Guitarist & sound engineer now is the anon trainee singer - skill/knowledge swap anyone?

Hey guys. I'm looking to build my voice to sing with some of the amazingly talented people I work with and maybe even solo (if they need to clear the venue quickly). I'd love it if any of you could let me know where I'm going wrong here!
It's not awful but there's a huge amount fo work to be don I think.
Anywho I'm a professional guitar and ukulele teacher, plus a theory geek and a techie so hopefully I can give back more than I ask for. By all means pick my brains for anything, even if it's just "what chords are in this song"
Thanks in advance!
It's not awful but there's a huge amount fo work to be don I think.
Anywho I'm a professional guitar and ukulele teacher, plus a theory geek and a techie so hopefully I can give back more than I ask for. By all means pick my brains for anything, even if it's just "what chords are in this song"
Thanks in advance!
pretty good job. You come from a very good starting point. Pretty cool tone. I would recommend to you to get the course. It is amazing. Since you have already good pitch and a very good musical feeling you would see your voice growing rapidly.