How practice sounds it my head

Hello! I have always been told to ignore how practice sounds in my head. I know the practice works because I can see/hear the results. However, when I am practicing Course lessons/warmups, I find that it sounds very thin to me, almost like a bee. I am a soprano. There is no pain, no discomfort or anything of the like. Just wanted to see what other's experiences are. Thoughts?
If you are insecure about it, you can always upload some audio here of yourself doing the exercises. You'll get different opinions and help if you need it.
As for my personal experience... I really did not like to hear myself on recordings. However, that improves in time if you stick to the program and keep to quality practice. I don't record myself a lot actually, just to 'check' sometimes. I should be doing it more actually.
When I do the vocal exercises I wear open back headphones and use a condenser mic. In the phones I have a mix of the vocal exercise backing, and my voice though the mic. I find this gives some clarity to the sound, with the mixture of the open back to allow outside resonance to come in, and the sound from the mic mixed with the exercise, I find it a good combination.
I talk about this setup in a bit more detail here, you may find it useful: