The amateur Mandarin Song Covers

Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
Hi everyone! I can't believe that it's been 6 months since I joined this forum. I have learned so much but I know I have a long way to go. After some hesitation, I've decided to start this thread as a way of further improving myself. For those who know me, you have heard me singing English songs. My first language was actually Mandarin but, having moved to Canada at a pretty young age, I ended up being mediocre at both Mandarin and English. However, that hasn't stopped me from singing Mandarin songs since they, at least to me, have a different flavor from songs in other parts of the world.

What's the intention of this thread then? I hope to do my own assignments (hopefully regularly) where I post covers of Mandarin songs in this thread only. I hope to apply what I learned to those covers while also using this opportunity to, hopefully, gauge any improvements I make. I know Mandarin and English can be quite different so I'm curious how certain areas will be change. Do note that a lot of the Mandarin songs I sing are older songs due to this weird clash of what I experienced from growing up in Canada and what my parents brought me up to.

Without further ado, my first cover is a song called Da Hai (大海). Da Hai is Ocean in Mandarin. From my understanding, this song is about how the Ocean holds a lot of our memories and our pain that were washed away over time but never truly forgotten. I don't think I really conveyed the feelings well but maybe one day...


Feel free to give me feedback even if you don't understand the song. I appreciate any advice on my long road to being a decent singer.


  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi @Rick_amateur, mate,

    wow, that is a big surprise. I had no idea that you had an asian background. I always thought that you were a native english speaker because your english seemed to be so very good (for a German, like me).

    It is very impressive to hear you singing in mandarin. And how you performed is really beautiful. I enjoyed that I was not distracted by the lyrics and could concentrate on your singing. Man, your voice grew so good.

    I could copy & paste my comments from the last renditions. If you work on your chest voice, resonance (ping) and support your singing will go through the ceiling.

    And I also want to say this: Rick, I am so happy that you became a contributing member to this community. You take part in every assignment and are giving feedback. That is great. Sometimes I am ashamed that I do not have (take) enough time to give more feedback. You are always reacting to feedback. I hope you will stay with us veeeeeerrrry long. You are dedicated and this is making a difference. I like you, you are a great guy. I hope we will have a lot singing fun together.


  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    Hi @doc_ramadani,

    I spent most of my life in Canada so my English is certainly better than my Mandarin. I also never developed an accent so it's very difficult for people to notice my Asian background.

    Translating the lyrics isn't something I can do very well as my Mandarin has limits. I can read and talk at an intermediate level which isn't good enough to translate sentences into understandable English. Personally, I like to have as little as possible on screen so it's mostly my singing.

    Regarding chest, resonance and support, those are things I'm working on at the moment. As we all know, these things take time so I don't expect an instant positive change immediately. I am allocating more of my practice time on chest so hopefully that will see some improvements in a few months.

    I became a contributing member to this community because it's such a great community. I'm also learning so much from this opportunity. I also know that people have real life so good feedback isn't always possible. Still, I'm getting lots of good feedback that keep me busy in improving. I also intend to stay here for a long time and keep learning. You are also a great guy and I'm glad to have the chance to meet you here. :smile:

  • maximgottmermaximgottmer 2.0 PRO Posts: 313
    HI Rick, what a nice suprise this song. Sounds good.
    You can improve on opening the throat and support, to get a free souding voice (as the most of us). Good luck. Maxim
  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708

    Thanks! I'm working on that throat and support. It's a slow work in progress.
  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    Hi everyone! I had a bit of free time and decided to do this song. It's one of my favorites but sadly I didn't do it justice. There are still so many things I need to work on. I hope to get this done today so that, in the future, I can attempt the song again and hopefully notice some improvements.

    My second cover is a song called Wo shi yi zhi xiao xiao niao (我是一只小小鸟). Why is this one of my favorites? I feel this song really relates to my life. The direct translation of the song name is: I'm a small bird. The first two lines of the chorus are: I'm a small bird. I want to fly but I can't fly any higher. The song is talking about pursuing a dream but unable to achieve it. In the meantime, you are faced with many challenges along the way. When you're young, you wish to grow up just as a small bird wanting to reach the end of the branches to take flight. Yet, you realized that, once you reached the end, you suddenly become prey to hunters and have no one there to protect you from harm.

    The song also speaks of many sleepless nights when you wonder if only your tomorrow won't get better. You also wonder if happiness is merely a myth that's unattainable in life. Finally, you have a tough decision in life when it comes to your dream. Do you choose to cave into life's pressure or hold onto your dignity and keep pursuing your dream? At our critical moment, we cannot have both. This is more or less the meaning I got from translating the lines. Overall, I really enjoy the song due to the meaning behind it.

  • sagemacgsagemacg 2.0 PRO Posts: 240
    edited July 2019
    Thank you for posting these! I can't offer feedback that you aren't already aware of, but it's really cool to hear these tracks in Mandarin and to read your commentary on their meaning. They sound so much more poetic than english pop. My thanks to you for sharing these with us :):star:
  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708

    I do notice how songs with very different languages have their own styles, even if they have similar genres. It's rather interesting when you get a chance to listen to songs in other languages and get a feel of what they have. I'm just happy you liked listening to them. :smile:
  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    At this point, it feels like I'm doing this as a weekly thing. I do enjoy singing these so it's not a chore. However, these do show how much more work I need to put into my singing. The improvements will hopefully happen a step at a time.

    My third cover is called Peng You (朋友) and the song name literally translates to Friend. The song doesn't seem very complex but I usually find the simpler songs packing a lot more meaning. As the title suggests, this song is about friendship. It starts off speaking of walking alone through the wind and rain while experiencing mistakes and teary moments. You will then recall during your loneliness the times you were loved and wonder about the dreams you once had.

    We then reach the chorus where it starts off by stating that: Friends walk together forever and those days never return. All we have is a promise that lasts a lifetime and friendship that's solidified over a cup of beer/wine. Next, we have: Friend are never alone and you will know when you hear the word friend. You will have wounds and pain but you will keep going knowing that you still have me.

    For the meaning, this is the best I can come up with. Most of it is literally line by line translation but I think what I typed above makes sense.

  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi Rick, my diligent comrade,

    that was very nice. To me, and that is my personal opinion, it sounds that you are closing down the the sound as higher as you go. Try to do the opposite. Watch Volume 2 vids. on vowel modifications. They might help you. And I want to hear you with a bright "PING", Rick


    PS.: your progress is very, very goof. Congrats, mate!
  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    Hi @doc_ramadani ,

    Thanks for the feedback! I'm just trying something that I saw in Volume 3 regarding the breathe control where I'm trying not use as much air as before. After you recommended support and mentioned me using too much air, I've been working on better air control. It's a weird situation where I think I need more practice before I can figure it out. I understand the importance of that ping but I also want to avoid using so much air whenever I sing to avoid drying out my chords. I guess I still have a long way to go nonetheless. Thanks for listening!

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My fourth cover is called Wang Qing Shui (忘情水) and the song name translates to Forget Love Potion. As the name suggests, this is a song for those with a broken heart. The song speak of a person being young and chasing dreams. After traveling long distances to faraway lands, you turned around to find that love you once knew was gone and you feel pain from the regret of losing it. Only those who have been heartbroken understands your pain. In response, you want a cup of the potion that helps your forget your love which has overcame any wind and rain you faced so far. You hope the potion will, despite you being drunk and heartbroken, make it so you will never shed any tears. That's about the gist of it. My translations certainly needs more work.

  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi Rick,

    you improved on the vowel singing much. The mandarin language seems to have a lot of nasal sounds and consonants. Did you try to sing the songs on only the vowels. This was very distracting for me at the beginning but helped me a lot. Maybe you want to try the same approach.

    I can hear that you have more resonance in your voice. Very good. I think it is only a matter of the until you are able to sustain high notes with good resonance.

    May I ask you for another english song? - I liked the Zak Brown song you chose for the weekly assignments.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708

    Thanks for the feedback! There are indeed a lot of nasal sounds in Mandarin and apparently there are front and back nasals. I guess that might be why it sounds really different from other languages. As for singing with only the vowels, Mandarin is weird where there are 6 major vowels and four of them are quite different from those of English. I think trying to sing only vowels will make my head hurt as I'm much more accustomed to the English vowels now. I might try this for my English songs but my brain probably can't handle different vowels than those I'm used to.

    As for resonance, I decided to stop worrying about it as much and just kept working on the basics. That might have helped me get some progress overall. I'm definitely going to keep working on my foundation and everything else will likely fall in place.

    Regarding the Zac Brown song, I will put that on hold. I want to go through the assignments in order so it might be a couple of weeks before I get to that song. Hopefully, you hear a better rendition than what I can manage for now.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My schedule is changing so I only have time to do these covers every Sunday.

    Below is my fifth cover and the song is called Tian Liang Le (天亮了). The song name is translated into Daybreak. This song is based on a true story where a horrible tragedy happened. A cable car malfunctioned and a family was supposed to fall to their deaths. However, the parents sacrificed themselves to save their son from death. The song is supposed to be from the viewpoint of the son who survived this tragedy. The singer of this song, Han Hong, actually adopted this little boy and wrote this song in remembrance of the incident. Singing this song made me realize that I have some ways to go before I can add emotion to my singing. I guess I'll focus on the basics for now.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    Below is my sixth cover and the song is called Ni Shi Wo de Yan (你是我的眼). The song name is translated as: You are My Eyes. The singer and writer of this song was born blind but had a surgery at 4 years old that gave him a bit of vision so he can at least see somewhat. At 15, he lost his sight again. He wrote and sang this song in appreciation of those who helped him with his life as they are helping him see more of this world in addition to the warmth and encouragement they have given him after he lost his sight again.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    Below is my seventh cover and the song is called Fu Qing (父亲). The name is translated as father. This is a song I want to eventually nail down since I want to sing it properly to my father. At this point, there are lots of issues that I can only improve bit by bit. Many of you probably correctly assume that this song is meant for one's father as a way to say thanks.

    The song begins by talking about us always asking something from our fathers and never thanking him. It wasn't until we're older that we realize being a parent isn't easy. Then, we wish we can go back in time to the days when we held our fathers' hands as a child. Now, we wish time to slow down so our fathers won't grow older. We wish to use whatever we have to help him live longer. We also want to give what care we can, even if our care is incomparable to what we received from our fathers.

    Then, we thank our fathers and recognize what he did to support our family while he tried his best to give the best things to us. We then asked if he's proud of us or still worried about us. The chorus ends by saying that the child our fathers has been so concerned of has finally grown up.


  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    Life got busy and I did miss a couple of weeks. I really have no good excuses other than getting lazy. I also am focusing on fixing my nasality which seems tougher since there's more nasally words in Mandarin. Regardless, below is my eighth cover and the song is called San Bai Liu Shi Wu Li Lu (三百六十五里路). The Li in the name is a Chinese distance which is about a third of the English mile. The song name is three hundred sixty five Li of road. As the name suggests, it speaks of the journey we travel in a year and speaks of our experiences.

    It begins by saying the sleepy nights cannot stop my journey where I have been drifting for many days and night while sleeping outside and facing the elements. For my dreams, I'm willing to endure loneliness and solitary. As I shake off the dirt of foreign lands, I begin my journey into faraway lands and pursue my dream with full passion. I walked a part of the journey everyday for three hundred sixty five days for year after year. As time gradually passes, I'm still persistent in the dream I began pursuing ambitiously way back when and that ambition has never burned out. Since I left my hometown, how many three hundred sixty five days have passed?

    We have the chorus where we have two variations. One is I travel through all four seasons after three hundred sixty five Li of road and I mustn't let that journey be wasted. The other is I travel from hometown to foreign lands after three hundred sixty five Li of road and went from a youth to a senior.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    Life got busy so I was on a hiatus. I still intend to keep going with this so, when I have time, I will keep posting my covers. Below is my ninth cover and the song is called Shi Jian Dou Qu Nar Le (时间都去哪儿了). This song is translated as: Where has the time gone? As the translations suggests, it speaks of how time flies and, before we know it, most of our time is already gone.

    The song starts talking about new shoots growing on the old tree by the front door and flowers blooming in the dead tree within the yard. We saved up a lot of words over half a lifetime and kept them within our white hair. Then, the song speaks of the memory of one's child when he/she was just a baby and how one gives love for a lifetime in return for the child to call us mother and father.

    The chorus then asks where has the time gone and states that we are old before we can enjoy our youth. Our mind is filled with the laughter and cries of the children we have raised for a lifetime. Our eyes are also failing before we could take a proper look of our children. After providing the daily necessities for half a lifetime, we suddenly found ourselves, in a blink of an eye, having a face full of wrinkles.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    After another short hiatus, I'm back to doing this. Just working out a new schedule with life and not allocating enough time for this.

    Below is my tenth cover and the song is called Zhen Ying Xiong (真英雄). The song name means a true hero. This song was the song tied to a television series that reenacted the rise and fall of the Sui dynasty in China followed by the rise of the Tang dynasty. The song first talks about one hearing the rallying cries of soldiers as one is present on the battlefield. The difference between a victorious king and a failed rebel might depend on a single decision. Then it speaks that life and death are decided in a moment while heroism will be remembered forever. Yet, we question where our home is in this vast land. After conquering challenges one after another, we enjoy the age of prosperity by winning the war but losing the woman we loved.

    Afterwards, we realized that, despite winning the world and earning the right to boast, life was never more than a vicious fight. As blood dye the ground and youth turn old, how can a true hero be afraid. As blades cut tangled hemp and golden spears accompany warhorses, we'll move out with our heart staying strong as long as our warhorses stay alive. Then we wonder how could it be false that we are a true hero. I know the translation doesn't seem great but my translation skills are limited. Let's just say that it's a description of a chaotic time filled with conflicts and emotions that happened to be represent an era when one dynasty makes way for another. I only wish I can describe the lyrics and sing the song to give them justice. I can't do it now but hopefully one day.

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  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    @blondiewales Thanks for the feedback! The issue for me is that my pronunciation isn't great and I have to focus a lot on the lyrics. Once I get comfortable with that, then I might be able to focus on pitch and tempo. The purpose of this thread is for me to practice Mandarin more than anything. :smile:
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  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My eleventh cover is a song I recently learned. I just liked the song and chose to cover it. Note that this is probably the hardest Mandarin song I tried in terms of lyrics and speed so it was quite a learning experience. I had to learn to pronounce a lot of words so hopefully my pronunciation is acceptable. Certain lacking techniques do show up in this cover but I hope to one day resolve those as I keep working on my singing.

    The song is called Tian Ce Qiong Hun (天策·枪魂). Tian Ce is the title given by the founder of the Tang dynasty to his song. Qiong Hun is the soul of a Chinese weapon called Qiong which's basically a Chinese spear (don't ask me what the difference is between this and the western spear). This song was actually written for a Chinese online game that I never even heard off. I was just watching some AMV regarding the Three Kingdoms and this was one of the songs I heard. It's basically about war and how a warriors rises to the occasion to fight for the Tang dynasty while also being plotted against back home by the politicians.

  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Hi Rick,

    Would it be interesting if you translate this song into english and sing an english version? - The song sounds pretty interesting.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    Hi @doc_ramadani ,

    I only wish my translation skills were that good. Sadly, I can barely write a song from scratch with English, let alone translate this into English that would sound decent as a song. I picked it because it's interesting but singing it is about the most I can do. Maybe one day...

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My twelfth cover is an old song I used to sing a lot but, for whatever reason, stopped. After I got the rust off, I think I did an okay job overall. There are always room for improvements. The song is called Mei Li de Shen Hua (美丽的神话). The song name can be translated as Beautiful Myth. This was the song for the movie: The Myth and it speaks of a love story. The love story began in ancient Chinese history and was entering a proper conclusion in present day in the movie. Basically, this involves reincarnation and how one of the characters remembers his past life and trying to conclude it. The lyrics, as I'll do my best translating, will be speaking of this.

    The lyrics start by saying we seeing a familiar face in our dreams and, regardless how many tears we shed from this painful memory, we won't ever let go of the other person. We made a promise that has seen us living in loneliness but love will eventually wake up between us. Throughout the ages, only love last forever as a myth and nothing will make us regret true love. After much pain and struggle, us holding hands will see us never part again.

    Then, the song speak of love that's frozen in ice and the ice can only be melted when two true hearts meet. The love, also seen as a small flame faced with winds, will never be blown out. Many springs have passed as we waited for the flower to bloom but many see us as fools for waiting. No matter how cold our heart becomes, we will never forget the person we love.

    Near the end, the song speaks of love being an eternal myth through the good and bad times. No one forgets the promise no matter how ancient it might be. Our love's tears become colorful butterflies in the sky. The love that has finally been released allows both hearts to fly freely. This doesn't make sense by itself but, when we take into the movie into account, it makes more sense. The male character had a past life where he made a promise for his love. In present day, he wishes to fulfill that promise as his love still hasn't changed. When the two lovers finally got united, there's tears of joy. This just proves that love will last through the ages if necessary and true love can't ever cease to exist. Above is my best attempt of translating.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My thirteenth cover is another old song I used to sing a lot. I didn't need too many tries as the lyrics were quite familiar for me. The song is called Tong Hua (童话). The song name can be translated as Fairy Tale. This is a love song and we'll move onto the lyrics themselves.

    The song begins by saying that it's been a long time since I heard you tell me your favorite story and I panic with the thought that I did something wrong again. When I approach you, you were crying and told me fairy tales are lies and I cannot be your prince. Yet, you didn't know that, the moment you told me you loved me, my sky was instantly lit up by shining stars. The chorus says I wish to become the angel in your fairy tale and turn my hands into wings to protect you in hopes of making you believe that, like the fairy tales, our ending is filled with blessings and happiness. The last chorus, instead of of saying our ending is filled with blessings and happiness, says that we can write our own ending together.

  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    What strikes me most on this one is your pretty good pitch, Rick. It also sounds more musical because of good timing and contiguous singing. Sorry, that I can not give you any feedback on the pronunciation. :joy:

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My fourteenth cover is another old song I used to sing a lot. I don't know why I stopped singing this because it's just fun to sing. The song is called Ben Pao (奔跑). The song name is literally translated as Run. By itself, the song name doesn't make much sense. However, it will once we get to the lines themselves.

    The song begins with us moving at 70 mile/hour with a carefree expression. We hope to reach the Aegean Sea and running at full speed to reach the dream on the other shore. We wish to travel around the world and see miracles for ourselves. We wait for the sunset to dye the sky red and, standing shoulder to shoulder, make a wish.

    Then, we get to the chorus where we run with the wind and let it take us in whatever direction. We also chase after the power of thunder and lightning. We are capable of filling our chest with the vast seas so that even the boat with the smallest sails can sail afar. We then use our dreams as wings to help us fly with the wind. We find the courage to love and take action in life. It doesn't matter how big the risk or how big the wave. We will always have tacit understanding over the situation.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    edited December 2019
    My fifteenth cover is another old song I used to sing a lot. For whatever reason, I recall being better at this song but I guess I wasn't that good. It's tough but these challenges are just what I need to improve as a singer.

    The song is called Yi Qian Nian Yi Hou (一千年以后). The song name is translated as A Thousand Years Later. It's a song about only love existing after a thousand years have passed. The music video is one of those sci-fi stories where a robot become an actual human after waking up a thousand years later only to find the woman he loved gone and, in an empty world, only love remained.

    The song begins by saying our heartbeat messes up the rhythm while dreams don't come easily. Love is a promise I don't have to make and I hold onto it even a thousand years later. I am waiting inside ruins for our love to return while ignoring the helplessness and the dust building up around us. Our tears can't bear all the love that you need.
    Then we get to the chorus. One thousand years later, I have long ceased to exist in this world. I can no longer hold your hand affectionately and lightly kiss your forehead. Don't wait till one thousand years later when everyone has forgotten about me. In the desert under the red sunset, who will overcome the loneliness built up over a thousand year?

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My sixteenth cover is another old song I used to sing a lot. This song also seemed harder than I remembered but hopefully I'll do it justice eventually. Still have much to improve upon.

    The song is called Wo de Hao Xiong Di (我的好兄弟). The song name is translated as My Trusted Brother. It's a song about having a brother who, while not related to you in blood, can be trusted through your highs and lows. Let's get to the lyrics as it explains it pretty well.

    The song is referring to our brother as you. When you achieved fame and glory, let me sing a song for you. If you are having a hard time, you should tell me. We'll walk the road before us together and cross the river together. It doesn't matter if it's difficult and exhausting. If you need me, I'll be there for you. Tell me the hardships you are experiencing. Life is filled with ups and downs but we must stay strong. We've cried and laughed. At least you still have me.

    We then move onto the chorus. Our friendship is higher than the sky and more far-reaching than the earth. We will always remember the years we've been through. Our friendship is the hardest thing to come by in this life, like a cup of wine and an old song.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My seventeenth cover is another old song I used to sing. These are bringing me a lot of memories from a much simpler times when I don't have as much responsibilities and burdens to shoulder.

    The song is called Tu Ran Hao Xiang Ni (突然好想你). The song name is translated as Suddenly really Missing You. It's a song about suddenly missing a former boyfriend or girlfriend and wondering how the other person is doing now.

    The songs begins by saying that I'm most afraid of four things:the sudden silence around me, the sudden concern from friends, the sudden endless cramping pain stirred up by memories and the sudden news of you. If there's a sound, then I prefer it not be from weeping due to sorrow. Until now, I thought I finally regained control of myself but my tears show that I cannot deceive myself.

    The chorus is I suddenly really miss you and wonder where you could be. Are you living happily or with grievances? I suddenly really miss you and memories pierces back into my consciousness. My eyes suddenly got blurry.

    Next verse says that we are like a beautiful song that ended up being two sorrowful movies. Why were you with me on the most unforgettable journey and then left behind the most painful souvenir?

    The following verse (bridge?) says that we were very sweet, beautiful and trusting. We were also crazy for one another and passionate for each other. Why did we run towards our individual happiness and grow old with many regrets?

    We then move onto the chorus followed by the repeat of the first verse. The ending says that I'm most afraid of having the resolve to live without you but suddenly I heard the news about you.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My eighteenth cover is another old song I used to sing a lot. I personally really like the singer of this song as he sang many incredible songs. Sadly, I can't do this song justice yet.

    The song is called Rang Wo Huan Xi Rang Wo You (让我欢喜让我优). The song name is translated as Making me both happy and sad. It's a love song about the joy and sorrow regarding losing someone after loving that person.

    The song begins by saying that love has come to an end and, as a chinese idiom, the water poured into the ground cannot be retrieved anymore. Feeling some love and feeling some hate. Why do I wait until it's too late before I remember your tenderness? You cared for me and rid my sorrows. You also gave me a lot of worry. Late at night, I wait endlessly as I weep alone and endure alone. How I wish I can say I love you and how I wish to say I'm sorry. You were crying and said that our love has run out. Hard to continue, hard to continue.

    The chorus is the following: Please give me a little bit more time, a bit more greeting and don't take everything away. Please give me a little bit more room, a little bit more tenderness and don't let me suffer so much.

    The next verses starts by saying that a woman like you make me both happy and sad. You make me willingly give out and up everything. Then, the song repeats these.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My nineteenth cover is another old song I stopped singing at some point due to life getting busy. It certainly sounds very different from modern songs but there's always something special about these older songs.

    The song is called Ai Ru Chao Shui (爱如潮水). The song name is translated as Love is Like a Tide. It's another love song. I'll try to get a non-love song next time to change it up a bit.

    The song begins by not asking you why you are crying and not caring who is in your heart. Please let me comfort you no matter if we have a happy or sad ending. After traveling through many mountains and miles of oceans, you will be forever be beautiful in my heart. Since I've already loved you, I have no regrets and resentment. I'm willing to carry any hardship that comes with it. My love is like a tide that pushes me towards you and surrounds me and you.

    The chorus says that I don't want to see you drunk late at night and letting other men see your attractiveness. You should know this would make my heart break. Promise me that you won't be wandering late at night and be easily tempted to indulge. You should know know this would make my heart break.

  • doc_ramadanidoc_ramadani Administrator, 2.0 PRO, Facility Management Posts: 3,978
    Rick, @Rick_amateur

    I don't understand Mandarin but for me it sounds that you Mandarin Singing became much more contiguous. It sounds a little more modern therefore.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    @doc_ramadani Well, I am influenced by more modern songs so maybe that's rubbing off on me. Still have ways to go but appreciate you for listening!
  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My twentieth cover is another old song I stopped singing at some point due to life getting busy. It's a pretty old song from 1985 and it, like the We are the World in USA, was a song sung by a bunch of singers. As promised, it's not a love song and it has a lot of meaning behind it. This might take awhile to translate.

    Note: This video shows me singing on my upper range where I had to use my head voice quite a bit. It didn't feel right one octave lower so I decided to challenge myself to do this higher. One day, I'll sing in this range no problem. For now, let's just say that this is best I can get. A long way to go for sure.

    The song is called Ming Tian Hui Geng Hao (明天会更好). The song name is translated as Tomorrow will be Better. As the name suggests, this song should be uplifting to suggest that, regardless how bad our today might be, tomorrow will be better.

    The song begins with us gently waking up our sleepy mind and slowly opening up our eyes. We then see if the busy world is still rotating by itself. The spring wind doesn't understand our feelings and emotions and yet it still moves the hearts of the youth. Let the tear marks on our face yesterday be like our memory that is dried by the wind. We then look up in search of wings in the sky and noticed signs of migratory birds. They bring us news of survival in faraway lands that are plagued by famine and cruel wars.The white snow drifting on the jade-like mountains ignite the flames in the youth's heart. This allowed true feelings to melt into musical notes to send blessings to faraway lands.

    Then, we arrive at the chorus where we sing out with our passion and reach out with your hands. Let us embrace your dreams and remember your sincerest face. Let our smiles fill the world with the pride of the youth and give tomorrow the most devout prayer.

    The next verse starts with us asking who would abandon one's home and one's childhood memories. Who could bear seeing yesterday's worries take away our smile today? The youth doesn't understand this world where the rouge get stained by dust. Let the tears from long ago moisten and nourish your face.

    Then we have the chorus.

    The next verse begins like the first verse when we wake up our sleepy mind and slowly open our eyes to see if the busy world is still rotating. The sunrise awakens the morning and the earth is reborn with new life. Let the warm breeze create the sound needed to compose the musical chapters of life.

    Finally, we end with the chorus and it can repeated as many times as needed.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My twenty first cover is another old song I've been putting off until I'm a bit better at singing. I felt that this was a good time to try it and return to it a year from now to measure my progress.

    The song is called Zhen Xin Ying Xiong (真心英雄). The song name is translated as Sincere Hero and it speaks of hopes, dreams and treasuring our friends and family.

    The song starts off by saying there is a dream in my heart. I hope to use my singing to help you forget all your pains. Under the brilliantly lit sky, who is the sincere hero? It's the ordinary people who move me the most. With no more hatred and no more pain, I wish there was love everywhere between the people. Let our songs bring out your sincerest smile and bless your life to be forever changed for the better.

    The chorus then tell us to seize every single minutes of our lives and doing our best chasing our dreams. There can be no rainbow if we experienced no wind and rain. No one can simply succeed. Seize every single moving moments in our lives and embrace our loving friends. Let our most sincere words and tears of joy flow through the heart of you and mine.

    The the verses and chorus repeat with chorus repeated at the end.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My twenty second cover is another fun song I weirdly recall I can sing better before. I know it's not perfect with a few minor mistakes but I didn't have too much free time for recording and this was my best attempt out of all of them.

    The song is called Di Ji Ge Yi Bai Tian or Di Ji Ge 100 Tian (第几个一百天 or 第几个100天). The song name is translated as How Many Hundreds of Days.

    The song begins with I cover the sky with my love so the anxious you can see it as soon as you look up. I light my heart into a flame so you can fall asleep in the warmth despite being afraid of the dark. I know that time is like snow and sometimes covers everything. Yet, true love is strong and will be reborn like a green leaf.

    The chorus then goes how many hundreds of days and I still have my feelings for you. I use my eyes to see you inner world. How many hundreds of days and it's almost like we just fell in love. Two people holding hands can forever change their destiny.

    We then have the second verse repeating followed by the chorus. Then we have the bridge before ending with the chorus. The bridge goes as follows: The sensitivity and weakness you once had, you just lie down on my chest and don't talk about it anymore. The stubbornness and rashness you will have, I will embrace you, comfort you, forgive you and worry about you.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My twenty third cover is a song I'm not very familiar of but I certainly like it enough to cover it. I know it's not perfect with a few minor mistakes but it's a matter of constantly trying and just see where the journey goes.

    The song is called Wo Niu (蜗牛). The song name is translated as Snail. Due to being unable to find good karaoke and not familiar enough to work with instrumentals, I decided to go Acapella. The song isn't terribly long and repeats but I like it.

    The song starts off by asking whether we should take off our heavy shell to find where the blue sky is. We gently float along the gentle breeze as the hurt we experience doesn't bring us pain.

    The chorus then goes I want to climb up step by step to wait for the sunlight so I can quietly watch the sun's face. There are big dreams in the small sky as I look up at the sky with the shell wrapped around me. I want to climb up step by step to reach the peak and fly with the leaves. The tears and sweat I shed under the small sky will eventually lead to a day I have my own sky.

    For one of the choruses, it has a slight variation where, after flying with the leaves, it goes let the wind dry the tears and sweat I shed. The song also ends with this variation followed by I have my own sky one day.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My twenty fourth cover is a song I really enjoyed singing in the past. Due to unable to find instrumental, I have to sing this acapella. This might happen often if I cannot find karaoke or instrumentals for these songs.

    The song is called An Lian (暗恋). The song name is translated as Secret Crush. As the title suggests, it's a bit of a song about having a crush on someone and the lyrics explains the thoughts of the singer.
    This is also my first cover where there are English lines thrown in with the Mandarin lyrics. It definitely feels odd singing this way but it's good practice.

    The song starts off with I met you again last night and you are still so beautiful. I was so nervous that I couldn't speak and only stupidly stared at you. I crave that we can forever be this close so I can be with you. When I woke up, I realize that all of this was just a dream. I told myself to stay calm but I cannot stop thinking about you. My weakness is starting to make me hate myself. Are you guarding against me or do I just lack confidence? Yet, no one can stop me from having a secret crush on you. So lonely...

    The chorus then goes: So here I am, standing all alone. I'm at some street where I'm just waiting for you. Here I am, waiting just for you. Revealing all that's inside me and hoping you can understand and accept me. So lonely.

    Next verse goes I crave to see you again tonight even if it's in a dream. The brief sweetness of the moment is greater than not having you for an eternity. Even if there are no happy endings and I have to give it up, I wish to show my all of sincerity only to touch your heart. I willing.

    Modified chorus: Everything stays the same except the ending where: revealing all that's inside me. What must I do for you to accept me? I like you (I like you). I want you (I want you). I love you!


    My story ends here and, even if you are still curious, I said all that I wanted to share and rest are just secrets. At some street, you can hear some certain melody. That's me quietly singing a song about how I love you, [name]. (I hear this as Jenny but I'm not 100% certain)

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My twenty fifth cover is a song I heard quite a bit recently due to the Coronavirus outbreak in China and I wanted to sing it. It's a very beautiful song that I can't quite do justice yet. Luckily, the lyrics weren't terribly hard as I had to learn from scratch.

    The song is called Rang Shi Jie Chong Man Ai (让世界充满爱). The song name is translated as Fill the World with Love. As the title suggests, it's a song about making the world a better place. Once again, I couldn't find a Karaoke track I liked and there weren't any instrumentals that I can find so I went acapella again. I think this might become a new norm if songs I like just don't have any tracks for me to use.

    The song begins with let me gently hold your face in my hands and wipe away all of your tears. This heart of mine will always belong to you so you can tell me you won't ever be lonely. I watch deeply into your eyes as we don't need anymore words. I tightly hold onto your hands and this warmth has never changed.

    The chorus then goes we are joyful together. We persevere together. We all have the same hopes. We weather storms together. We chase dreams together. We all treasure the same kind of love.

    The next verse goes no matter if we have met before. No matter if you're close or faraway. I sincerely wish you well. Pray you have a happy and peaceful life.

    After that, it's basically the verses alternating with the chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My twenty sixth cover is a song I for whatever reason stopped stinging. It's nostalgic to return to it and I'm surprised how familiar I was with the karaoke track.

    The song is called Lao Shu Ai Da Mi (老鼠爱大米). The song name is translated as The Mouse Loves Rice. The title might seem odd but it's a love song done in a rather creative way.

    The songs start with I heard your voice and had an unusual feeling. It makes me never stop thinking about you and never dare to forget about you. I recalled a certain person who stays in my heart forever. Even if this is the only way for me to think about you. If there ever will be a day when my dreams and hopes come true. I will work extremely hard to treat you well and never change. No matter how distant it might be, I will make it come true. I will quietly whisper to your ear, whisper to your ear.

    Then we get to the chorus. I love you and loving you just as the mouse loves rice. No matter how many storms come our way, I will always be there for you. I miss you and missing you no matter how difficult it might be. As long as I can make you happy, I'm willing to do anything, loving you like this.

    Then we repeat the verses followed by the chorus repeated a few times. It's not an overly complicated song but I enjoy it.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My twenty seventh cover is another old song of mine. I sang it enough to get the rust off pretty quickly.

    The song is called Xin Tiao (心跳). The song name is translated as Heartbeat. This is a song more about a relationship that has reached its low.

    The song starts off with you want to argue with me but I don't have the time. I don't apologize because I'm not so bright. I wish to go back to our beginning. You're crying again and I cannot comfort you. I'm shaking my head again as I feel some regret. Love has progressed to a point where we cannot turn back or continue. Feel out of control within my chest. How many question marks can fill into two hearts? How many tears has love made us shed?

    The chorus then goes your eyes are filled with beauty and has stolen my heartbeat. Your warmth is so close to me and has stolen my heartbeat. Turning back time back to the beginning. Can you give me a moment so I can wait for you to remember one day the happiness hidden in your memories?

    Then we have the song repeat the first verse and the chorus a couple of times.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My twenty eighth cover is another old song of mine. I actually sang it when I was quite young and forgot about it over the years until fairly recently. It's one of those songs that took awhile to find as well.

    The song is called Xiang Shuo Ai Ni Bu Rong Yi (想说爱你不容易). The song name is translated as It's Not Easy Saying I Love You. This is a love song as you can tell from the title. I sang this acapalle as I couldn't find a karaoke track.

    The song starts off with are you yesterday's cloud or today's pouring down rain. Saying goodbye to your first love and still singing the song we both love. In the busy city, I'm doing a bit of soul searching. Are you bothered by my soul searching? I think about you for countless nights. The late breeze reminds me of you. Every page of my diary is quietly calling for you. I woke up from my dreams and am weeping.

    Then we get to the chorus. I want to say I love you but it's not an easy thing. This requires too much courage. I want to forget about you but it's not an easy thing. I can only stand tall in the wind as I think about you.

    We then have the part where I was just talking and not singing. You didn't tell me why and just left. All of our time together has added good memories to my recollection. I want to ask you to come back as I still love you. Yet all the words I say seem so useless. I thought about just forgetting about you but I realized that I cannot deceive myself.

    Then we have the chorus repeated a couple of times.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My twenty ninth cover is a song I enjoyed and, as you'll hear, I struggle with a bit. The song is in a higher key than I can remember so there were some issues, especially when I'm still fixing a few problems. However, I wasn't going to let that stop me from at least attempting it. These are just good practice overall,especially since I went acapella again.

    The song is called Chang Hui Jia Kan Kan (常回家看看). The song name is translated as Go Home Often. The reason I chose to sing this song is the message behind it. I feel like we can get caught up with all the things in our lives and forget to go back home to visit our loved ones unless there's a specific reason. With the Covid-19 going around, I think there are lots of people who probably wished they had spent more time with their loved ones before being isolated in the attempt to combat the virus.

    The song starts off with us finding some free time, take our kids and go home often. Bring along smiles and bring good wishes. Be with your loved ones and go home often. Mother has prepared a bit of a lecture while father prepared a table of food. Our headaches in life should be shared with mother. Issues with our jobs should be discussed with father.

    We then have the chorus. Go home often, go home often. Even if we help our mother wash chopsticks and clean the bowls. The older generation isn't yearning for their kids to give much back. Their whole life hasn't been easy and they just want the family to get together often. Go home often, go home often. Even if we help massage our father's back and shoulders, The older generation isn't yearning for their kids to give much back. Their whole life is filled with worries and they just want a peaceful life for their family.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My thirtieth cover is a classic love song as it's pretty famous in China. Not sure about the newer generations but the older generations all know this song.

    The song is called Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo de Xin (月亮代表我的心). The song name is translated as The Moon Represents my Heart. It's a classic and I think it's about time I give it a try.

    The song starts off with you ask me how deeply I love you and how great my love is. My feelings are real. My love is also real. The moon represents my heart. You ask me how deeply I love you and how great my love is. My feelings for you next change. My love won't ever change. The moon represents my heart. A gentle kiss has already touched my heart. The deep affection we shared makes me yearned for it to this day.

    Then we move to the chorus. You ask me how deeply I love you and how great my love is. You can ponder about it. You can go and see it. The moon represents my heart. Then we just repeat everything. I know the song seems simple but I find that sometimes the simple songs can carry more than more complicated songs.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    edited April 2020
    My thirty first cover is a song I enjoyed singing but, for whatever reason, didn't know the meaning to until I started translating the lyrics. It was one of those songs you sing for fun and couldn't care about the meaning. Luckily, the meaning is positive and not one of those where you have to be an adult to understood. I admit that I don't do the song justice since I stopped singing it for so long but that shouldn't ever be a reason for me to stop trying.

    The song is called Wo de Mai Ke Feng (我的麦克风). The song name is translated as My Microphone as you probably noticed from the similarly sounding word. It's funny that it's more relatable for me now since I starting taking this course and stream myself singing.

    The song starts with being one minutes of hero. Pass me the mic. Yo yo verse 1. Then we have the chorus pretty early on. Who stole away my microphone? It's not a problem. I still have my throat. Yeah yeah. Who looked down on me for having no audience? I myself is the first to be touched. Ooh yeah.

    We then come to what I perceive as the first verse. I didn't come to work. I'm selling my dream. Mandarin (is written as common/ordinary language [普通话] in Chinese) didn't teach me to how to be common/ordinary. Just give me five minutes. There's a chance that it might work and I'll change your entire life.

    Then we have first bit of rapping. I'm very useful. I'm very useful. Just waiting for Bo Le (伯乐) to use me (Bo Le was a historical character in China who was very good at mentoring and using talents). I will first earn a little bit of money. Unafraid of not being used to my full potential. I'm very useful. No matter if I'm being used or not, I will say up to tens of thousands times I'm very useful to make it work. Uh yeah. Give me, give me, my microphone. One applause. One spotlight. Shining on me. Do you understand? Understand? It doesn't matter if it's gold, silver or red, I want my microphone. Then we have the chorus again.

    The next verse goes releasing hormones and singing alive my daydream. I hold my own fate in my hands. I'm not afraid of anything. I understand more than the superstars on how to sing out the pain of ordinary people.

    Then we have the second bit of rapping. Yo! Are you afraid? It doesn't matter if you have thoughts or not. "If you want to grab the microphone, are you afraid of the price?" That's what my mother told my father here. Sing a classic song? I'm not afraid. Just not afraid. After finish listening, I want to thank you. If you want to give me flowers, you'll have to line up and maybe even get a number to wait your turn. If there's no one and there's only me and my microphone. Am I afraid? I'm not afraid. Are you afraid? I'm not afraid. Then we have the chorus.

    The audience on the left. The audience on the right. The audience across from me. Is there an audience? I hope all the audience will become my audience. Who has succeeded without putting down hard work? Who was born to hold a microphone? Then we have the chorus before ending the song.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My thirty second cover is a song I enjoyed singing as it's a fun song. Once again, there wasn't any karaoke or instrumental tracks so I have to do this a capella.

    The song is called Feng Yun Jue (风云决). The song is the theme song for the animated version of the Hong Kong fantasy film, The Storm Riders. I never saw this animated version but I did watch the original one when I was a kid (and basically remembered none of it).

    The song starts with where is the wind blowing? It reaches the corners of the sea and peaks reaching the sky. Who are we doing this for? There's still someone we cannot forget. Where is the cloud flying? It flies over mountain ranges and countless seas. Walking among the crowds. Where can I take a rest?

    Then we have the chorus. A blade's reflection, sword's shadow, will of a person. Seems like we reached the finish and yet we returned to the start. Looking, searching, all around us. In your embrace, I sleep for forever. The hand of fate pushes me forward. I follow your movement and fly beside you. The mix of love and hate is hard to understand. Why are still we unwilling to let go? I waited for you because of a promise I made. Since I was willing to chase, then I shouldn't have regrets. There's a sky above the sky. Tens of thousands years underground. It still ends in a sorry state.

    My heart is calm like still water. Grudges of the past vanish like mist in the sky.Who knows if the wind blows again and everything around us changes. Then we go to the chorus again.

    Having lost everything, I only have you by my side. I won back everything but can no longer share the moon with you. Then we repeat the second half of the chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My thirty third cover is a song I enjoyed singing a lot in the past. However, you'll notice that I don't sing it cleanly. It's highly possible that sang along with the lyrics and felt I did pretty well. It's one of those rude awakenings after hearing your own recording. Still, I shouldn't let that stop me from working on my singing.

    The song is called Dao Xiang (稻香). The song is translated as Rice Field. I know the song name sounds a bit odd but the lyrics should make a bit more sense (at least I hope my translated lyrics will). I enjoy this song because it has a really positive message and I really needed the message when I was singing the song a lot.

    The song starts with you have lots of complains regarding this world of ours. You fell down and lack the courage to keep going. Why are people this weak and depressing? Please turn on the television and see how many people are courageously moving forward in life. Shouldn't we be grateful and treasure everything, even things we don't possess?

    Then we have the chorus. Do you still remember when you said your home was your only castle? You were running by the rice field river. Smiling, I recall my childhood dreams. Don't cry, let the fireflies lead the way. The country tunes are always by your side.Go home now! Return to the good old days.

    Don't be tempted so easily to think about giving up. Just as I said, simply change your dream if you cannot pursue your old dream. Put up a fresh paint for your life and paint love with your favorite color. Smile! Becoming famous is never the goal. Being happy is far more meaningful. My childhood paper airplane finally flew back to my hands.

    Regarding happiness, it's running barefoot in the field after dragonflies and, when you get tired, you steal fruits only to get stung by the bees. Who is secretly laughing? I'm sitting against the scarecrow, feeling the breeze, singing a song and falling asleep. Woah, the guitar sounds better among the bugs chirping. Woah, the sun shining on the road so I won't experience heartbreak. Shouldn't we be grateful and treasure everything, even things we don't possess?

    Then we repeat the chorus twice.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My thirty fourth cover is another old classic sang by a famous singer at the time. I don't think it's his most signature song but it's the one I remember him for.

    The song is called Bing Yu (冰雨). The song is translated as Freezing Rain and it's about love. More accurately it's about a relationship that didn't go well.

    The song starts off with I am waiting for a girl. Or am I waiting for myself to sink in a sea of pain? A relationship quietly irrigated but no one there to care for it through the years (the term used in song means the time for flowers to bloom and wilt). An uncertain love with no future in sight. I can only stuff my heartaches deep into my mind. I was waiting for your return. Only to be told that I got what I deserved. One person quietly contemplates and yet two people have different helplessness. How did a perfectly good love slowly becomes something bad?

    The chorus then goes the chilliness of the freezing rain hitting my face. My warm tears becomes a part of the freezing rain. The colors before my eyes suddenly got covered. Your shadow mercilessly hover beside me. You are like an executioner who has betrayed me. My heart seem to be sliced apart by a blade. Who is willing to accept the love above the cliff was just the most painful accident?

    Then we repeat the second verse and then repeat the chorus twice. The ending of the last chorus goes like this. Who is brave enough to bother with the love above the cliff and be willing to accept the most painful accident of the girl that I loved.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My thirty fifth cover is song that's relatively new compared to my other songs I've covered here, though still fairly old. It's a song I attempted before but couldn't quite do it. I decided to try and show my rendition this time.

    The song is called Gu Dan Bei Ban Qiu (孤单北半球). The song is translated as Alone in the Northern Hemisphere. It's about long distance relationships.

    The song starts off with I use my goodnight to join you at breakfast. Remember to fill up my thoughts about you. I stare at the shining stars in the sky. Listen to Niu Lang telling Zhi Nu to be brave (Niu Lang and Zhi Nu is a traditional Chinese story where a man and an angel/fairy falling in love but they had the unfortunate fate of only meeting once a year). Don't be afraid that we are at the two ends of the Earth. See my greetings riding a magical carpet. Flying at the speed of lights to you. Letting you see Polaris has the Southern Cross as its companion.

    Then we get to the chorus. Are you getting used to not having my shoulder as a pillow? Your telescope cannot see my loneliness at the Northern Hemisphere. The tides of the Pacific Ocean spins with the Earth. I will patiently wait to welcome you whenever you arrive. Are you getting used not having my embraces as a heater? The pictures I email you won't reveal my loneliness at the Northern Hemisphere. The two biggest hearts in this world can share warmth. I doubt that you'll slack off as I'll give you all of my dreams to keep safe.

    Then we repeat the verse and chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    edited May 2020
    My thirty sixth cover is song that I once knew the lyrics by heart but not anymore. Just shows you how much I sang it in the past.

    The song is called Jiang Nan (江南). The song is translated as South of the Yangtze River and it's actually about love.

    The song starts as follows. The wind becomes sticky when it arrives. Sticking to the thoughts of the passing travelers. The rain becomes tangled like strings when it arrives. The strings wrapped around us make us love the world we're in. You are by my side dictated by fate. Our meeting predestined on the three life stone (a stone tied to our past, present and future lives). There's a tiny fraction of sweetness in love. Yet, I'm still willing to commit to it. Stuck in a circle for every single day of every year, I stare deeply at your face. I see the gentleness within your angered and frustrated face.

    We then move onto the chorus. We don't understand love, hate, passion, revenge and suffering of life so we thought loving one another is like the gentle changing clouds. We believe loving one day is worth forever as we hope this moment can be frozen. We don't understand how to express gentleness and thought that sacrificing for love is merely a myth. Our parting is so painful with so much pain condensed. When our dreams are buried in the rain south of Yangtze River, we finally understand once our heart is broken.

    We then repeat a bit of the first verse and the chorus a couple times.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My thirty seventh cover is song that got very popular at one point. It was hard to not hear it and it's catchy enough that it's stuck in my head. I actually didn't sing it that much and, due to time restraints, I have room to improve.

    The song is called Zui Xuan Min Zu Feng (最炫民族风). The song is translated as Coolest Ethnic/ Coolest Folk Style. I know the translation sounds weird but China actually has 56 ethnic groups due to its size and geography.

    The song starts as follows. The boundless horizon is my love. The endless mountain base is where the flower bloom. What sort of tempo do we shake to? What sort of song makes us happiest? The snakelike river comes from the sky. It passes through an ocean of flower filled with purple and red. We look forward to a familiar ballad. We feel most comfortable when we walk and sing. If we are singing, then we want to sing to our heart's content.

    Then we get to the next verse. You are the most beautiful cloud in my sky. Let me store you within my heart. We sing the coolest folk style at our leisure. Letting love sweep away all the dust. You are the most beautiful cloud in my sky. Filling up wine so you will stay behind. We will forever sing the coolest folk style which is the most beautiful posture in the entire sky.

    Afterwards, we have: I heard the touching melody within your heart as you walk up the stage up in the sky.

    Then we repeat the earlier verses. There aren't any verses I consider choruses for this song.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My thirty eighth cover is an old classic I used to love listening to. It's the theme song of a show that spoke of the Qing emperor, Kangxi.

    The song is called Xiang Tian Zai Jie Wu Bai Nian (向天再借五百年). The song is translated as Borrowing Another Five Hundred Years from Heaven.

    The song begins with us moving along rising and falling terrain of our home. The bends are so gentle. Letting the horses run on the plains we love of the northern regions and the region south of Yangtze River. Faced with the cutting snow and blade-like wind, we have the rain as our companion. Treasuring the golden years that was gifted to me by the heaven.

    Then, we move onto the next verse. We must show courage in my our lives and never cower from danger. Our ambitions will never change year after year. Our lives are filled with bitterness and sweetness with good and evil separated as we pursue the dreams of tomorrow.

    We now get to the chorus. We watch the iron hooves shake the ground as the horses traverse tens of thousands of miles. I stood at the peak amidst the chaos as I tightly hold the fate of the world. I hope that our society will be filled with peace and prosperity. I truly hope to live for another five hundred years.

    Then we repeat the second verse and the chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My thirty ninth cover is another old classic. It was really catchy but, at some in my life, I just forgot about the song altogether. I was going through some CDs and found this song. Might be rusty but it was fun to sing these old songs again.

    The song is called Wo Xin Fei Xiang (我心飞翔). The song is translated as My Flying/Gliding Heart. This might not make sense now but hopefully it will once we get into the lyrics. I did this acapella once again because it's really to find karaoke or even backing tracks for some of these songs. I also know that the song is kinda high so I sound flutey. I'm still working on fixing that but it's definitely a slow work in progress.

    The song starts with Oh Le Oh Le Oh Le. This is basically a direct reference to the Ole Ole Ole song in soccer but with a Chinese accent. This song was tied to soccer in some ways but I'm not certain on the details. The opening goes Ole... My flying heart Ole.... Ole... Wave your hands, walk forward and never look back, my friend.

    The first verse goes as follows. The never stopping youth is flowing from our chest. It hold onto my heart and makes your hands dance. The burning passion is flowing in the air and is closely following you never stopping. This is a mature season that's perfect for a harvest. Gently fly out without boundaries and persevere towards the end. Then we just repeat the entire opening and verse.

    I don't think this song has necessarily a chorus and it's pretty short. It's just one of those songs that's fun to sing. Just thought I share it since, when I pick songs, it's pretty dependent on my mood. It can be random whenever it's time for me to record these songs.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My fortieth cover is a song I used to sing a lot. I got rusty with the song but was surprised by how much I remembered regarding the lyrics and timing.

    The song is called Long Juan Feng (龙卷风). The song is translated as Tornado and it speaks of a relationship where love can be described by experiences within a tornado.

    The song starts as follows. Love is like the wind. It goes away after blowing. This sort of rhythm. No one can do about it. After losing you. I lost control of my soul. Dark clouds are descending. It tows me around. I quietly walk away and found myself at the edge of danger, baby. My world is filled with storms.

    Then we get to the chorus. Ooh, love came too quickly like a tornado. Unable to leave heart of the storm and unable to escape. I cannot think. I cannot think. I cannot. I cannot. I cannot. Love left so quickly like a tornado. Unable to handle, I have nowhere to hide. I don't want to think about you. I don't want to think about you. I don't. I don't. I don't want to think about you.

    Then we have the verse after the chorus. Without knowing, you already left me. Without knowing, I'm already following this tempo. Realizing after that another autumn has passed. Realizing after that I should live a good life.

    Then we repeat bits of the first verse, chorus and the last verse a couple times.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My forty first cover is a old song I heard a lot but didn't actually sing that much. It's not very complicated but I find that sometimes simpler songs can be fun to sing sometimes. I also couldn't find a backing track so I went acapella here.

    The song is called Tong Zhuo de Ni (同桌的你). The song is translated as Desk Mate. For Chinese schools, some classrooms are setup in a way where two students share the same desk. Therefore, people have a desk mate they sit together for all the classes. This song is basically about recalling one's desk mate.

    The song starts as follow. Will you remember yesterday's diary entry tomorrow? Will you miss the you that used to love to cry tomorrow? Your teachers have long forgotten the one that cannot figure out the answers. I also had to flip through the pictures to coincidentally remember my desk mate.

    Then we get to the chorus 1 (there are two slightly different versions of the chorus). Who married the gentle and fair you? Who read through your diary? Who did the braids for your long hair? Who sewed your wedding dress?

    Then we get to the second verse. You used to always be very careful as you ask to borrow half of my eraser. You also used to randomly tell that you like being with me. The skies were always blue back then and the days were always too slow. You always said we'll never see the day we graduate but, in a blink of an eye, we all went our separate ways.

    Then, we get to the chorus 2. Who met the gentle and fair you? Who comforts the you that loves to cry? Who read the letters I wrote to you and who threw them into the wind?

    Next, we have the third (short) verse. Those days were long gone. I will have my own wife too. I will show her the photos and tell her about my desk mate.

    Finally, we'll repeat chorus 1.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My forty second cover is another old song I heard a lot and sang a bit. The singer had a unique texture to his voice due to an injury but I didn't try to mimic it for fear of harming my vocal cords. I also couldn't find a backing track so I went acapella here.

    The song is called Na Yi Tian (那一天). The song is translated as That Day. Not a very descriptive title but you'll hear it often throughout the song. The song is based on the singer's personal experience where he met a woman he loved but he never got to see or be with her again.

    The first verse starts as follows. Remember that day when God organized our meeting. I knew at the time I already saw spring. Remember that day, I yearn for you night and day. Impatiently, I don't know when we'll meet again. Remember that day, my heart was lit with a fire as I was waiting. I saw the finish line of my fate. Remember that day, you were like a cigarette I cannot throw away. The smoke surrounded me and I cannot rid of it.

    Then we get to the chorus. That day. That day. I lost you. Like a child who lost his favorite toy. That day. That day. Will stay in my heart. It has left its mark and cannot ever be removed.

    We then repeat the end of the first verse followed by the chorus. Then, we have the bridge.

    Life is purposely messing with me to give you an unforgettable moment. Yet it cannot let her continue forever. That day you walked out of my sight and never appeared again.

    Then we repeat the chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My forty third cover is another old song I heard a lot. I actually didn't sing it which shows in my rendition. It's a very nice song that I hope I'll revisit a bit more often in the future.

    The song is called Hua Xin (花心). The song is translated as Flower Heart/Playboy but the lyrics speaks otherwise. I'll let you interpret the lyrics translation below.

    The song starts as follows. A flower's heart is hidden in the bud causing it to miss the time when the flower is supposed to bloom. Your heart forgot the season and is never easily understood. Why not take my hand so we can listen to the sun and moon singing a song? The night becomes day. The night becomes day. We have only so many happy days in our lifetimes.

    Then, we get to the chorus. Spring came and went. Flowers wilt and will bloom again. As long as you are willing. As long as you are willing. Let dreams paddle towards the sea that makes up your heart. Then, we repeat the chorus a second time.

    Next, we get to the second verse. The flower petals and tears fall into the breeze and are carried away. We might be hurting but we tolerate it nonetheless. Your tears are beautiful and see through like gems. You still have a dream in your heart. Why not take my hand and see the sea and sky become one. Rising and falling. Rising and falling. We sent away a lot of worry in our lifetimes.

    Then, we finish with the chorus a couple of times.

  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606
    @Rick_amateur great to hear you again, thats a beautiful song and it's great how you take the time to give us the meaning of these songs. Very nicely sung your voice sounds so much more natural now more controlled great work I liked it very much.

    Vocality :)
  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708

    Thanks for listening! It's just nice to work on different songs, especially different languages, since they help you improve as a singer by focusing on different things.
  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My forty fourth cover is another old song I heard a lot and sang very little of. It's a very nice song that by the same musician as the last cover song. This one, I did in acapella once again.

    The song is called Ai Xiang Sui (爱相随). The song is translated as Love Follows Along.

    The first verse begins as follows. I cannot help but remind myself that I shouldn't think about you. My heart is wounded as some things will have to pass. My heart aches to the point that I don't become who I am. Don't look back when our passions and time together are gone. I miss you not due to me losing you. I wholeheartedly loved you. I live an entire life just to meet you once this time. The emotions are difficult. Difficult to continue and difficult to wake up again.

    Then, we get to the second verse. People fly separately and yet love still follows along. We still use our entire lifetime pursing that love. How do I chase it back? I feel comfortable with you so I'm willing to do anything for you. I don't regret experiencing storms. Yet, how did I find myself with no way to retreat. The affection that was once there, who did you give it to?

    Next, we repeat the last two lines of the first verse before repeating the chorus twice.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My forty fifth cover is a relatively new song compared to the previous two and it's by the same musician. For those curious, the singer is called Wakin Chau and he's very famous in mainland China. For this one, I did in acapella once again.

    The song is called Wang You Cao (忘忧草). The song is translated as Daylily. Since I'm not an expert in plants, I fear I cannot tell you much about Daylily.

    The first verse starts as follows. Let the weak and fragile us learn how to tolerate. Fiercely facing the struggles and challenges in life. We cannot let go of those we loved and yet we're never meant to be together. To love we must make sacrifices and only then will we treasure it. Only then will we truly love our other half. Our naive soul is tired and wounded as we realize that we must get through challenges alone.

    Then, we get to the second verse. The beautiful life and kind people make our heart breaks and sadness seem so insignificant. Coming and going between you, me and them, we would rather lightly smile from afar than meet.

    Afterwards, we get to the chorus. Daylily! Forget it all! How much do we know in our dreams? Some peak or corner of the sea or some island. Some year, month or day we would embrace. The green riverside grass are quietly waiting for their surroundings to grow old.

    Then, we repeat the two verses and the chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My forty sixth cover is a song I somehow forgot about. I used to sing it a lot as I somehow memorized its lyrics. That apparently is still the case, though I'm far more rusty now.

    The song is called Yong Xin Liang Ku (用心良苦). The song is translated as Ponder Earnestly. It's a love song and the lyrics should make more sense.

    The first verse starts with the following. Your face has a lot of anguish. Your eyes shows what's left of your tears. Your lips might be beautiful but they show fatigue. I used an entire night trying to figure out between you and me who loves the other more. I would rather look at you sleeping so deeply. This is better than you waking up and being heartless.

    Then, we get to the chorus. You said you wanted to run. And yet you find yourself forced to stay. Our feelings are empty and love is gone. Do you still want what's left of an empty heart? Spring is gone and flowers wilt. Ponder earnestly result in nothing. How do I describe my pain? Love you forever but mistakenly letting go of your hand.

    Then, we repeat the first verse and chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My forty seventh cover is a song I sang a lot in the past as well. Then, I just sorta stopped for no real reason. Singing this definitely brought back nostalgia.

    The song is called Qi Li Xiang (七里香). The song is translated as Common Orange Jasmine after the Orange Jasmine plant.

    The first verse starts as following. The sparrow outside the window is making noises on the telephone pole. A sentence you said felt like summer. The pencil in my hand is moving on the paper. I used a few lines to describe what you meant to me. The cat and you are both interested in finding out the taste of saury. The fragrance of our first love was suddenly discovered again. The warmth of the sun is like the freshly picked strawberry. You said you couldn't bear to indulge in such a feeling.

    Then, we get to the chorus. The rain fell all night and my love pour out just like the rain. The leaves fall in the courtyard and are thickly piled like my longing for you. A few bad rumors couldn't cool off my passion for you. You show up in every single page of my poem. The rain fell all night and my love pour out just like the rain. The butterfly at the windowsill are like the beautiful phrases that fly within the poem. I kept writing to include my undying love for you into the ending. You are the only one I want to understand.

    We then get to the bridge. The fulfilling rice ear has blessed this season. Yet you cheeks resembles the ripened the tomato in the field. You suddenly told me that Orange Jasmine is a beautiful name. At that moment I just wanted to kiss your stubborn lips.

    Then, we repeat the chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My forty eighth cover is a song I heard a lot but, for whatever reason, didn't sing much. It might have been out of my range so I chose not to tackle it. Better late than never.

    The song is called Qian Li Zhi Wai (千里之外). The song is translated as Beyond Thousands of Miles.

    The first verse beings as follows. The roof is like a cliff and the wind chimes are like the sea. I'm waiting for the sparrow to return home. Time was arranged for us to act out an accident and you walked away silently. The story occurred outside the city and the fog failed to disperse so I cannot see the dialogue. You cannot hear that the sound of wind is actually me sighing. When we wake from our dream, we wonder who is by the windowsill and started the finale. The future is like thin like cicadas wings and cannot withstand any tearing.

    We then get to the chorus. I sent you away thousand of miles and you made no sound or have an expression. The silent years made us think that maybe we shouldn't love so far away. I sent you away beyond the horizon and wonder if you're still there. Cannot hear the melody or guess if you're alive or not. I spend my whole life to wait for you.

    Then, we get to the next verse. I entered the forest when I heard weeping to look for the pear blossoms but I only found rows of green moss. The sky is beyond the mountain while the rain fall on the flowers above the windowsill as my hair turns grey. I entered the forest when I heard weeping to look for the pear blossoms but I only found rows of green moss. The sky is beyond the mountain while the rain fall on the flowers above the windowsill as I wait for you to return.

    You are wearing all white and transparent like dust with your flawless love. You arrived while it was raining, turned my sorrow to poetry and I'm still soaked to this day. Picking the lotus on the water surface. The shadow of the boat is still there but you aren't returning. After the years have passed and the flowers you said would bloom, the past became a blank. When we wake from our dream, we wonder who is by the windowsill and started the finale. The future is like thin like cicadas wings and cannot withstand any tearing.

    Then, we repeat the chorus twice.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My forty ninth cover is a song I stopped singing at one point as well. It's just one of those you liked a song until you don't and then you forget about it. Definitely enjoy it as I used to have this song memorized. .

    The song is called Dong Feng Po (东风破). The song is translated as East Wind Breaks.

    The first verse starts as follows. I stood alone by the window with a cup of worry. I was behind the door pretending that you were still there. Revisiting old places and the full moon makes me more alone. The candlelight woke up at midnight but doesn't lecture me. After you left, the warm alcohol makes me forget about the past.

    Then, we have the second verse. I roamed around the world struggling to swallow a kettle of wandering. Water is flowing east as I try to steal some time. Flowers bloom only once but I missed it.

    Next, we have the chorus. Who is playing "East Wind Breaks" on the lute? The years are peeling off the walls so I can see my childhood. Remember the time when we were still young. Now the lute sounds haunt us and you failed to hear my waiting. Who is playing "East Wind Breaks" on the lute? The maple leaves dye the stories so I can see through to the ending. I took your hand and walked through the path outside the fence. During the time of desolation, even breaking up doesn't make a sound.

    Then, we repeat second verse and the chorus twice.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My fiftieth cover is a song I heard enough times to like it but apparently never bothered to learn it. I did hum it from time to time so this was my first actual attempt to learning it.

    The song is called Ju Hua Tai (菊花台). The song is translated as Chrysanthemums Terrace.

    The first verse starts as follows. Your glistening tears carry pain in their fragility. The pale crescent moon hooks onto the past. The endless night crystallized into frost. Who is in the attic feeling helpless? The rain gently patters onto the scarlet window. My life is like a paper battered by the wind. Dreams into the distance fade into incense smoke. Your image disappears with the wind.

    We then get to the chorus. Wilted Chrysanthemums scattered everywhere with your smile turning a pale yellow. The wilted flowers brought sadness as my thoughts languish. The northern wind arrived at dusk while your shadow refused to leave. I stood by the lake with my reflection as my only company.

    Then, we get to the second verse. The flower responds to dusk and shed their brilliance. They wither on life's path destined for a tragic fate. Crossing the lake with worry and your heart is split in half. Fearing you cannot reach the shore and forever be drifting. Whose nation is it when the horse hooves thunder? My military uniform decays with time. Your soft sighs signify dawn. The conclusion of another sleepless night.

    Then, we repeat the chorus twice.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My fifty-first cover is a song I vaguely remember hearing in the past but didn't sing much. I basically learned it on the go so this was a bit tough.

    The song is called Fa Ru Xue (发如雪). The song is translated as Hair Like Snow.

    The first verse starts as follows. A wolf fang moon. A waning loved one. I raise a cup to drink all the wind and snow. Who overturned the cupboard of the past and disturbed the dust of right and wrong? Some predestined words result in how many reincarnations. You frown and cry that your love won't return. Even the history records became dust. My love won't end as it's grand like a three-thousand-year-old river flowing south. I only take a scoop of love to understand as I yearn for your butterfly incarnation.

    Then, we get to the chorus. Your hair is like snow and beautifully chilling during our parting. Whose heart can my incense touch? I invite the moon to remind me of my memories. Love becomes perfect under the moon. Your hair is like snow while the tears fly by. Who am I waiting till I'm old? I am drunk while I passed the days. I use my lack of regrets to carve a tablet to say I love you.

    We then repeat the first verse and the chorus twice. Then, we have two lines repeated twice. The lines are as follows. The bronze mirror reflects nothing wicked while you tie your ponytail. If you act wildly, then I'll keep you company with wine.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My fifty-second cover is a song I sang a ton of because it seemed very cool to me at the time. I still think it's cool but don't have that much time to do as much karaoke nowadays.

    The song is called Zhong Guo Ren (中国人). The song is translated as Chinese People. For those who don't know, I was born in China and moved to Canada when I was very young. Despite growing up as a Canadian, I still accept that my roots were from China.

    The first verse goes as follows. Five thousand years of wind and rain have hidden so many dreams. Yellow faces and black eyes that never fail to smile. Eight thousand miles of mountains and rivers are like a song. It doesn't matter where you come from or where you are heading.

    Then, we get to the second verse. The same tears. The same pain. Struggles of our past will remain in our hearts. The same blood. The same origin. For our dreams for the future, we will pioneer it together.

    Then, we have the chorus. Hand in hand, not caring if it's you and me, we raise our head as we walk forward. Let the world know that we are all Chinese people.

    Then, we repeat the verses and chorus.


  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606

    Great to hear you again like the melody in this song, it's great to remain close to your roots nice job
  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708

    Thanks for listening! I usually pick songs I enjoy and this happened to be tied to my roots.
  • gravity84gravity84 Member Posts: 10
    This is pretty cool. I'm new here singer for a while now, started learning Mandarin on my commutes 2 years ago, started loving Mandopop, too. I might try my hand at a mandopop demo
  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708

    Thanks! Mandarin isn't an easy language to learn and learning to sing it is a great way to learn the language. Doing demos help you learn the language and your singing so a win-win.
  • Mr_SinophileMr_Sinophile Member Posts: 2
    Hi Rick,

    Thanks so much for sharing! I'm not Chinese, I'm a white guy, but I actually speak, read and write fluent Mandarin Chinese and I'm a Chinese translator as well. I'm familiar with many of the songs you've been singing.

    很高兴认识您,我不是中国人, 但是我的中国朋友们都说我有一颗中国心。 我经常开玩笑地说自己是个鸡蛋,估计您应该知道“鸡蛋” 是什么意思吧!外表是白色的核心是黄色的,呵呵!冷笑话。。。


  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    Hi @Mr_Sinophile ,

    Thanks for listening! These are songs I've enjoyed over the decade or so and just wanted to share. I know I have a long way to go but that shouldn't prevent me from keeping working at it and trying difficult songs.

    我也很高兴认识您。我虽然是中国人但我很小就和父母去了加拿大。所以,我的中文并不好。很有可能你的中文比我好很多。 说到冷笑话,有人在加拿大形容我是香蕉的。。。


  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My fifty-third cover is a song I heard a few times and just like the message behind it. This is one of those songs that I don't have a ton of practice with but still want to share it.

    The song is called Nan Ren Ku Ba Bu Shi Zui (男人哭吧不是罪). The name translates into a Man Crying Isn't a Crime/Sin. I feel like this doe touch on the fact that men are expected to be strong all the time and cannot show weaknesses. Sadly, this perspective has caused lots of mental health issues we see today.

    The first verse starts as follows. When I was young, people around me told me I cannot cry. After I mature, I said to the mirror that I cannot regret anything. Constantly hovering within a small space. My heart moving back and forth across the lifeline. People wearing a mask night and day. I feel exhausted.

    Then, we get to the second verse. It's obviously time to be teary and yet my eyes forget how to do so. It's obviously time to have regrets and yet my heart forgets how to do so. The stress is pushing me towards exhaustion and I start to struggle with breathing. I started slowly lower my guard, slowly regret and slowly cry.

    Now, we get to the chorus. A man crying, crying, crying isn't a crime/sin. Strong people also have the right to be exhausted. If there's a broken heart behind the smile, why must we go through the embarrassing thing of hiding it? A man crying, crying, crying isn't a crime/sin. To get a taste of the long-forgotten tears. Even the rain can be a type of beauty. Why not take this opportunity to cry out freely.

    Then, we repeated the second verse and the chorus twice.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My fifty-fourth cover is a song I also heard a few times. This is one of those songs that I don't have a ton of practice with but still want to share it as I found it quite catchy as a whole.

    The song is called Lai Sheng Yuan (来生缘). The song is translated as Afterlife Love.

    The first verse starts as follows. Looking around, you silently disappear. I can never find the memories and never find the once-forgotten truth. An entire lifetime passed with you bit by bit abandoned. Feeling pain, sorrow, distress, and hate regarding losing you. It might not be easy to separate. It might be loving isn't possible. Feeling pain, sorrow, distress, and hate regarding losing myself. Our love and fate have passed. You and I also knew how to treasure. We can only wait for the afterlife to continue on our story's beginning.

    Then, we get to the second verse. Our entire life is within our endless dreams. We occasionally open up our diary and flip through our story. Chapters of our memories with our memories no longer have any meaning. Feeling pain, sorrow, distress, and hate regarding losing you. It might not be easy to separate. It might be loving isn't possible. Feeling pain, sorrow, distress, and hate regarding losing myself. Our love and fate have passed. You and I also knew how to treasure. We can only wait for the afterlife to continue on our story's beginning.

    We then repeat the second verse and a bit of its ending.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My fifty-fifth cover is a song I heard a lot as it was one of the few cassette tapes I got when I was young.

    The song is called Xin Tai Ruan (心太软). The song is translated as Your Heart is Too Soft.

    The song starts with the chorus and it goes as follows. Your heart is too soft. Your heart is too soft. You're always crying by yourself until dawn. You don't complain about loving that person. I know that you aren't as strong as you appear. Your heart is too soft. Your heart is too soft. You shoulder every burden you come across. Loving one another is always easy. Getting along is tougher. Don't force what isn't yours.

    Then, we get to the first verse. You don't want to sleep late at night. Are you still thinking about him? Are you exhausted by your infatuation despite knowing that he will never comfort you? You only wanted to love a single person well but he could never give you full marks. He won't be moved by your extra sacrifices. You shouldn't just want to be a good person.

    We then have a bridge. Oh, who cares? Just forget about it. Let go of what you should let go of. Thinking about it won't help. Idiotically waiting when he won't return. You should think about your own future.

    Then, we repeat the chorus, second verse, and chorus twice.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    edited September 2020
    My fifty-sixth cover is a song I heard a lot as it was one of the few cassette tapes I got when I was young.

    The song is called Shang Xin Tai Ping Yang (伤心太平洋). The song is translated as Sorrowful Pacific.

    The first verse starts as follows. Is it cruel to leave? Or is gentleness shameful? Or do lonely people don't matter? Regardless of the day, night, or conditions. Is the way forward dangerous? Or is betrayal actual understanding? Or is running away easier? Suspicious of others as the wind blows up dust. Moving forward is the sunset. Backing up a step is life. The wind and waves aren't calm and even the heart isn't either. An island locks up a person.

    We then get to the next verse. I'm waiting for a boat that never arrives. I'm waiting for a person who doesn't understand. Loneliness silently sinks in the ocean. I'm still here if there isn't a future. If the waves go, then the heart does too. If the waves return, then you are still not back. All our past memories floating to the top. Thinking back, you are no longer here.

    Then, we get to the chorus. Before one wave has ended, another came after. Among the people, we experience a storm. One wave came too late while another is long gone. This life, we feel like we just woke up. The deep Pacific Ocean is filled with sorrow.

    Then, we repeat all of these with slightly variations and chorus repeated.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My fifty-seventh cover is a song I heard a lot. It was quite high for me even now but it's one of those fun to sing songs.

    The song is called Wo Qi Dai (我期待). The song is translated as I Look Forward.

    The first verse starts as follows. I look forward to the day I will return. Return to the start of my love. Return to wonderous days of childhood innocence. I look forward to the day I will understand. Understand the love of this world. Understand the raw feelings.

    Then, we get to the second verse. I would rather replace the helplessness of parting and reunion with nature's melody of the spring night. I would rather fill the present and the future with the coolness of the autumn days.

    Then, we get to the chorus. Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Pacing back and forth and in circles as we search. Say goodbye. Say goodbye. Walking confidently with our heads up and not leaving a trace of regret.

    We then repeat the second verse and chorus twice.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My fifty-eighth cover is a song I sang a little in the past. It was catchy and, when I searched for songs I sorta knew, this got onto my radar.

    The song is called Ai Hen Jian Dan (爱, 很简单). The song is translated as Love is very Simple.

    The first verse starts as follows. I forgot how it got started. It might have been a feeling I had towards you. I suddenly realized that I have fallen deeply in love with and it's very simple.

    Then, we get to the second verse. My love doesn't care if the earth and sky turns dark. I cannot pick between truth and lies, oh. I have no regrets chasing after love night and day. That crazy person was me, oh.

    Next, we have the chorus. I love you! I cannot stop loving you, baby. Say you love me too. I love you! I'm never wiling, baby, to lose you.

    I cannot get any happier as long as we're together. I'm willing to do anything. While the world is constantly changing, I will use my sincere heart to simplify love.

    Then we repeat the the second verse before a modified chorus. I love you! I will always be here, baby. I will always love you, oh yeah. I love you! I'll never give up my right to love you.

    Afterwards, we have a bridge. If you ever have troubles, oh no. Please lean against my heart and listen. Listen to me say I love. Yes, I do.

    We finally end it off with the modified chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    edited October 2020
    My fifty-ninth cover is a song I sang often at one point in life, stopped and then completely forgot about it until now. I'm pretty rusty with it right now and this was done without a backing track due to me unable to find one.

    The song is called Ai Wo Hai Shi Ta (爱我还是他). The song is translated as "Do You Love Me or Him?"

    The first verse starts as follows. We didn't say anything in the darkness. You just wanted to go home. I didn't want you to go home. The solitude scares people as it's deep like the sea. Your gentle hands lightly caressing my hair. Your face tells me that you long for my embrace. Your body desperately wishes to escape but your desire is burning.

    We then get to the chorus. Do you love me or him? Is it true that he is better than me? Who are fighting for? Do you love me or him? Just say what is on your mind regarding if you want to go with me or him.

    Love, love, love.

    We then have the second verse. Is this a moment where fate punishes me? No way to love you. No way to hate you. Trapped inside this mess wanting to only break free. Holding onto your hand but I got dragged down instead. Your face tells me that you don't long for my embrace. Whenever love becomes suffering, you start to flee.

    We then get to a second variation of the chorus where it's longer and varies. Do you love me or him? Is it true that if I'm better than him that you won't struggle anymore. Do you love me or him? I would rather hear a cruel answer instead of being toyed around. Do you love me or him? I found a hundred reasons for you and that's how foolish I am. Do you love me or him? Does your silence represent your answer? Should I have understood? Do you love me or him? You already can't see us together and yet I still worry. Do you love me or him? Is silence your answer? Let's stop struggling so you can go love him.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My sixtieth cover is a song I sang a bit and actually missed singing since I did this rendition. It's a nice thing to return to after not singing it for so long.

    The song is called Jue Qiang (倔强). The song is translated as "Stubborn."

    The first verse starts as following. When I am different from the world, then let me be different. Perseverance is my way to overcome struggles. If I compromise with myself and lie to myself, I won't forgive myself even if others forgive me. The more beautiful wish is also the craziest. I am my own god for where I live.

    Then, we have the chorus. Me and my final stubbornness holding on tight, never letting go. Is the next stop heaven? Despite being disappointed, I won't despair. Me and my proud stubbornness as I sing loudly in the wind. This one time, I'm crazy for myself. Just this one time, me and my stubbornness.

    Then, we get to the second verse. Facing my loved ones, I mustn't be nervous. My stubbornness is very kind. The dirtier my hands becomes, the brighter my eyes shine. You don't mind my past and saw my wings. You said that only being burned will a phoenix appear. Going against the wind is more suited for flying. I'm not afraid of thousands blocking my way as I only fear my own surrender.

    Then, we repeat the chorus twice. The second time has an extra line of: Just this one time, let me sing loudly.

    Next, we have the La's with: Despite being disappointed, I won't despair at the middle and Just this one time, me and my stubbornness at the end.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My sixty-first cover is a song I heard a few times. I'm actually getting into territory where I must learn new songs for these covers because my repertoire is a lot smaller than I recalled.

    The song is called Wei Yi (唯一). The song is translated as "The Only One."

    We start with the first verse. My sky is so very clear. The transparent promise is the air of the past. You are the one holding my hand but your smile can't be seen clearly.

    Then, we move onto the second verse. If a star changes its mind, all of its past wishes will be abandoned. Recently, I cannot breathe and even my own shadow want to run away.

    Next, we have the chorus. Baby, you are my only one. The two worlds have changed and it's not easy to go back. I'm certain you are my only one. I said I love you alone on the phone and I really love you. Baby, I cannot love you more.

    After that, we repeat the second verse before repeating the chorus twice.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My sixty-second cover is a song I heard a few times. Odds are other people have heard of it as it was a song for the Beijing Olympics. This is a slightly changed version and, due to no instrumentals, is purely acapella.

    The song is called Wo He Ni (我和你). The song is translated as "Me and You." I will also include the English part too.

    The first verse starts as follows. Me and you. Heart to heart. We live on planet Earth. For our dreams, we travel a thousand miles to meet here. Come, my friend! Reach out your hand. Me and you. Heart to heart. Forever family.

    The second verse, in English, is as follows. You and me from one world. We are family. Travel dream a thousand miles meeting here. Come together, put your hand in mine. You and me from one world. We are family.

    Then we have, in this version at least, the following ending. Come, my friend! Reach out your hand. You and me from one world. We are family.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My sixty-third cover is a song I heard a few times and really enjoyed it. It's not an overly complicated song but it's fun.

    The song is called Peng You (朋友). The song is translated as Friend and, as you know, I had a song with the same name way back. The lyrics here is different and the feel is different.

    The first verse goes as follows. My friend. Ah, my friend. Did you ever remember me? If you are enjoying happiness, please forget about me. My friend, Ah, my friend. Did you ever remember me? If you experience any misfortune, please tell me.

    Then we repeat the first verse before getting into the chorus. The chorus goes as follows. My friend! Ah, my friend! Did you ever remember me? If you have new. If you have new shore to dock. Please leave me! Leave me!

    Then, we repeat the first verse and the chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My sixty-fourth cover is a song I heard a couple of times but never tried to sing before. It was luckily not overly difficult and I did it acapella.

    The song is called Yin Wei Ai Qing (因为爱情). The song is translated as Because of Love.

    The first verse go as follows. I gave you an old CD so you can listen to our love back then. Sometimes, I suddenly forget that I still love you. We no longer sing that sort of song that make us blush and turn away after a listen. Even if I often forget that I still love you.

    Then, we get to the chorus. Because of love, we aren't easily saddened resulting in everything appearing happy. Because of love, we simply grew up resulting in me still crazy for you anytime. Because of love, things don't really age so we still look young. Because of love, we're at that place where people are still wandering while they are coming and going.

    Then, we repeat the second part of the first verse, the chorus and the first part of the first verse.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My sixty-fifth cover is a song I heard a couple of times but never really sang it until recently. It's a fun tune and I know I still need more practice on it.

    The song is called Ben Xiao Hai (笨小孩). The song is translated as Stupid Kid.

    The first verse goes as follows. Whoa, there is a stupid kid outside a tranquil village born in the sixties. Around ten, he came to the city and not afraid of working under the sun during the seventies. He noticed in the city that friends don't need irrigation as flowers will automatically bloom.

    Then, we have the second verse. Whoa, a blink of an eye sees time fly by and this stupid kid enters the eighties. Hitting his thirties and, while not doing good, he wasn't doing bad through the nineties. He's frustrated that he's always slower than others in everything. As a result, he has no money in his pocket.

    Next, we have the chorus. Ahh yo, beat your chest, bravely stand up and don't feel terrible. Ahh yo, pray to the sky, don't lose hope and god has his plans. God has his plans. (Note: The god here is the chinese version of the being that's all powerful and shouldn't be confused with the God of other religions)

    After that, we have the third verse. Whoa, they say within a city the men aren't bad and women don't love which doesn't make sense no longer how you think about it. Mother say sincere love will see a beautiful love life but I don't have a girl. Stupid kid is still persevering like a piece of rock and the loneliness is unbearable only at night.

    Then, we repeat the chorus twice before finishing with a line: God loves stupid kid.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My sixty-sixth cover is a song I heard on and off. I happened to hear it again and decide to learn it. Once again, this is acapella due to no karaoke track I'm content with.

    The song is called Xiang Xin Zi Ji (相信自己). The song is translated as Believe Yourself.

    The first verse goes as follows. Mother's encouragement. Courage for the road. Wakes up sunshine and seasons don't change. Shielding from the wind and rain, you have love accompany you. Telling you to not give up.

    Then, we have the second verse. Strong teardrops. Tomorrow's relay. Bathing in life, not frustrated. Wounded wings take flight and fight in the air. Dreams burning in your tears when you are most beautiful.

    Next, we have the chorus. Life is embracing you. Pain becomes a miracle. Fight to the end so we will rise up tomorrow. Believe yourself. This land will forever belong to you. Doesn't matter where you are. Attention will always follow you. Your heart is never lonely. Use smile to bring rise to your dreams. Use your life to create honor and nourish heaven and earth. Be sincere. Show your love. Don't give up.

    After that, we have the third verse. An uneven journey. Giving our best. Failures can also have meaning. Tomorrow's foundation is remembered over time. Sharing our affection and never stop doing so.

    Then, we repeat the chorus before ending with: Mother's encouragement. Courage for the road. Believe yourself. Dont give up.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My sixty-seventh cover is a song I heard a few times. It was one of those tunes that I can kinda hum but don't remember its lyrics or even the song name. I rediscovered it recently and decided to tackle it.

    The song is called Dan Shen Qing Ge (单身情歌). The song is translated as Love Song of the Singles.

    The first verse goes as follows. I'm unable to capture love as I'm always watching her flee. There are so many happy people everywhere but why can't I be one of them.

    Then, we have the second verse. I fought alone for love and suffered much for it. There are so many brokenhearted people everywhere.and I'm merely one of them.

    Next, we have the chorus. Love requires perseverance and courage. Love requires endurance. Single people must realize that to love one must not fear pain. Looking for a beloved, deeply loved, adored and dearest person to say goodbye to being single. A passionate, infatuated, heartless and ruthless person to give me scars. There are so many lonely people. Few are truly happy. I don't want to have loved and missed it. Leave myself single and sing a love song alone.

    Then, we repeat verse two and the chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My sixty-eighth cover is another one of those songs I vaguely remembered hearing but have forgotten over the years until now.

    The song is called Cai Hong (彩虹). The song is translated as Rainbow.

    The song starts with the chorus. Being a rainbow, I will light up the sky as soon as the rain ends. Letting you who I love deeply feel the glory. Being a rainbow, I will do anything to make you smile. It's enough that I love you. Don't need others to understand. Don't need others to understand.

    Then, we get to the first verse. As long as I don't wake up, then this isn't a dream. Please look at me. Please embrace me. Don't let our body heat escape. So much I want to say. So much I want to do. Please let to sky give me. Please let time give me. Just a bit more.

    Next, we repeat the chorus before the bridge. If the lovely you was ever touched, please remember it in your heart. Next time it rains, the rainbow you see cannot possibly be me.

    Then, we finish with the chorus repeated a few times.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My sixty-ninth cover is an old song I decided to try. I remembered a bit of the chorus and that was it.

    The song is called Jiu Bai Jiu Shi Jiu Duo Mei Gui (九百九十九朵玫瑰). The song is translated as Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Roses.

    The first verse starts as follows. The past is like the wind. Confusion mistaken for infatuation. Saying farewell to you with alcohol but cannot say goodbye to the shadow. The candle light casts the shadow but it cannot show your looks. I still see you lonely in the picture.

    Then, we have the second verse. The night wind is frigid and makes me recall the dream-like past. My heart is seemingly frozen as we know one another but cannot meet. Hard to let go of my heartache. Hard to let go of my wind-like feelings. Hard to let go the unrestrained you in my heart.

    Next, we have the chorus. I have already planted nine hundred ninety nine roses. Since the day we broke up, there are nine hundred ninety nine roses. When the flower withers, the person is already wasted. Thousands of promises fade like smoke.

    Then, we repeat the second verse before repeating the chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My seventieth cover is a song I heard a few times. I really enjoyed it but really only remembered one line in the chorus prior to learning it this time.

    The song is called Nian Qing de Zhan Chang (年轻的战场). The song is translated as Battlefield of Youth.

    The song starts with one version of the chorus as follows. Today, I finally stand upon this battlefield of youth. Please give me a beam of love. Today, I will be heading towards victory in the distance. I want to light up this world for you.

    Then, we get to the first verse. My dream is knocking on my heart every time I wake up in the morning. I tell myself the successful path is still lengthy. My dream seize every moment to express itself to show you a young but broad chest.

    Next, we have the second verse. All the gentleness and strength that has gone through storms. All the youthful regrets, headaches and growth. All the hopes and ideals running towards the future. All the passion and madness that breaks through limitations.

    After that, we have a second version of the chorus. Today, I finally stand upon this battlefield of youth. Please applaud proudly for me. Today, I will be heading towards victory in the distance. I want this world to feel my impact.

    Then, we have the third verse. My dream at every failing moment welcomes in blessings. To understand happiness is relying on one another's shoulder. My dream at every devotion to hard work creates blooming life. To tell this world the power of confidence of my generation.

    We then repeat the second verse and both version of the chorus.

  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,446
    Jiu Bai Jiu Shi Jiu Duo Mei Gui

    i like that one, interesting lyrics, too. good progress.

    there is one aspect of your voice you gain more control over these days (a certain frogginess, it got better over time already) that i think you are working on getting rid off, and you make progress there, especially on the high part. if i had to describe it, it seems like a lack of "good" tension, not sure in which area, but some muscle that you are not pulling enough, if you know what i mean. maybe in the throat or with smiling into it...

    not sure if you are looking for input like that, sorry if not :)
  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708

    Thanks for the input! I'm always open to constructive criticism because I am still working on my singing. As for your observation, it does make sense. I think that I am either not using some muscle while singing songs due to concentrating on a bunch of things or it's not trained well enough. Either way, more works to be done! :)
  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My seventy first cover is a song I heard a few times. It was really fun to sing it but, with life getting busy, it was forgotten until recently. Now, I'm really rusty with it.

    The song is called Wo de Wei Lai Bu Shi Meng (我的未来不是梦). The song is translated as My Future isn't a Dream.

    We start with the first verse. Are you looking down like me under the sun? Working hard silently and sweating. Have you been treated indifferently like me? Yet, you still won't give up on your desired life.

    Then, we have the second verse. Are you busy spending all day pursuing like me? Pursuing an unimaginable tenderness. Have you ever gotten confused and lost like me? Always finding yourself returning to the crossroads.

    Next, we have the third verse. Because I don't care about what others say. I never forget my promise to myself and my perseverance towards love.

    Finally, we get the chorus. I know my future isn't a dream. I live intently every single minute. My future isn't a dream. My heart beats with my hope. My future isn't a dream. I live intently every single minute. My future isn't a dream. My heart beats with my hope. Beats with my hope.

    Then, we repeat second and third verse before ending it with chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My seventy second cover is a song I vaguely recall hearing before. I never tried singing it before so I had to learn it from scratch for this.

    The song is called Zui Ci Bi (醉赤壁). The song is translated as Tale of the Red Cliff. For those unfamiliar, Red Cliff was the location of a great battle during the Three Kingdom that resulted in the formation of the three kingdom. If the battle outcome had changed, there wouldn't have been the three kingdoms that people are familiar with.

    The first verse goes as follows. The fallen leaves have built up multiple layers. As I walk past my youth, I hear my past life weeping. Our fate ties us up with a knot. I'm still waiting for a lifetime only to have one chance to be true to myself.

    Then, we have the chorus. Looking into your eyes, I found my other half. I wield my sword as I turn and blood is like the color of rouge. Past memories flood back and the wound isn't inflicted by a sword. Instead, it was your ghost that harm me. Looking into your eyes, I found my other half. I got onto my horse to conquer and the horse hooves are thundering down the road. The moonlight shining off the stone floor shines into this mountain city. I chase after your echo as my feelings for you run deep.

    Next, we have the second verse. Luoyang (a city) has old tree roots that are like memories that spread out in all directions. You wonder whose heartbeat sound you heard. I drank to drown out the anger. Your thousand year stare is the source of the scars I suffered at the battle of the Red Cliff.

    Finally, we do the chorus a second time before repeating the second half of the chorus.

  • Rick_amateurRick_amateur 2.0 PRO Posts: 708
    My seventy third cover is a song I vaguely recall hearing before. It's a pretty well known song but, except for the chorus, I don't know it. This was my best rendition and I admit I have work to do.

    The song is called Zhu Ni Ping An (祝你平安). I Wish You Well.

    The first verse goes as follows. Are you in a good mood now? Do you still have a smile on your face? Since the ancient times, there are lots of pain and sorrow. May you have more job and less worries.

    Then, we have the second verse. Is what you receive still not much? Do you still give out that much? On the road of life, there are always bad things. Please don't worry too much so you live better by being carefree.

    Then, we have the chorus. I wish you well, oh. I wish you well. Let happiness surround your being. I wish you well, oh. I wish you well. You being eternally happy is my biggest wish.

    Then, we repeat second verse and chorus.

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