Home Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy REVIEWS

Demo of the course

Hello guys,

I'm new here so apologies if the question has already been asked. I'm looking at improving my singing skill and trying to find the best approach. I've no previous experience so not sure where to start and I know that online courses will never be the same as 1-on-1 coaching but I'd like to give it a shot :) Now, I've seen videos of Ken's on YouTube giving some advice but would like to know if that's the same approach as in the actual course? Is there a demo e.g. first lesson or something that I could see to get an idea of what I can expect should I go ahead and buy it?

Also, I see some very positive reviews on here but are these from people who had 1-on-1 with Ken in his studio or did they use the online course?

Thanks a lot


  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606

    Welcome to the KTVA forum from the UK.

    Firstly everything Ken teaches us is in the course, the course is set out in a structured manor and the YouTube videos Ken has put up are the basics the course goes more in-depth.

    Now if you if you buy the KTVA course you will be granted student access to the forum, where you can post progress demos, ask questions on something you having difficulty with and much more.

    Ken has a 1 on 1 Video lesson, would recommend starting the course first and see how you progress there’s plenty of good help here first before going for a video lesson. There’s not a demo as such will tag @highmtn he may be able to give you more info.

    Vocality :)
  • OliviaWenyaOliviaWenya 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 61
    A quick 1 min brainstorm on how the course differs from the YouTube videos:
    You can do it offline
    step by step guide on HOW to do it
    Clear goals on when you are ready for the next step
    It goes in-depth
    Everything is in 1 place where you can easily find it
    You get exercises
    A tried and true structure that works for a lot of students.
    Assistance from other students
  • djkdjk 2.0 PRO Posts: 18
    edited April 2020
    Thanks guys,

    Can you please give me an idea of what the download version of the course looks like. I'm in the UK so USB version would take some time to arrive and it's probably just a USB stick with the download version anyway, DVD is out of the question as I don't even have a DVD player (who does? ;)). Is it an app or simply a collection of videos I have to go through? A screenshot of what it looks like would be really helpful.

    BTW, I use Macbook if that matters

  • OliviaWenyaOliviaWenya 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 61

    Thanks guys,

    Can you please give me an idea of what the download version of the course looks like. I'm in the UK so USB version would take some time to arrive and it's probably just a USB stick with the download version anyway, DVD is out of the question as I don't even have a DVD player (who does? ;)). Is it an app or simply a collection of videos I have to go through? A screenshot of what it looks like would be really helpful.

    BTW, I use Macbook if that matters


    Oh, you can just get the download version, I think the whole (pro included) Course is a little under 30 GB you also get 30 or 90-day access to the streaming portal with all the content. It's organized into:

    Volume 1
    Volume 2
    Volume 3
    Volume 4
    Volume 5
    Pro Packs

    You always get a PDF about where you are in the course, How to EXACTLY do that volume, how the different volumes connect everything contained in that volume and student demonstrations for everything (Dudes and Divas).

    I haven't had any problems accessing it on Mac and Windows OS, I haven't tried with Linux. But it's mainly MP3, MP4 and PDF-files :)

  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Your best bet would be to contact the KTVA support team directly. Ive got the usb and its well over 50G for the 2.0.
    Didn't take that long to get here in Australia but that was a couple years ago now. I can run the usb on both my Mac and windows computers no probs.

    I think vast majority of the students active on the forum have never had a lesson with Ken in any form, myself included. As a bonus with the course you get student access to the forum where we help each other out and you will have alot of what you need to get the most out of the course, the rest is from you. The student area alone feels like its worth the price of the course all over again.

    The course is like Kens YouTube tutorials but supercharged. Its structured, explained, and has all your exercises laid out. It will teach you the techniques to sing great, but you will only sing great if you put in the time and effort.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    The Download version, at 30GB is high-quality video, however the USB capacity is greater than 30GB download, and therefore is full HD. If you are going to watch it on a big-screen TV, you might prefer the USB. Otherwise, the content is the same as the download.

    The KTVA course consists of instructional videos that teach you HOW to do Ken's vocal methods and techniques.
    After you watch Ken teach you HOW to do the techniques, you start doing the Audio Exercises daily, 5 or 6 days per week. Slowly but surely your voice begins to grow. It takes time, because you are literally growing your voice. It's not like "the secret" is revealed to you. It's like you train your voice to do things you have never done with it.

    The longer you work the exercises and use the techniques, the more your voice continues to grow, even for years.

    There is enough material in the course to keep you learning and growing for years. You will look back and be amazed.

  • djkdjk 2.0 PRO Posts: 18
    Hello guys,

    Thanks for the comments. As it happens a friend of mine purchased the course few years ago and was kind enough to allow me to have a quick look at it. It seems that some of the videos were recorded some years ago, Ken looks much younger there :) Are the videos in the latest version the same ones or have these been redone? Also, he explained to me that I would need to watch whole volume 1 first and then do the exercises but then right from the beginning Ken states that these are only for Warming Up (Lip Roll, Tongue, Vowel scales) so I was a bit confused as to which are the actual exercises or the videos are the exercises ? Otherwise, I quite liked the relaxed and straight to the point approach. I've looked at some other well known courses but wasn't impressed but at the end of a day I want one that will improve my singing :)

    BTW, how does the Master Course ($15k) work? Is it unlimited number of lessons? How long does it take?
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    The course you saw is the old KTVA 1.0 course. The Videos have been redone. The audio portion is referred to as both "the exercises" and "The Warm Ups", You use those exercises to Warm Up your voice, as well. They start out more gently, so you can warm up on them, and get to more vigorous exercising as you proceed.

    The new course includes a lot more instruction.

    The Master Course is getting a bulk rate on private lessons with Ken. Because you are doing many lessons, there is time to work on aspects of your own personal voice, and to develop your growth. You can spread the lessons over a longer period of time, which allows you to take information from each lessons and practice a lot in-between, or you can book two weeks or more, working for a few hours with Ken every day. It depends on whether you want to compress the time or spread it out.
  • vaneetvaneet Member Posts: 6
    Is the content in the download version get downloaded in the device or we will be provided any portal??

    can u plz give a detailed answer......

  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606

    The content in the downloaded version will be available for a limited time to download from the KTVA website when you login and you can also order USB drive instead. Important if downloaded to keep a them safe with backup just in case, you can request another download after it expires.

    Vocality :)
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    @vaneet Your best bet is to contact the KTVA team directly, they deal with the payments and different versions of the course and will be better able to answer you.
  • vaneetvaneet Member Posts: 6
    Vocality said:


    The content in the downloaded version will be available for a limited time to download from the KTVA website when you login and you can also order USB drive instead. Important if downloaded to keep a them safe with backup just in case, you can request another download after it expires.

    Vocality :)

    the content will be downloaded in the device storage in mp4 format


    in the website's download section

  • SeanTMSeanTM 2.0 PRO Posts: 25
    Hey Vaneet, I just bought the course this week. When you buy it you will get an email from Ken's team with a link to the download portal section of his website. On this website there will be roughly 20 links. Just click all of them and they will automatically begin downloading onto your device. Hope this is helpful.
  • VocalityVocality 2.0 PRO Posts: 1,606

    As far as I am aware the videos are in mp4 format and the audio workouts are in mp3
  • djkdjk 2.0 PRO Posts: 18
    edited May 2020
    highmtn said:

    The course you saw is the old KTVA 1.0 course. The Videos have been redone.


    Sorry if inappropriate but just to confirm the version I have is like this (this is the Vol.1 Intro snapshot):


    Are you saying these have been redone?

    Thank you
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    I have never seen that before so I think you have the older version.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,031
    Yes, your photo is from the older version of the course. The lesson videos are all new now.
  • djkdjk 2.0 PRO Posts: 18
    Thanks guys,

    I've purchased the course and can see now it's all different videos :) Just a quick question, are the streaming videos the same as what's in the download version?

    Thank you
  • MystiMysti 2.0 PRO Posts: 339
    Hi, djk. The streaming when I got mine was the same videos, but there were more videos in the download. It was nice to be able to listen to the videos while I was downloading, unzipping, and organizing.
  • djkdjk 2.0 PRO Posts: 18
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