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Can I improve? (Help)

PeterTheReaperPeterTheReaper 3.0 Streaming Posts: 4
edited November 2024 in The Singer's Lobby
So I've been trying to sing now after 5 years of break, and I decided this year to use KTVA, but it's only been a month since I've started it (I think) and I've been using it but barely almost because I don't have much time and I'm trying to rest my voice now for a week before I start again. And this time I'll practice with it daily. But I'm just curious.


Can I actually improve at singing? I know I'm really REALLY bad here.... Trust me it hurts. I'm 17 years old now and I wish I've never stopped singing before.... My fault. I also have mucus and coughs a I think a small nasal problem, but not too sure about the nasal part. But the mucus has been killing me and the coughs for 2 years now, and yes I know you'll probably tell me to get a doctor appointment I know, but they aren't really helping me... So I'll have to somehow clean that up myself, but my question here isn't for the doctor it's for my singing. Can I improve? Can I have a more pleasant voice? Is my voice ok? I know I'm also singing out of tune, I'm terrible I get it but what bothers me alot is my voice like could it fit in any music if I train it now?


  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,450
    edited November 2024
    first of all, if there is any inflammation on or near your cords, you must be careful, so this is the medical disclaimer you knew was gonna come: if you are unsure if there is an inflammation there, check with an ENT. otherwise, there will be a risk of long-term damage.

    having said that: you sound like a lot of people when they start, well if you already knew how to sing well, you would not have bought the course, right? you don't sound especially bad or anything, just not like a trained singer. well, that is because you aren't (yet) :) but you can and will be. 17 is very young, you have so much time to become amazing.

    all of the points you are worried about are addressed in the course (tone, pitch, control, versatility etc.). just start the course properly, do it for a few months, and see the results. it will take a good few years to become a good singer, but there will be all these milestones before you are there, and progress will happen in short intervals. if you stick with it, you will sound better after 1 month, trust me.

    make sure you do the course right by submitting your exercises for feedback regularly, ask as much as you want to know on this forum, and become a great singer with us...

    look on youtube, Ken has a video "how to get rid of mucus" (or sometthing like that) and follow that advice, too. also, make sure to eat healthy stuff. from what you say it sounds like you might have some kind of allergy (seasonal/food/dust) maybe?
  • PeterTheReaperPeterTheReaper 3.0 Streaming Posts: 4
    Oh I actually thought I wouldn't get a message. Thank you dear sir! I made a different discussion because I still don't know how to use this but apparently I got a message, anyways thanks alot.
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,450
    sure, no problem. please refrain from double posting in the future. the forum admins are volunteers doing this in their free time without compensation, and we are potentially in different time zones, so yes, you will probably have to wait a bit longer than 5 hours for an answer. patience is not only a thing with singing :) i delete the other post to unclutter the forum. please do make ample use of the forum and ask questions because this is the way to grow
  • charlie_vcharlie_v Moderator, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 204
    Welcome, @PeterTheReaper!

    Another thing you’re going to discover is that singing songs is really complex. To do it well, you have to have a number of skills very well embedded, so you can do them without thinking. (What Ken calls unconscious competence)

    The way to develop these is through the exercises, so that you can really focus on individual skills. If you post these, it’s much easier for us to identify any problems.

    The funny thing is I’ve really reduced the number of songs I’m singing, but I’m doing the exercises almost every day, & beginning to see changes

    Keep at it!
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