Opera #2 Dimash/Vitas cover.

Quite the fun song, and I don't speak Russian so please tell me if I pronounced at least something right

@highmtn @videoace @Gaston_Jauregui @HuduVudu @blondiewales @doc_ramadani @bentk
Tip: Lower the volume a bit on the chorus..
I liked it! Every song gets better, and better with you. Nice job on those high notes.
Peace, Tony
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks for the awesome feedback!
I'm not sure what you plan on doing with that voice but, if I were you, I would find a songwriter, and get used to doing your own material now. You could have a nice, and long career.
Peace, Tony
WOOOOOWWWW - very good job. I am absolutely amazed. You are getting better and better. This one is really the best contribution I have ever heard from you. Awesome job on that high melodies. I am impressed. I absolutely agree with Tony.
The Russian was pretty hard to get down, it's probably still horribly pronunciated, but oh well.
to be honest: your recording lacks a lot of the things we are learning at KTVA, but it is really amazing how far your got by yourself - I guess you worked hard to get where you are right now. You should think of using your talents in a professional contest. Especially being that young.
Do you have the opportunity to spend some money on professional coaching? - Where are you from?
I sing everyday, and I did kind of want to test how far I could get by myself.
I live in Honduras, so professional coaching is not really something I can afford at the moment, which is why I'm using free videos and stuff.
okay, so as you life in Honduras it is for sure that professional training is nothing you can afford. So I would suggest you to try to participate on some kind of challenges for singers in Honduras. Hopefully they will have something like "Honduras' next Idol". You earned great skills. Take advantage of them.
Warm greetings from Germany,
I picked it up recently because I thought it sounded cool.
I listened to the Skyfall he did, it's pretty amazing as always.
@doc_ramadani did it again just now. Added a little more balanced vibrato at the end of the high notes
That's just distortion. When you let those high notes sustain, and vibrate like that the resonance takes over, and belts the sound out.
Basically your mic is clipping (going over the db threshold). I would just slowly back away from the mic when the vibrato kicks in. That's when it clips.
Nice job!
Peace, Tony
I was wondering why the high note was clean at first but then distorted.