John Legend Cover All Of Me Vocality
Well spent nearly 3 months on this song, it's a song originally done on the song assignments 12 months ago post the original link at the bottom. Edited this in 3 parts just to get the pitch as best as possible (no autotune just redone a few small parts) spent enough time on this song. Done the song in 3 main parts. This song was hard work and my next song will be easier lol I am spent!!
Previous 12month ago

Previous 12month ago
@Ken Tamplin @highmtn @doc_ramadani @Wigs @Klaus_T @coffeecrank @Rick_amateur @DogMeat @Mysti @LumiMoon @shining @Sophia @Diego @blondiewales @Raphael_Hussl @Chris82 @cwcw @maximgottmer @sagemacg @HuduVudu @Gaston_Jauregui @bentk @LoneWolfRogue @samw2019 @BarbieLynn @d1g2w3 @omkarpancham @bonvie56 @Furious_Phil @Maya @iZak @heidianita @NickW @sjonrokz4u @Duoleeva @jaclynser @Michael4000 @Adam164
One thing I noticed was that it sounds like you have a stuffy nose in several parts...are you breathing through your nose? That would help you access the high notes more easily...more "mask".
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." -Ernest Hemingway
Thanks Chris I really pushed the boat out on this song and playing the keyboard helps with timing. Glad you liked it and your doing pretty good as well.
Well done buddy, you should be proud of your improvement.
you improved so much!
i think you could try to use less air. also, do you sometimes "experiment" with the tone, as in, for example, sing a song and try with different tension and "exaggerations" of facial expressions, in particular, how much "good" tension you have in the jaw, and which forms you make with your mouth, smaller or exaggerated etc. i find sometimes that the good sounding ones are sometimes quite surprisingly "restricted" in terms of "relative" mouth movement (in relation to the "base" openness Ken teaches us). no idea if this makes sense i kind of discovered it myself, i hope it is not actually "bad tension". i didn't find this to be in the course so far (vol 2)
i sometimes play around with that, and i think i can hear that you have the potential to find a certain "sweet spot", a bit of how focused you funnel / project the sound out of your lips and mouth. just an idea if you aren't already trying it sometimes. maybe it is dumb to even mention this, and everyone does it, but i never see anyone talk about it
Thank you for your comments very proud of the improvements, just hope now can pick up melodies alot faster and it was a really tough song to do but worth it.
Thanks for your input think may use a litttle extra air especially on headvoice parts, mainly focusing on the extended chest registers to try to get there with less volume and retain chest sound very difficult did try employing vowel mods there it does help I reckon. As goes with experimenting with tone well not at the moment just want the pitch solid.
Looking forward for the 3rd attempt next year and then You should totally nail it!
sorry for going littl off topic, but I would like to ask @Klaus_T about his comment Few weeks ago I started experimenting with something similar. Like I stopped opening my mouth on the AH so much, so now my cheeks go up just a little and my LAH is now mostly a vertically open Vowel and bit narrower.
Similar in songs, I find sometimes the tone and even the feel to be nicer when I keep my mouth relaxed (limited if any mask, and loosely open mouth) and I redirected my attention to stomach.
What's more I think this made my bridging a little better, less overal tension in my face, made quite a difference.
I guess it's something along the lines of what You described?
You obviously have a sense of pitch, but it's still shaky. In the later part of the song, you have to be extra aware of your pitch. There are several areas where you go off too much.
To me, it sounds like you are not opening up the sound enough. I'm missing some bright tone and that open throat sound. Your cord closure varies throughout the song, but i would like to hear a tighter sound. Bright, open and supported tone. Some breathiness can be cool for effect, don't get me wrong.
I see some comments about mask and the nasal area etc. You can let those 'hard' areas 'ring'. However, you don't sing straight into the nose, causing that nasal quality you hear from some singers. For example, on the tongue exercise, do you feel your hard palate/nasal area resonate? That's completely fine. That does not equal 'nasal tone'. It actually improves your tone and gives your more control (in my experience). I used to try and avoid this as much as i could, but i simply did not understand it correctly. Ken has a webinar on mask if you're interested. On vowels such as EE it is good to 'use' some of that mask.
Did you ever upload some audio doing the exercises? I would be curious to hear those. Just tag me if you have uploaded some of those, or are going to.
I see from others that you have been improving a lot, so let's keep that trend going.
All the best,
Thanks for your comments Your correct such a difficult song, it’s a great measure of my progress so far.
Thanks for the more critical comment, firstly now doing volume 3 and normally do the audio workout. Then wait about 30 minutes to recover before practicing the song, not sure if fatigue maybe playing a part and did try recording with a quick warmup during the day but volume 3 seems to get my upper chest in gear.
The sound did vary a little during the song due to doing the song in 3 main takes and did add software compression and little reverb.
I did a webcam session with Ken recently the main issues were root notes sometimes not quite hitting them accurately enough, vowel mods were like light switches needed smooth transitions and not to sing the bottom too loud. Sometimes letting my support drop on the backside of the scale. He did say I am on a good track though just to lose yodel chip was still present once that was sorted I was good.
Will post a Lah Triad and EE vowel and will be interested to hear your input. Overall for me this is really good progress worked on this song for nearly 3 months now.
I did not mean to sound harsh. I have no reference point for your progress, but i trust completely that you are progressing.
You are indeed on the right track, and i hope some of my feedback will help you improve. Just tag some people when you upload some exercises and we'll have a listen.
A webcam session with Ken is pretty cool by the way! Hope to do one of those myself some time.
A good workout will indeed get your upper chest into gear, especially when you warm up in that area a lot. I can sing without warming up, but i don't trust my mid-high range to be smooth from the start. If i start singing without warming up, i am warming up on the actual songs. So it will take several songs before i start entering my 'comfort' zone. I also take a little break between my workout and actual singing. Maybe some lip rolls now and then.
Keep going!
Now if i try it again, it is much easier but i don't think i sound good at all. Maybe in a another year or two
I included a soundcloud link which was my version of this song 12 months ago if you want to listen to. Hopefully post the demos today,
Again thanks for taking the time to help,
@Vocality Thanks for pointing that out!
Heard some of your demos and they sound pretty good it could indeed be a little insecurity!!
Yes you really improved a lot when talking about the technique, support and pitch. Good job!
But... to be honest... there is a very natural nice and warm tone in your "older" voice which I miss in your new one.
For example the "Whats going on in your beautiful mind" (around 00:32 old version) sound sooo lovely.
And .. now in the newer one it sounds more nasal.
But I am no expert and cant really tell why ... or which is better.
It was really hard work and maybe should have dropped it a step or 2 but happy with the progress.
Thanks for your comments yes it was a hard song right on the limits of my chest register.