Am I a diva.... a bad way?
Im the lead vocalist in a band and I feel like I have to really discuss respect for my instrument. When i ask for the band to find other places in the Room where we Are rehearsing, when I want to use my own mic and so on, just for me to able to hear my self, to actually practise and not to oversing and ruin my voice just to be able to hear the consonants.... They seems to dislike it. They dont understand how important it is. IT seems to me they think its just to sing along, and thats it. Dont need to warm up (!) And dont need to practise. Last time we had a gig they spoke of me as a "diva" behind my back. I am o diva, so I embraced it, but still it hurts a bit. No one comments when the guitarplayer want his amp or the drummer want his own pedals, but when the singer wants her own mic its to much? I dont get it.
Is this common? Or am i the only one experiencing this? Am i a diva, the bad way?
Im the lead vocalist in a band and I feel like I have to really discuss respect for my instrument. When i ask for the band to find other places in the Room where we Are rehearsing, when I want to use my own mic and so on, just for me to able to hear my self, to actually practise and not to oversing and ruin my voice just to be able to hear the consonants.... They seems to dislike it. They dont understand how important it is. IT seems to me they think its just to sing along, and thats it. Dont need to warm up (!) And dont need to practise. Last time we had a gig they spoke of me as a "diva" behind my back. I am o diva, so I embraced it, but still it hurts a bit. No one comments when the guitarplayer want his amp or the drummer want his own pedals, but when the singer wants her own mic its to much? I dont get it.
Is this common? Or am i the only one experiencing this? Am i a diva, the bad way?
I feel for you and I hope that your fellow band members can come round.
When we first start out singing lead in a band, the other members sometimes think they can get away with not respecting the job we do out front.. They use their instruments, and not someone else's, so do not let them stop you using your mic! (Besides you don't know what you'll catch using their mics!) Also, they turn up as loud as they feel, usually in competition for the loudest sound. And if they don't know how important it is for the lead singer to be heard and to feel comfortable out there, they are not professional enough. Certainly, not worth staying with.
As they already think you are a Diva, you could metaphorically stamp your foot and just do as you think right, reminding them, that you need to practise your part just as they do. Do they even sing good harmonies with you? I bet not.
Thank you for the support, guys. It helps a lot 🤘
If I was having a strenuous night due to illness/fatigue or whatever, I would often go off by myself on set breaks and not talk to anyone to rest my voice. It felt awkward and anti-social but sometimes these things are necessary.
As far as microphones:
I have a mic a I like and prefer to use. But if you find a GOOD sound guy (I have had one) you can trust that
a) they will have a good mic, even better, a mic thats good for your voice
b) they will know how to make you sound good with any mic
Same thing for effects. I have used vocal pedals lots, but defer to a good sound guy when he wants to bring it out of the setup.