Hi everyone

I bought this course yesterday, so while I wait for it to arrive I thought I would binge on all the information on here. I have always enjoyed singing but mainly in the car or to my long suffering husband and pets. My husband is a bass player and has been in bands for years, whereas I have sung in some am/dram productions and once with a friend's band on stage. I really enjoyed this but had a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis shortly after the gig. I had a couple of bad relapses, one in which my left side was paralysed along with my tongue and vocal chords. Mercifully this lasted only a few weeks but I was left with some speech problems. Thankfully the MS is now pretty stable and I'm still walking!
This happened 20 years ago and with speech therapy and a truck load of patience, things started to improve. I stopped singing because I couldn't seem to hold a note. Just recently my husband and a group of musical friends have been getting together to rehearse some songs which they are going to perform at our close friends and family gathering in July. I was 50 in February so it's kind of a nod to that too.
Sitting in on early rehearsals I started singing a little and found my voice was much better than it had been since the relapse. I'm not great by any means but I love singing so I asked if I could try doing one of the songs. I am doing an acoustic version of Space Oddity with my husband on guitar.
I can be quite obsessive and thought if I'm going to sing I want to learn how to do it right. I want all the foundations in place and don't care how long it takes. I was looking for online vocal coaches and came across KTVA, Ken's videos blew me away! So here I am, quite nervously waffling on to you all. I don't know if the MS will hinder me. but I guess I won't know till I try.
Thank you for listening, I cannot wait for my DVD's to arrive and to get to know my fellow students better. xx
This happened 20 years ago and with speech therapy and a truck load of patience, things started to improve. I stopped singing because I couldn't seem to hold a note. Just recently my husband and a group of musical friends have been getting together to rehearse some songs which they are going to perform at our close friends and family gathering in July. I was 50 in February so it's kind of a nod to that too.
Sitting in on early rehearsals I started singing a little and found my voice was much better than it had been since the relapse. I'm not great by any means but I love singing so I asked if I could try doing one of the songs. I am doing an acoustic version of Space Oddity with my husband on guitar.
I can be quite obsessive and thought if I'm going to sing I want to learn how to do it right. I want all the foundations in place and don't care how long it takes. I was looking for online vocal coaches and came across KTVA, Ken's videos blew me away! So here I am, quite nervously waffling on to you all. I don't know if the MS will hinder me. but I guess I won't know till I try.
Thank you for listening, I cannot wait for my DVD's to arrive and to get to know my fellow students better. xx
You have the right attitude to get a lot out of this course. It does take time, but time is all we have sometimes, so why not put it to good use learning to sing better while we still have time?! Ken's program is really helpful, and the forums is a great place to talk about how it's done, amongst friends and accomplices to the crime.
You're one of us, now. Hopefully, this will be a great way to regain some of your vocal capacities, despite any setbacks you may have had from the MS. Your truckload of patience will come in handy!
All the Best!
So sorry to hear about your issues with MS, but I am glad it is getting better. Space Oddity is an awesome song. That is pretty cool you can sing with your husband playing.
I am not positive, but I think with the DVDs you get online access to the course for roughly one month. If you login at the student website, see if you can access the course content from there.
I am so sorry to hear about your ordeal. I can imagine that your way has demanded you a lot of patience.
A warm Welcome to these forums.
Thank you all so much for such a warm welcome
You made the right choice with KTVA! Patience and focus will get you very far, and the forum is always here when you need help or want to chat. I am very glad that your MS is stable now, so sorry you have to go through that. However, obsession (to a certain degree) can be a very good thing for your singing journey! Getting those foundations right is exactly the right attitude.
I wish you all the best and enjoy the forum, it is an amazing thing to use next to the course. Helped me A LOT. The people are super helpful here.
yes this is a great learning environment. You are among friends. I would be happy to see you here often. I would like to recommend to you that you visit these forums regularly and listen to other students' demos and comment on them. Then read carefully what other students comment. You will learn a lot from that, believe me. You will get very good on analyzing yourself. Get involved and squeeze out the most of this course.
I Have started to watch some demos and it is really interesting to read the comments.
Thanks again for the welcome advice.
How long have you been doing the course for, if you don't mind me asking?