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How to last through 3 sets of concert music without killing my voice

Hi folks! This is my first thread, and I apologize if this has been covered elsewhere. I have been front man in my cover band for over 20 years. We are now coming back from covid and lack of gigs. I have a hard enough time playing once or twice a month gigs and lasting the whole time not feeling vocal fatigue. Leading up to a show in 2 weeks, we usually practice once a week. I am brand new to this course, and really want to change my vocal stamina, and hopefully range. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I need to do leading up to a gig so that I feel great the whole gig? Should I do scales every day? What regimen would be good for me?


  • Klaus_TKlaus_T Moderator, 2.0 PRO Posts: 2,454
    edited August 2021
    hi, first of all if you have the course, make sure to get student's access. you will see more of the forum that way.

    so the course came with this pdf on how to do it. make sure you read it, and follow what it says. you will have to do 5-6 times of singing practice (scales) per week, each lasting between 30 mins to 1+ hours. you can do less but for best results it needs to be that much.

    you will be able to achieve the goals you mentioned, but be prepared for it to be a long game. yes the course will improve your singing after a few weeks already, but the real serious changes take months or years to happen, but it is well worth it. the course really works and does what it says on the package.

    if you do that, you won't have to do much to prepare for a gig anymore, at least not vocal health-wise.
  • Stricky73Stricky73 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5
    Hi Klaus, I THINK I have student access? How do I get it if not? I purchased the 3.0 course, so is that what you mean? Ill start looking for the PDF, Ill get on my computer for that, this phone is small.
  • Stricky73Stricky73 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5
    Thanks Klaus, you have been real helpful man! Yes it just shows that I am a "member" only. I copied and pasted a request to the email. Hopefully, I can get updated info. on this forum. Man, I am actually getting more and more excited. THis all started with a few tips on how to sing Man In the Box, and now I'm embarking on a class! As I am realizing, there are SO MANY videos!!!!! Im going to need to make myself a time to do this every day or every other. I am a teacher, and busy with two kids. Sometimes things can get crazy here at home. But my goal is to get serious about my singing more than ever before and see where this takes me. I will begin by making an area to practice at home, hook up my mic, mixer, TC Helicon, speakers, and computer and make a sort of "recording area" in my house. I'm getting excited!
  • WigsWigs Moderator, 2.0 PRO, 3.0 Streaming Posts: 5,042
    Welcome to the course mate 🙂 making the time to get through as much of the video material as possible in the first months will really help to set you up for success. After that you will spend more time with actual scales for your daily practice. Take it day by day, even 20mins a day is better than nothing if that's all you can spare.
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