An A-HA moment for me (with short track)
SO! I had my own A-HA moment yesterday at a karaoke session with my friends and it was unbelievable. I was using my head voice and transitioning so smoothly from Chest to Head. I was able to sing Whitney Houston - I have nothing, on original key, Beyonce - Listen, Kelly Clarkson - Because of You. All on original key. It was SO AWESOME. I felt NO tension at all in my neck. Just that my sternum and abs were TIRED AS HELL! I would crack when my support started to cramp up and gave out. I even sang a chinese song, Mr Lonely by Gary Cao, that I usually have problems with hitting the C5 note. This time I sang it on E5, harmonizing with my friend on the song. IT WAS AN AMAZING FEELING.
A side note, I did NOT at ALL warm up before going for this karaoke session. I was also having a sore throat. However at the beginning of the session, I slowly paced myself and sang lower songs and slowly built up. After about 3 hours, I was belting out C5s D5s.
After the karaoke session (WHICH LASTED FOR 6 HOURS). We stayed in the room and chilled. Since I had this A-HA moment, I tried to do higher notes. I was belting out random "High" chinese songs. or normal songs with their pitches pulled up way higher. Here's a short demo I managed to quickly record as I was really excited and wanted to share.
Do notice that I have been singing straight for 6 hours! I did take some rests like 3~4 minute break in between every 3- 5 songs? My abs and sternum was REALLY tired though. Still managed to do this!
Here's me hitting the F#5 G5 and then G#5! I'm thinking this is pure Head Voice.
Felt really happy and wanted to share this achievement with everyone.
Back then I could hardly sing up to a F4 or G4. and sometimes I could belt out a A4 or Bb4.

I've been doing KTVA for 1 year and 10 months. I have a before and after recorded and posted as well. Will post a more recent one soon!
EDIT : I didn't go hoarse at ALL. My voice was totally fine. 

Glad to share my progress!