Hi guys this is the first demo I'm doing plz review and give some comments tq
Member Posts: 7
Hi guys this is the first cover of the song "Someone you loved" by lewis capaldi
I'm very nervous and I tenced up a little during the recording forgive me for that XD I'm a little shy so I only recorded my voice please give some feedback and where I should improve and how my cover was tq very much
I'm very nervous and I tenced up a little during the recording forgive me for that XD I'm a little shy so I only recorded my voice please give some feedback and where I should improve and how my cover was tq very much
You were not too bad lower parts of the song, but I reckon this song is pretty ambitious for you at this stage highest notes are G#4 and you fell short.
Ken recommends picking songs well within your range especially at the start and then you can gradually work you way into more difficult songs. This will be done over months and years depending on how well you progress.
Your at a good starting point vocally, spend a bit time learning a much easier song and you can also drop the key of the song to help I use Karaoke Version website you can download backing tracks in lower keys it’s not expensive.
If you post a song in future have your voice and the backing track together.
Hope this helps!
Vocality 🙂
Pick songs you can comfortably get all the notes, I do think Charlie Puth songs again are high in the range and as your voice grows gradually you will be able to do more difficult songs.
The Bridging Epiphany
There are also some links at the bottom of the above post that cover Support and Breath Control
Also, these were helpful for me:
1. "Chew your words." Open your mouth and get the sound moving~!
2. Add "mask" - show your teeth when you sing to clean up the sound. Get some nasal resonance.
3. Sing on the vowels.
4. Take breaths at proper intervals.