How to kick my monotone style of singing?

CreeksiderockCreeksiderock Member Posts: 7
edited February 2021 in SINGER/SONGWRITERS
30 years I have been singing my own songs. Always striving for that wow factor. But whether it's a slow song or hard rock, my energy and passion is there and my wife say I do better with slow songs But it's not the wow factor with flexable vocal accents. Please help!

Best Answer

  • SkylarSkylar 2.0 ENROLLED Posts: 89
    Answer ✓
    @Creeksiderock Hi, I'm a little confused as to what you're asking, but I think you're saying that you have trouble maybe connecting with songs which in terms brings a "wow factor".

    I remember an old video from the KTVA channel where Ken states that he believes "soul" is something that's earned. In other words, that character you personally bring to songs is something that comes with expanding your tool box of techniques, dedication and consistency.

    I think also working on stage persona helps as well. I think wow factor maybe comes from one's ability to tell a story through their voice and emotion, so maybe taking a song and asking yourself what is being said and then try to "get into that mindset" of what is being said.

    I hope that makes sense. Although, posting a video of you singing may also be helpful!


  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,449
    yes, post some stuff, then we can help you. "wow factor", i guess this is what a lot of people want, but it could mean a million different things. it could also be the songwriting, if you write boring melodies (just an example, no offense), you cannot expect to have a "wow" vocal performance. and you could write the most exciting songs and if you sing them badly, the wow factor would also be gone
  • ElaraElara Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 346
    @Creeksiderock Something that might help you is to watch the analyses of isolated vocal tracks that Ken does on his YouTube channel. Some people sing exactly on the beat (Ozzy), some add swing to that (Sinatra), some are so accomplished that their personality lifts the lyrics, rather than the lyrics dictating the feel of the song to them (Whitney Houston). The massive range of styles and personalities that Ken examines will give you a great toolbox of techniques to try. Singers that you may not know or whose songs may not have appealed to you, can still have fascinating vocal techniques, so I feel confident that you will get something out of every one of these analysis videos.

    It won't give you that wow factor straight away, but you will have many things to try and incorporate into your singing, until you find a mixture that feels right to you, and it will become your style.
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Don't be afraid of showing true vulnerability. When you sing, the audience wants a connection, to feel happy, angry, sad, anguish, betrayal. Don't just tell the story, making it feel like they are being spoken to, they need to feel a part of the story and the journey, to go on the ride with you and each of them feels like you are singing directly to them.

    Easier said than done, but use your past experiences to connect with the lyrics and use those emotions to bare your soul.
  • CreeksiderockCreeksiderock Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2021
    Thanks so much for your input. I've been writing and singing for over 25 years, and feel I'm still missing something. How do you post a video?
  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,449
    you need to host it on something like youtube, then post a link with the little chain icon you see in the post editor (the box you type into, the chain is next to the smiley)
  • CreeksiderockCreeksiderock Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2021
    Www. Creeksiderockmusic.com

    Here we have a few songs. Most songs with only a male vocal is me. White House Blues is one of them.

    David Ireland
  • CreeksiderockCreeksiderock Member Posts: 7
    This url box doesn't work and I do not see a chain link.
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