Justin Bieber - Anyone cover

Recently I posted my new cover here, any critical feedback is appreciated!
I recorded several tracks for vocal and mixed them by myself, I didn't change any pitch and timing so that I can show my real vocal!

I recorded several tracks for vocal and mixed them by myself, I didn't change any pitch and timing so that I can show my real vocal!
Justin sounds really relaxed in the verses, which is hard to imitate probably. maybe you could try to approximate it.
you could reduce the consonants, and try to just "brush" them a little bit, instead of pronouncing them so much. you also sound a bit nasally in places. in the chorus, you strain a bit, which is not surprising seeing how high it is. try to sing it a bit lighter, maybe it gets a bit easier.
are you doing vocal exercises of some sort?
I'm doing vocal exercises everyday 30min ~ 1hour, then practice songs
For vocal exercises, I basically follow Volume 3 male exercise, I cannot do them all everyday because there are so many videos on vol 3, so I picked up few of them for each vows
and have you done vol 1 and 2 before you started vol 3?
The reason why I'm using Vol 3 is Vol 3 dude exercises includes the same exercise as Vol 1 and Vol 2.
I checked couple of student demonstration, I could not watch all of them because there are so many videos, haha
re the student's access, i think you misunderstood me, i meant you should get access to the student's area, best to read this one here:
That's why sometimes I get back to Vol 1 and 2 when I have trouble with Vol 3
Oh I didn't know that student area, I just sent a request!
Thank you so much for telling it to me!
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