
When i sing without music i can easily hear it in my head and stay on pitch and my voice feels good but when i try karaoke i just feel like my voice is power less should i just keep trying karaoke and does ken have a video on this topic?
if you could record yourself and post it here, that would obviously be the easiest way to figure out what's going on. but I think we'll be able to help you if you just describe it a bit better, too.
Without :
With :
Nadam se da je s vama u Hrvatskoj sve dobro.
For me it sounds that you should work a lot on support and breath control. You use plenty of air. You need better support and more resonance. Do you know these videos from Ken? - Do the exercises with him.
It's not that I cant produce a more resonant sound I just like my voice breathier it just feels better like it has more soul in my opinion. I dont worry about technichalities that much, music is mainly art before anything else.
I understand. But first you have to learn great support and breath control. After we have a rock solid chest voice we can make it breathier. Without proper technique you won't succeed the long run. Sorry. I know that James Bay uses these soft tones and you want to bring in this soul. But if you want to do it healthy without ruining your voice you SHOULD WORRY about technique.