to put towards the course. I say this because anything extra you can put in will (to a point) help get you there quicker, but I reckon if you diligently do the minimum that Ken recommends, the time frames he talks about in this YT video is pretty spot on.


    I have left all my progress in the forum up to this point, you can see my posts by clicking my user name @Wigs .

    Here is my official review of KTVA.

    Ken never tries to sell a quick fix, he is true and honest in his abilities and what to expect out of the course. You will be constantly told to slow down, take things in, don't rush or skip through because it's not a race to complete the volumes. Only now am I starting to delve properly into volume 4 and 5 after 3 years, and I understand the material so much more because I've spend so much time getting to know my voice. You need to do the time which is different for everyone, and apply everything correctly to the best of your abilities and use the forum for feedback and guidance.

    Cost is relative for everyone. The relative cost of the course compared to a single hour lesson with Ken if you pay annually, means you get over 2 years worth of access to KTVA with hours of Ken teaching and talking. You also get access to the student forum, which is seperate from the course. I think the student area is worth again what you pay for. There are also many hours of other students private lessons you can watch within the pro sections. You really get value for money. Follow the forum rules, be respectful and use it to ask for advice and you will be able to grow your voice for many months or years before needing to go to Ken directly.

    I can't compare KTVA to anything else, I've never tried any other singing course. This continues to work for me, and I will continue growing and exploring what I can do.

    Good singing to you all 🎤🤘🏼
  • AsterAster Member Posts: 8
    Good job, Wigs! Keep killin' it!

    I hope that in time I will be able to present some kick-ass power metal vocals myself. Until then, let's all improve together!


    - Aster
  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606

    Chris very nice rendition liked it alot, playing an instrument alongside is beginning to show your true musician skills and after 3 years it's paying off. Really good work coming from no singing experience

    My perception of singing prior to starting the KTVA course 3 years ago was totally different, didn't realise what was required to get good at singing, be honest at the start it was difficult and didn't think was gonna be able to achieve my goals felt the cards were stacked against me.

    There's alot component parts to singing and they all work together and to get everything to begin to work well takes alot of time (for me anyway). Anyway stuck with it and practiced regular 1 hour 6 days a week. 3rd year is beginning to bear fruit my pitch has got really good sorted out quite few important underlying issues now much more happy with progress made.

    Well done Chris we both know what it takes, how long and well done with helping others we all want to achieve similar goals lets help every one get there!!!

    Good Work Mate

  • Mike86Mike86 Member Posts: 104
    Hi Chris,

    I think you did a nice job on the remix and think you will continue to get positive reviews from this and admire your work ethic and excelling musicianship.

    I go through multiple revisions of my mixes before posting also and I feel I never quite get it to perfection. It's a challenge!
  • shiningshining 2.0 PRO Posts: 420
    Oh Chris, you really did a wonderful job on this song. Again I wished my english was better to write a good and longer feedback like the others do. And I have nothing to complain, the only thing i don´t like that much (and I guess thats because I loooove this song for sooo many years and sang it a million times) is that you sing a lot of the phrases and words with different Emphasis than the original. So I guess its because you want to make the song your own version and not totally copy Robbie. But that makes it for me a bit harder to find into the song.. but that has nothing to do with your singing.
    So my answer to your question "Good enough for YT covers?" is: Absolutely yes :)
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    @Aster @Mike86 Thanks for listening again.

    @Vocality @shining Thanks both for listening, it has been a long journey so far with a long way to go. Im trying to sing covers a bit different while staying true to the original. I usually listen to alot of other covers on YT and try what I like from them.
  • HilarioHilario 3.0 Streaming Posts: 7
    Very very great. You are already there on both, the piano and voice. I'd kill to be able to play like that by the end of this year. Let me get to it.
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    @Hilario Thanks mate. I feel like Im still getting there but Im really happy with how far ive come.
  • SteveStanSteveStan 2.0 PRO Posts: 81
    edited May 2022
    It is inspirational indeed to see people rising through the course.

    I don't see why you would worry about posting yourself on YouTube. Most listeners would never tell minor issues anyway. Until this year (started in Feb/Mar), I only cared for tone/power.

    Btw, it would be good to have something like a YouTube channel of KTVA students where one can find all sorts of graduates, so to speak, from beginners to Gabriela and Kayla and Anthony. Or at least a list of links on the KTVA site.

    I am very happy to see the progress of @Wigs @LindseyBean @Klaus_T , as an educator in another area, I am always happy to see students who care improve and succeed.

    As for perfection and improvement: at the end, nothing is perfect so we always strife for perfection but we understand it is a fleeting moment if it is ever achieved. So while it is important to be super self-critical and always keep improving, it is also important not to "hide" for too long. You are fun to listen to, so why not YT yourself?

    Speaking of perfection, we always like to say that Dio was as close as anybody. I have been a Dio fan for 35 years but only now with KTVA I start to understand just how much easier his live versions are from his studio ones. Yes, they are high notes and a superbly beautiful bright tone (1970s-early 1990s), but the difficulty of specific words is dumbed down across the board, be it in Stargazer with Rainbow or Rainbow in the Dark with Dio--and this is before the 2000. And still, I love listening to his 2000s live versions as well.

    Anyway, do you intend to sing live?

    If I ever learn to sing well enough, maybe I can spend my retirement singing long-forgotten songs to even more elderly folks in a low-rate biker's bar, dodging empty beer cans (or bottles!). Hey, I can think of 100 worse scenarios :smile:

    Anyway, cheers everybody, this is not a lively forum but it sure does have great content.
  • ModMod 2.0 PRO Posts: 63
    Pro voice. Nice tone. I think this song is quite difficult and almost impossible to sing without practicing according to some advanced technique like Ken is offering.
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    @SteveStan and @Mod

    Thanks for listening and the encouragement. I've no plans on doing much with my singing other than to continue learning a song on the piano every now and then to sing to like this video.

    I have a couple that im working on to record in the next few months.
  • KaizerKaizer 2.0 PRO Posts: 171
    Kinda reminds me of Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven. Keep going. I've found that uploading your work publicly helps you get better because it helps you analyze and observe how your music and voice is from a more broad perspective.
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