Head voice becomes flutey and airy after vocal exercises

I always lose my head voice after vocal exercises, it becomes very very breathy. Especially the exercises that require me to pass through the passaggio (such as the slider exercise and lip rolls).
My head voice doesn't become airy If I avoid doing any exercises that go through my bridge.
How can I prevent passaggio exercises from ruining my head voice?
My head voice doesn't become airy If I avoid doing any exercises that go through my bridge.
How can I prevent passaggio exercises from ruining my head voice?
Breathy sounds are usually from improper support, and/or cord closure.
When it comes to breath issues always start with your support. "It's the engine that drives everything".
Peace, Tony
I have no idea why exercises like this make my head voice raspy and airy. It sounds like there's mucus in my throat even though my throat is 100% clear. I'm pretty sure I have good support.