Using a phone to record yourself

Hi guys! I'm trying to know how do i actuallly sound, but the only way that i have to record myself it's my phone. I have used files in front of my ears but ken told me on a comment that i made on a video that that method only gives me an idea of how i sound. So i want to know if you guys began like this, are phone recordings trustworthy? How can i use them to get better, i'm planning to buy a microphone but i don't have money right now.
So yeah. Do what you can with what you've got. Make it work for you.
I would recommend to you that you post a demo (video preferred) of the basic LAH triad scale of Volume 1 in 2 versions:
- one bridging into head voice
- one stretching chest voice
A lot of things can be seen from these scales. Maybe we can give you some advice. Best post in the this category: Volume 1 -> New student demos.