Beginning of a long journey

Hi All! Happy to be here.
My name is Andrew. I'm 28 at the moment. I was born in Krakow, Poland, but I'm currently living in Dublin, Ireland.
I love music - it fills up every single day of my life since I first discovered rock music at 11 years old. I don't remember a day when I have not listened to any song at all.
My music tastes change slightly, but the general theme stays the same for the past 17 years - I love rock and rock'n'roll music. I'm playing guitar sometimes, but never sung before.
I've seen multiple videos from Mr. Tamplin and I'm full of hope that one day I will be able to sing one of my favorite songs without people mumbling through tears '....yes.... you did well Andrew....'
Recently I've been addicted to Shinedown. Just listening to Shinedown - I Dare You right now.
My current dream is to be able to sing & play Shinedown's acoustic version of Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Full disclaimer - I am a TOTAL BEGINNER. And I really mean it. I have never sung before and I don't think I have a good singing voice. I am aware this will be a long journey, but hey. I'm sure I will love the process and I have plenty of time - I don't have any expectations on how long this is going to take.
Best case scenario, I will fulfill my dream and my life will be a little brighter because of that
Worst case scenario, I will know that I have not given up on my dreams, will surely improve my voice and have plenty of fun along the way.
Either way - it's worth it.
Glad to be here and hope to get to know all of you better soon.
Andrew D.
My name is Andrew. I'm 28 at the moment. I was born in Krakow, Poland, but I'm currently living in Dublin, Ireland.
I love music - it fills up every single day of my life since I first discovered rock music at 11 years old. I don't remember a day when I have not listened to any song at all.
My music tastes change slightly, but the general theme stays the same for the past 17 years - I love rock and rock'n'roll music. I'm playing guitar sometimes, but never sung before.
I've seen multiple videos from Mr. Tamplin and I'm full of hope that one day I will be able to sing one of my favorite songs without people mumbling through tears '....yes.... you did well Andrew....'

Recently I've been addicted to Shinedown. Just listening to Shinedown - I Dare You right now.
My current dream is to be able to sing & play Shinedown's acoustic version of Simple Man by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Full disclaimer - I am a TOTAL BEGINNER. And I really mean it. I have never sung before and I don't think I have a good singing voice. I am aware this will be a long journey, but hey. I'm sure I will love the process and I have plenty of time - I don't have any expectations on how long this is going to take.
Best case scenario, I will fulfill my dream and my life will be a little brighter because of that

Worst case scenario, I will know that I have not given up on my dreams, will surely improve my voice and have plenty of fun along the way.
Either way - it's worth it.
Glad to be here and hope to get to know all of you better soon.
Andrew D.
Hope you can find lots of information and help to assist you on your journey!
Welcome to the forums. I am two months into the course and enjoying every step on the journey too.
Glad to have you with us.
It's not easy, even with the course you will have to work hard to get the technique right and build muscle memory.
Everything just makes sense the longer you work with this program. Patience and hard work is needed. It's easy to get discouraged, i have felt discouraged many times.
I don't know why i wrote all this, just wanted to let you know i think!
All the best,
a warm Welcome also from your neighbors from Germany.