Great Dynamic Mic or Inexpensive Condenser

(Seven weeks into Section 1 of KTVA 2.0)
From performing over past three years;
I have a Sennheiser 938 vocal dynamic XLR stage mic that I am using to record my KTVA scale exercises.
I run the Sennheiser into an M-Audio interface, then into my Mac Mini ito record in GarageBand.
That setup is okay, but I'm wondering if I would do a better job of capturing my vocals by trading in my dynamic Sennheiser for a condenser mic like this one: AKG P120 Project Studio Condenser Microphone
I am retired and don't have much money to spend on a great condenser,
so considering my current set up, would an inexpensive condenser mic be worth giving up a great stage mic?
(I dont plan on performing again in the near future...but ya never know )
From performing over past three years;
I have a Sennheiser 938 vocal dynamic XLR stage mic that I am using to record my KTVA scale exercises.
I run the Sennheiser into an M-Audio interface, then into my Mac Mini ito record in GarageBand.
That setup is okay, but I'm wondering if I would do a better job of capturing my vocals by trading in my dynamic Sennheiser for a condenser mic like this one: AKG P120 Project Studio Condenser Microphone
I am retired and don't have much money to spend on a great condenser,
so considering my current set up, would an inexpensive condenser mic be worth giving up a great stage mic?
(I dont plan on performing again in the near future...but ya never know )
if you say "give up", does that mean you would sell the other one? i can't find the 938 model anywhere online, so hard to say if it would be a good idea to give it up, i don't know that mic.
if you want a condenser, i would probably save up a bit, if you are not in a rush, and get a mic in the 200-300$ range, there are quite good ones in that range (and you will find a few threads on here about it). and if you know you are going to use it for a long time, it will be worth being patient.
honestly, for the scales, even an iphone mic will be "hifi" enough to do the job (in my opinion)
What are you using for an interface/preamp, if you don't mind me asking?
they use an apollo interface for it. but that would be overkill for at home (it even is there, tbh)