KTVA 3.0 ?!? :D

Who is excited about 3.0? 
Anyone who can leak how it looks like etc?
Just saw the e-mail and am planning to get it right after University begins
(Been taking a long break from singing since finals + covid has been so stressful)

Anyone who can leak how it looks like etc?
Just saw the e-mail and am planning to get it right after University begins

I look forward to joining in about a months time
Regarding the fees, I think perhaps you should contact KTVA directly with questions. They are very helpful.
This what the FAQ's say on canceling: "Just send us an email at “info@kentamplinvocalacademy.com” stating you wish to cancel your membership. Your streaming will then be turned off, as well as access to the KTVA singers forum – and you will no longer be charged"
Not sure about it yet.
Currently I take all the needed scales files for daily workouts and play them via my media player. So I don't have to press "next" and start 30x ... that would be really annoying if this isn't possible anymore 😭
The forum is broken into categories depending on which course you buy. If you purchase 3.0 (and have already got 1.0 or 2.0) then unsubscribe, you will still have 2.0 or 1.0 access. If you purchase 3.0 on its own then unsubscribe you are no longer a student, then student access will be revoked and that person will only be able to access the public area.
3.0 does seem to have some updated explanations from Ken as well as a much more structured exercise routine. However if you have been with 2.0 for some time and pop into the forums every now and then, your handle of the course material and how to do your workouts should mean that not much changes for you. 2.0 is still relevant and is great for people that may need to do workouts without reception or have the entire thing play through while you are driving for example. Being online though, updates can be applied more frequently so the "play next" feature for 3.0 is possible for the future.
Something new to drive the neighbors crazy when I'm practicing!!
Thank you Chris, nice explanation. I may try it to see what's new...
Regarding @shining 's question about having separate tracks and having to click "next" after every workout, what I may suggest to the develpoment team is to include a single track after all the workouts, which contains all the workouts in the same track. Say a 30 minute track, which has the recordings of all the previous tracks, so you can hit PLAY to it and have all the workouts go one after the other.
Something like this:
Volume 1 workouts:
1. LAH scale
2. LAH/AA scale
3. EE scale
4. OH scale
5. Complete workout <<<----- and this one has all the previous scales in a single track; and can be used as a single play and forget track.
Just a thought...
I've been doing 2.0 regularly now since March of last year - right around the time the lockdown started. I started at the beginning and took 4 months per volume. I have progressed to the point where my daily practice now consists of either Volume 3 or 4 all the way through (I alternate, doing Vol. 3 one day, Vol. 4 the next, 3 the next, etc.), and I'll usually - if I have time - follow up with Volume 5 for some "balance" with the mixed voice exercises. I just purchased KTVA 3.0 a few minutes ago, and now I'm just wondering...given that there's so much new material, if you were me, would you just continue on with the same pattern I've been using in 2.0? (Admittedly, I haven't looked around 3.0 yet, so maybe my question is premature. I might just need to jump in, feel my way around and decide for myself.) If anyone does have a suggestion, though, it's much appreciated. Thanks!
Update: I've answered my own question in the interim, and I can't delete this post, so no response is necessary. Thx!
How can I retain a link to reset my password that does'nt work? Is my email adress in your spamfilter?
"If your email address exists in our database, you will receive a password recovery link at your email address in a few minutes."
Yes, it is cause I'm recieving e-mails on other subjects but not my password restet.
If you have a problem with your forums account not working properly you can write to ktvaforums@gmail.com
Include in your message a screenshot of the error message and the page you are on when you have problems.
Include your KTVA Forums Username.
If it's a password issue, please describe it.
It could be any of a number of simple issues.
If your problem is something to do with your KTVA products, then write to ktvahelp@gmail.com
Please be paitient and help us to sort through whatever your issue is.
Wondering why?? Do know anything?
I have sent you an email. Your password has been reset, and you have been upgraded to 3.0 Student access.
Do you know why??
Thank you