I Sing Because I'm Happy! :-)

MylaylayMylaylay Pro Posts: 5
edited April 2013 in INTRODUCE YOURSELF
Hello - I am a new student and I love to learn new things about myself and explore my God-given gifts and talents. I love to sing at home to all of my favorite tunes and I'm usually on pitch (in my high voice). The funny thing is that I just learned about a "high voice" this week after watching a few videos on Youtube! lol Learning about music and singing from a professional in the game feels like a whole new world...new language..terms...everything. I'm excited!

I'm in my early 30's. When I was a kid, I used to always sing the R&B songs on the radio and I even had a little girl group with my sister and cousins lol. We thought we would make it big but we all chose the academic path and forgot about our singing dreams (with the exception of singing in the shower, with the radio, or at our significant others and friends privately lol). Also, we lived by the "you have to be a natural to be good" creed not knowing that practice makes perfect...even for the voice and singing. 

Recently, I've found the desire to express myself musically and share it with family and friends. I sung 2 of my favorite songs "Sister, You've Been On My Mind" from the movie "The Color Purple" and "No One In The World" by Anita Baker. They were both received very well. Most of my family members and friends thought it was "cute" or "really good". The thing is, I know that I can sing even better if I practiced and understood the way my body processes sound, etc. I'm a very fast learner and I'm ready for a new challenge. Plus, if I'm going to continue to sing songs for my loved ones, I want to make sure that I learn how to do it correctly so that I don't injure myself lol. I love to hit the high notes.

I'm inspired by the "anyone can learn to sing" motto from several of the top vocal coaches so I decided to start with KTVA since I heard it's the best. In addition, Ken reminds me of my favorite Art teacher from High School. Same hair, persona, everything lol. AND, when I forwarded Ken my videos to listen to...he responded quickly and with great detail on what I could learn to get better. 

I have posted a few videos of me singing, rapping, dancing, etc. on Youtube (let me know if you want to hear them). I'm very creative and I love to express myself artistically. Music and singing are my next ventures (keyboard, guitar and voice)...thanks Ken and everyone else on here for the inspiration in advance! 

Testimony: I ordered my hardcopy on Sunday...it's not even here yet but I did receive the downloads within 24 hours. Since then, (only a few days), I've been practicing the LIP ROLL...my biggest challenge so far. I'm proud to say that at first, I sounded like a HOT MESS! Now, as the days go by, I'm getting better and better at it and I will not move on to the next exercise until I get it. Practice is definitely helping. If you're having trouble the first step is NOT to tell yourself that you CAN'T do it. I was spitting everywhere until I tried it with my fingers on my cheeks. Then, I realized that I could do it that way. Right after, I tried it without my fingers and I could still do it! It's like you have to "set" the position of your lips with your fingers and then remove them (like removing the training wheels). As of today, I can do the lip roll much longer with my fingers but to train, I will do it with my fingers for a few seconds and then take my fingers away and "mirror" the same sound and position without my fingers for a few seconds. Eventually, I won't need my fingers! 

Looking forward to the journey and hearing from you! 



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035
    edited April 2013


    Singing makes me happy, too, and the happier I am, the more I want to sing!

    I'm excited that you are here! You are energized and ready for a transformation!  AND you are seeing that some of the things you are about to learn to do, will take practice and time, even though you are a fast learner.

    Some of the things just take time, because your body has to catch up to your brain and your desire to learn!  The good news is that as long as you continue to practice the exercises, you will continue to develop your voice more and more, like a fine wine! 

    True, some growth will occur very quickly, but just be aware that this process will continue for as long as you continue to proceed with your KTVA vocal development.  Ken Tamplin is still doing these exercises every day, and he just keeps putting out more and more astonishing demonstrations of what these exercises and his program can do for your voice!

    Looking forward to hearing your demos!



  • MylaylayMylaylay Pro Posts: 5
    Hi Bob! It's nice to hear from you and thanks for the warm welcome! 

    I got my DVD/CD package yesterday and I was SO excited. I sang to the Vol. 1 audio in the car with hubby. Pretty good! Of course I will be practicing Volume 1 for the next 3 months at a minimum. I'm in no rush to learn, I want to enjoy the process and really make singing a part of my daily routine. 

    My lip roll without the fingers is much better and longer. I'm almost able to do them for the entire exercise with Ken. I'll keep practicing and let you know how things are going. :-)

    Before I move to Volume 2, I will most likely make a video of me doing the Volume 1 exercises correctly to make sure it's all good. Look for this in the summer (June/July). 

    Here are clips of the demos that I mentioned. Hope you enjoy. I plan to sing them again after this program :-D

    Sister, You've Been On My Mind (The Color Purple) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBaMhzpn9ew

    No One In The World (Anita Baker) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6h1kRbGvcU

    Talk soon! 

  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035


    Not a bad place to be starting from!  I would like for you to put up a demo that has a music track in the background, so we can gauge your pitch tracking a little better.  Acapella can drift slightly without a reference track and it's hard to tell really what is going on.

    Make sure we can hear your vocal well over the music, but do have the music loud enough to give your voice a nice backing track.

    You have a very pleasant sounding voice, and I know it's going to really grow in more ways than you can imagine!

    Looking forward to hearing your progress, and very glad you are going to go about this deliberately and methodically.  You're really going to like what is about to happen to your voice!


  • MylaylayMylaylay Pro Posts: 5

    Thank you! I'm flattered lol. Okay, I will record something with music. In the meantime, here are 3 videos of me with music within the past 3 years. I was in the mood to rap and create my own versions of some of my favorite songs. Great response. Love to hear your thoughts :-)

    Original lyrics, "Ice Cream Paint Job" rap track background - Elevating All Queens 

    Original lyrics, "Follow Me by Alyus" music track background - Loc With Me (I start singing my version halfway through)

    Original lyrics, "Pretty Girl Rock by Keri Hilson" music background - Doin' The Pretty Girl Loc'd (I start rap singing halfway through)



  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Fun videos, Mylaylay!  I won't hate you 'cause you're beautiful!


  • MylaylayMylaylay Pro Posts: 5
    Thanks Bob! I've been sick so I had to take a break from my singing lessons but I'll be ready on Monday. That didn't stop me from creating my first song of 2013. Ha! Check me out ;-)

  • ragnarragnar Pro Posts: 410
    You should get Ken to do a "How To Sing Like Dr. Dre" lol. Would be hilarious.
  • highmtnhighmtn Administrator, Moderator, Enrolled, Pro, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 15,035

    Well, that's cool because you rock.


  • MylaylayMylaylay Pro Posts: 5
    lol Ragnar...

    Thanks Bob!
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