Is it possible to use vibrato in "belting voice"?

Hi guys! 
I am curious about it.. Is it possible or not?
And when this IS possible or even YOU can do it..
How can I do vibrato with belting?

I am curious about it.. Is it possible or not?
And when this IS possible or even YOU can do it..
How can I do vibrato with belting?
Yes vibrato is possible pretty much all the time. In head voice and chest voice. There are different ways of approaching vibrato, and we learn it a certain way in KTVA. If you search Ken Tamplin's youtube, you can find an old video about vibrato there. That might be a very interesting video for you. Ken explains it better than me
Vibrato is basically oscillation. You constantly move out and back again into the correct pitch, be it up or down.
There is some technique involved, and several ways to do it. Ken talks about this kind of stuff in the video i told you about, so be sure to check that out!
All the best,
im gonna post you a video on vibrato where Ken expands on the subject