hello fellow brother and sisters hope y'r doing good i have question that is

ken exercises -- 45 minutes
1 - daily vocal warm up
2- chest rock
3- head voice strengthen
4- improve range
5 - daiphagram
And singing songs for 15 minutes
Total 1 hour
Is this ok for daily practice
Or I should reduce or add something or increase the singing time
ken exercises -- 45 minutes
1 - daily vocal warm up
2- chest rock
3- head voice strengthen
4- improve range
5 - daiphagram
And singing songs for 15 minutes
Total 1 hour
Is this ok for daily practice
Or I should reduce or add something or increase the singing time
Best Answer
FretlessTheBard 2.0 PRO Posts: 92
Hey @archit,
If you decide to purchase Ken's course, he assigns a very specific set of exercises that you'll do every day. After you get the fundamentals down, the exercises will become faster, higher, and more difficult. It's important to follow his instruction closely to prevent damaging/injuring your voice. Case in point, I'm currently recovering from trying to do too much too fast, despite Ken saying to go slow and sing lightly at the beginning.
If you follow his directions to the letter, you'll be in good shape and you'll progress as quickly as you can safely without hurting yourself. You're always welcome to ask questions here, and if you buy the course we (at the forum) can discuss in more detail how your daily practice should be structured.
Good singing to you!
I had a similar experience in my first attempt at the coarse, you can read about it here:
During my research here in my pursuit of solving the problems I had I read a number of your posts, and the discussions helped me form an understanding of support.
I did a post here talking about support, that has a cool vid showing an MRI of breathing with the diaphragm, there may be something there you find useful:
So for me, the higher I went the more I pushed. There were a number of components that came together to really solve the problem:
- Support - Holding the space created for the diaphragm so there is no pressure pushing it back up and forcing the air out.
- Breath Control - Not pushing the air out with my diaphragm in an attempt to push the sound up in pitch to reach the higher notes.
- Controlling the Soft Palate - Raising my soft palate and lowering the back of my jaw to create more space in the throat and enable me to hit the higher notes with ease that does not require pushing. This also enabled me to sing lighter, as I didn't have to push to get to the note.
- Controlling the Larynx - Not letting my larynx raise to much when moving up in pitch as it can affect tone and pinch off the higher notes.
- Lowering my larynx for low notes, like before I start singing a low note, get my larynx a bit lower (not pulling it to the floor, but just moving it down a bit).
I discussed these with another friend on the forum here, and point out sections in Kens videos where he talks about/demonstrates these things:
And some more stuff on breath control here:
You may find some of these discussions useful. I think there is so much in Ken's Vol 1 vids that I mist or just didn't take in the first time round. Every time I watch them I'm learning something new. There is so much you can learn from just looking at his face while he demonstrates technique.
Anyway thanks for your contributions mate, they helped me and I am sure others.
Editing this just to tag @Juneiro, who was asking questions recently about how to raise the uvula. @codeowl has described in exquisite detail how that and some of the other biomechanics work. Thanks again, Scotty.