Decent enough to play in a band and seduce audience?

Hi guys, i'm esequibo from venezuela. i've been singing since like 2013 but i never took it until like 2018. Since then i have been paying more attention to technical stuff and trying to expand my range.
I came for two reasons, first of all i wanted you to hear my singing and tell me how do i sound to u, cool or not cool and if you want since i know it's a controversial almost taboo topic tell my voice type: am i decent enough for singing?
i've been following papa Ken, master of singing, since 2018, and i think i've improved a lot thanks to him.
my voice:
high singing:little monster by royal blood
low singing: gone with the sin by him
confort zone singing: hey ya by outkast
The other reason i came to forum was to point to you this misleading wikipedia post: if this is true or not i couldn't care less, but citation is needed... (under personal life)
I came for two reasons, first of all i wanted you to hear my singing and tell me how do i sound to u, cool or not cool and if you want since i know it's a controversial almost taboo topic tell my voice type: am i decent enough for singing?
i've been following papa Ken, master of singing, since 2018, and i think i've improved a lot thanks to him.
my voice:
high singing:little monster by royal blood
low singing: gone with the sin by him
confort zone singing: hey ya by outkast
The other reason i came to forum was to point to you this misleading wikipedia post: if this is true or not i couldn't care less, but citation is needed... (under personal life)
very confortable while singing it even tho fast paced 2nd verse is just energy release and not much technique
Cool as well is subjective. If I heard you in a karaoke bar I would clap for the effort and energy you put in. If this a serious cover I won't say you are uncool, but there is quite alot of work to get it up to a serious standard.
Lastly of course you are decent enough for singing, everyone is. Its the dedication to you apply to train to get things right, that will see you get to the next level. Im not talking months either, this is something like years, just like any other musical instrument.
i mean A4-C5 area is very hard to sound nice even tho i can kind of sing over there.
for the lows i don't ask much more frankly, what the hell i'm supposed to do with notes below F2?. some days sometimes i get to C2 but that's like very random, not under my control. and tbh i'm not that interested because it's boring. gives some spice and stuff but i have enough of it.
yeah and my upper voice sometimes sounds like an old lady, which i'm okay with cuz it seems to impress people haha.
Hey Ya is such a fun song to sing tbh btw. thanks, yeah, sometimes i think i even go offpitch out of interest, i'm sure like jhon frusciante said one time, there's some magic in microtonal music, maybe it's only that, maybe it's a way of expression.
my english isn't great i promise i dind't know the lyrics, was reading them on scream