Pearl Jam cover- Better Man

Hi Everyone, can you please give me some feedback/critique of this recording?
Thanks, Michael
--and please tag me if you want me to listen to something of yours!!AvqpmhkVjP-MiUCHbZ1xGzfKLr_7
@HuduVudu @doc_ramadani @Vocality @bentk @iking @Diego @highmtn @Gaston_Jauregui @Sophia @victortang @Klaus_T @Furious_Phil @Ken Tamplin @Wigs @Maximus3000 @Jáchym @cwcw @reallydanny @SlaySomething @Rick_amateur @samw2019 @blondiewales @maximgottmer @KenfromCZ @bonvie56
Thanks, Michael
--and please tag me if you want me to listen to something of yours!!AvqpmhkVjP-MiUCHbZ1xGzfKLr_7
@HuduVudu @doc_ramadani @Vocality @bentk @iking @Diego @highmtn @Gaston_Jauregui @Sophia @victortang @Klaus_T @Furious_Phil @Ken Tamplin @Wigs @Maximus3000 @Jáchym @cwcw @reallydanny @SlaySomething @Rick_amateur @samw2019 @blondiewales @maximgottmer @KenfromCZ @bonvie56
mate, what a HUGE progress!!! I enjoy to hear that you managed to drop a lot of the weight in the higher range. You sound bright and open. I can hear that you gained a lot of control. Very good interpretation, man.
KUDOS and 2 THUMBS UP for you hard work.
At 0:38 you sustain on the "r" of over. Sustain on vowels, not consonants. So sing O-vah, sustaining the AH of o-vah and just lightly touch the "r" at the very end of the note. Hint at the "r", don't "sing" an "r".
At 2:35, "She Loves Him", I believe the high note is an F#4? On "She" the EE of She is difficult. Make it easier by modifying the EE to the "Aye-EE" as Ken calls it. So instead of "ShEEE" sing Shayeee. Make it subtle, but use your EE mod to "Aye" (like hay") and it will be easier to reach and sustain. Same thing at 2:42, with "way". Make it more like "weh" as opposed to a hard Aye.
@doc_ramadani check this out What Bob wrote above