Nervous when singing in front of people

I've been playing guitar about 2 years and I've started singing and playing in the last 2 months or so but about 2 months ago I sung and played for some friends and it just felt terrible the nerves made my throat tighten my hands start to miss notes and it didn't go well and I didn't sound good which led me to stop playing guitar completely and also stop singing for a month. I started again a month ago and it has been going well but today I tryed playing and singing neon by john mayer which was easy to play and sing by myself but when I played it in front of friends the same thing happened. Im not sure what will help me have more confidence in front of people.
I often tell my students before a recital that they will probably feel nervous before going on, and that it is totally normal. I tell them that it actually helps to be aware ahead of time that you may feel that way, so it doesn't catch you off guard and you can do some prep work to help you through that fear. Some things I suggest are just taking a good deep breath, telling yourself that no matter what happens you did your best and this is where you are at right now. In time, it will get easier.
Just keep doing it! People who act like they are "too cool" to seem like they care or don't give constructive feedback aren't worth worrying about anyway. And the people who are there that cheer you on and tell you that you did great are a wonderful support system that will help you boost your confidence.
It may sound counterintuitive but it works since it releases you from success expectation.
Tell me if it works for you!
My main motto is "Practice like you're the worst, perform like you're the best"... so it kind of stems from that a bit. Even still, I still usually take a few rounds of box breathing to calm nerves, but my mindset is now something like:
" I am going to perform for you now to the best of my ability in this given moment. Let's take a journey together and see what we can discover. "
I don't feel nervous much anymore, because I know that they aren't there to judge me or watch me fail, they legitimately want me to share something special with them and they want me to succeed. It is now more of a semi-relaxed pleasure as I know the music, and I can hit the notes... and maybe, just maybe there will be a little touch of magic in a song or 2 that generates a few goosebumps in the audience
Stagefright is the best thing that can happen to you when performing - keep doing what you do
Human Robot
I've found Karaoke was almost a perfect thing for me to get over my fears of performing. It's really nice because Karaoke is one of those things where people don't expect everyone who grabs the mic to be able to sing perfectly. The Karaoke audiences tend to be very supportive regardless of your performance. If that sounds unbearably uncomfortable to even think about then I would recommend just going to a Karaoke Bar and just watch other people perform, after hearing a couple of people slaughter a song and nothing bad happens it might give you the motivation to give it a try.
I guess we will agree to disagree on that one.
Human Robot
yes stagefright isnt a nice thing to experience.
Human Robot
Also I'd recommend the book relating to anxiety for all musicians. It's called "The Inner Game of Music" by Barry Green. This pretty much changed the game for me.
I started about six years ago playing guitar and then singing along a little later, and my oldest son and wife kept telling me to give it up. Turns out it was the only thing that could get my mind off my business and was now crucial for my sanity so in ignored them and kept it up. I got much better and eventually did some performances with some praise groups and it went very well.
Now I'm learning the correct approach to singing and changing a few things so I can move forward and break my barriers which in some ways made me temporarily a worse singer and improved in other ways. looking forward to not having to concentrate on what I'm doin while singing soo much.
By the way my wife and son like listening to me sing and play now (: